Sunday, September 30, 2018

Ikeda sensei guidances on leadership

Ikeda sensei guidances on leadership:-

Buddhism of True Cause teaches us that none of us can change yesterday. But in this moment the most precious of all through our thought, words and action we can transform anything. What is important is the ability to be 100% in the moment with the determination to use our LIFE CREATIVELY.
The difference between a leader and a tyrant is that a leader works hard for the sake of everyone else, while a tyrant makes others work hard for him.
Every person, no matter how accomplished, has shortcomings. Conversely, no matter how bad someone's negative tendencies, that person definitely has strong points. The key is to identify an individual's strengths and give him or her the opportunity to succeed.
An organization that is willing to change will thrive. It all starts from a leader who is willing to change him- or herself.
People who cease to grow can't inspire others. Leadership begins with challenging oneself.
Fighting spirit spreads like fire from one person to another. A leader's daring spirit will kindle flames of enthusiasm and inspire an entire organization.

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Friday, September 28, 2018

胜利的人学 青年的行动创造「时机」


圣训云:「日莲为其魁而弘之,是末法之始,弘于一阎浮提之瑞相也。吾党有志,二阵三阵相继。」(<法华行者圣蹟记>,御书944页 )

大圣人深切忧虑持续不断的三灾七难,断言「终结须待胜负决定以外,此灾难将难望终止。」(<治病大小权实违异>,御书1037页 )



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Tuesday, September 25, 2018


—— 御义口传上、御书七八三页







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第一章 信心的基本 ( 8 )



思及我等作佛无疑,何叹之有。生作为皇妃,又如何!生于天上,又有何益!( 御书1011页 )


这篇御书是在1276年,日莲大圣人五十五岁时,于身延山书写,是送赠给住在下总国葛饰郡 ( 即现在千叶县市川市附近 ) 的女门下富木女居士的书信。
御书指出:「成是开之义。」(<御义口传>,御书787页 ) 即「成佛」并不是指死后会「变身」成为佛,而是指于现在这现实的人生,「开显」出我们本来已拥有的佛的生命。
池田先生曾就佛的生命有以下的指导:「引导我们走向幸福与和平方向的坚强、正确、贤明的生命就是『佛界』。佛的生命就是相信人的尊贵精神,从万物创造希望。这也可以说是『绝不放弃』的生命。」(《未来对话》,145页 )


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Friday, September 14, 2018

Courage is doing good, taking positive actions, not only for ourselves but for humanity

"Courage lies inside us. It is something we must rouse from within.

Courage is inseparable from justice. It is the determination to do what is right, to build a just society, and to follow the correct path as a human being. 

It is doing good, taking positive actions, not only for ourselves but for humanity. To do this, we need the indispensable power of courage. Our efforts in reality, shine with unsurpassed brilliance.

It takes courage to endure hardships and survive tough circumstances. It takes amazing courage to lead good, productive lives, day after day. And it also takes tremendous courage to share our opinions with our families and friends so that everyone, ourselves included can move in a more positive direction.

Those with the courage to do what is right, no matter what others say, possess a 'precious sword' of limitless power. In Buddhism, such people are called Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

True courage is defined by whether it is motivated by justice and compassion. 

Courage is indeed the highest virtue."

—Dr Daisaku Ikeda

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Gosho for victory 胜利御书

第一章 信心的基本 ( 7 )

( 纵有…… ) 以种种大难相加,除非智者能破我义,终不为用也。其他大难,祇如风前之尘。我、誓将作日本之梁柱,作日本之眼目,作日本之大船,此愿不可破!( 御书249页 )

( 纵使有人 ) 用种种大难来一再逼迫我,若没有智者能驳倒我的教义,我是绝对不会听从的。至于其他的大难,只不过像风刮起的微尘一样!我立誓要成为日本的樑柱,成为日本的眼目,成为日本的大船,这个誓愿绝不会改变!



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powerful opponents can actually be our greatest allies,

"Rise to the challenge of life's trials and tribulations. You can't develop genuine character and ability by sidestepping adversity and struggle. Work hard. Make efforts for kosen-rufu. Sometimes others may taunt you or try to deter you, but just keep pressing forwards and win. All of this is training in life, and all of it becomes your treasure.

"Nichiren Buddhism teaches that powerful opponents can actually be our greatest allies, because they force us to develop fortitude and strength of character. They are actually what Buddhism calls 'good friends'—positive influences that help us on the road to attaining Buddhahood."

September 15th, 2018

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Young people in school should make study their first priority.

September 5

Young people in school should make study their first priority. It goes without saying that faith is important, but faith is something we practice throughout our entire lives. There is a certain period and age when we should study. If we don't work hard during that period, we may fail to acquire important knowledge and skills, and we may come to regret it deeply later. Faith manifests itself in daily life. For young people in school, faith manifests itself in their studies. During this period, to devote themselves to study represents an important part of their practice of faith.

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唱题的人是谁也比不过的 no one can match a person who chants abundant daimoku

What Is the Correct Way To Pray?

What Is the Correct Way To Pray?

Q: What is the correct way to pray to the Gohonzon?

A: In "Rebuking Slander of the Law and Eradicating Sins," Nichiren Daishonin states, "I am praying that, no matter how troubled the times may become, the Lotus Sutra and the ten demon daughters will protect all of you, praying as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood or to obtain water from parched ground" (The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 6, p. 74). Based on this passage, we can say that a strong determination on our part is vital when offering prayers. The type of daimoku that comes from the deep resolve that "I will make it happen" or "I will win" constitutes the essence of correct prayer to the Gohonzon.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the law of life — the pure, boundless energy of life — which permeates oneself and the universe. When a river runs to the ocean, its waters merge with the tide, becoming one with the vast abyss. In a similar way, when we express our resolve by wholeheartedly chanting daimoku, we harmonize our innate Buddhahood with the infinite life of the universe. At that moment, the cause for our prayers' fulfillment has been made.

