Saturday, June 1, 2024

Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life

Unless one is free of the suffering of death, one cannot savour true happiness. Liberating oneself from this suffering is not something that can be achieved through theorising or intellectualising. *Life and death comprise the great and eternal rhythm of the universe itself. When we come to apprehend the greater self within us that is part of this rhythm, and deeply feel in the depths of our being that this rhythm is the fundamental pulse sustaining our lives, then we can overcome the suffering of death. The path of this inner liberation lies in chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo ourselves and teaching others to do the same. And it is in The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life that the explains this fundamental view of life and death.*

Excerpts from: Lectures on the by Ikeda sensei, pg.11-12


若无法从死苦获得解脫,就没有真正的幸福可言。而要从死苦获得解脫,是无法从观念上达成的。*生与死是宇宙永恒且伟大的韵律,当人们发现自己是活在此韵律中,并且能实际感受到这就是自己生命的根源跃动时,就能超越死苦。而这生命解脫之道,也就是自行化他的南无妙法莲华经,而说出此根本生死观 的,就是本抄。*
