Sunday, June 9, 2024

The whole future lies ahead of us! We have only just begun

🌈🌈 *Mr. Toda once told me: "You can make a defeat the cause for future victory. You can also make victory the cause for future defeat." The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is the Buddhism of the True Cause, the Buddhism of the present and future. We don't dwell on the past. We are always challenging ourselves from the present toward the future. "The whole future lies ahead of us! We have only just begun!"—because we advance with this spirit, we will never be deadlocked.*

Excerpts from: *Faith into Action - Thoughts on Selected Topics* by Ikeda sensei, pg.139


🌈🌈 *失败时能制造胜利的原因,胜利时也会制造失败的原因。日莲的佛法是"本因妙"的佛法、"现当二世"的佛法。" 不是回头看过去,而是经常从"现在"向"未来"展开挑战。*


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