This is explained in Buddhism as the simultaneity of cause and effect. Once we wholly understand this, we can strengthen our resolve to overcome any problem or accomplish any goal. The critical factor, then, becomes our ability to continue praying until we make our prayers come true. Making them come true requires more than just positive thinking — continuous prayer is necessary. Buddhism teaches that we have the power within us to attract all the positive forces in the universe, which protect and nurture life, through continuous prayer.

Nothing is more important in this regard than strengthening our inherent enlightened nature. We strengthen it by praying not only for ourselves but for others, too. Praying for others "as earnestly as though to produce fire from damp wood or to obtain water from parched ground" elevates our lives. By thus solidifying our compassion and wisdom, we enrich our lives to the point where we positively influence our environment. We become people whose personal desires are naturally realized. SGI President Ikeda thus stresses that "prayer in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism means to chant daimoku based on a pledge or
vow. At its very core, this vow is to attain kosen-rufu...." (The New Human Revolution, vol. 1, p. 250).

The fulfillment of our prayers always depends on the strength of our determination, the condition of our lives.

In the Daishonin's famous phrase "Faith alone is what really matters" (MW-1, 246), faith denotes the condition of our minds, lives and hearts. Do we have a strong determination or not? When we approach life from this Buddhist perspective, immense joy and appreciation cannot help welling up from the depths of our beings, even under the most difficult circumstances.

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Thursday, September 13, 2018

A MOTHER'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE — 20 years of 8 hours of focused daimoku daily — finally securing victory!'

👆🏻 Kuang Ming & Aunty Ya Mei


"Even one daimoku can permeate the entire universe. How much greater then is daimoku's capacity to move anything when it is chanted with sincerity and determination….
~ Daisaku Ikeda ~

This is a testimony of unconditional love - a devoted mother with great faith. I actually heard this testimony some years back. Today I heard it for the second time. Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her agonizing struggles. It was a detailed two hours testimony but I try to keep it short here.

Oh Ya Mei is a woman division leader. She has a loving husband and two wonderful children. Her struggles started when she had her 3rd child – a baby boy.

While in the hospital, she noticed her baby boy was not drinking much milk, the other babies had all finished their milk but her baby's bottle was still full. On the 2nd day she asked the nurse and the nurse casually replied, " Ah Soh, your baby tongue is too short!" She said that remark instantly pricked her heart, it was as if someone has said that her son was mute.

When she finally brought the baby home and for the first time unwrapped the cloth and towel around him, she was stunned! He had severe disability! His hands and feet were badly twisted and his fingers/toes were 'glued' tightly together, he was not able to spread his fingers/toes. His backbone was collapsing all over him and half of his body was twisted. His upper arms were sealed/attached to his body, he could not lift his arms over his head. His head was constantly bent over the right side of his shoulders. Besides, he had some serious nerve, muscle and bone disease. The doctor said that this particular disease is very rare, at that point of time there were only two in Singapore and the other one had died. The doctor did not have much hope that this baby would survive.

She said she felt ashamed to have such a baby. Why her? What had she done to deserve such a fate? What would others say … that she chanted and yet had such a baby! How could she face people whom she had so enthusiastically asked to chant for a better life? She said she started chanting for her son to have a quick and painless death. In the meantime she did not tell anyone about it, when members and friends came over, the baby was well- wrapped up. No one suspected anything.

Then one day she wrote to Ikeda sensei to ask sensei to choose a name for her son. However she did not mention a thing about the disability of her baby. Within 2 weeks she received a letter from Ikeda sensei. She had expected a more wordy letter but there were only three Chinese characters:

Zhen (real/absolute)

Guang (light)

Ming (radiant/brilliant)

So the meaning of the name means an 'absolute radiant light.' She said the moment she read these three words, she felt as if a surge of a glowing beam of light has emerged out of her! From that moment she made a commitment to chant for 20 years for her son to be normal.

"When your determination changes, everything will begin to move in the direction you desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fibre in your being will immediately orient itself toward your success."
~ Daisaku Ikeda ~

She started chanting 8 hours daily. She had to sacrifice her TV time, her favourite dramas and chant till 2 to 3 am daily. Her prayers are very focused:

1. I want his tongue to be longer/extended,for him to speak properly and the first few words that he will speak
are not mummy or daddy but Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo (after a few millions of chant he did, Starting with Nam to Nam Myo to Nam Myoho
and eventually the whole phrase!)

2. I want him to be able to spread his fingers and that his wrist will not be twisted so that he could write Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

3. I want him to be able to spread his toes and his ankle will not be twisted so that he could walk for kosen-rufu.

4. I want him to be able to walk straight and his body will not be twisted, because his body is like the Butsudan
– the embodiment of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

5. I want his head to be lifted up so he could be a proof of the vow/power of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

There are many more such focused and determined prayers like these. All prayers are answered. Much later on, she wanted to find a specialist for him to work on other areas that needed some specific medical expertise so she chanted for a specialist to have Buddha's wisdom to conduct a successful (highly complicated) surgery for her son. One day someone just walked up to her and introduced a specialist to her!

Now he has grown into a charming young man with no sign of previous disability. He is a handsome boy (24 year-old) and he looks like a Korean movie actor! He is an active member of SGI young men division and presently he is doing his university studies.

I try to be as accurate as I can but more significantly here is her enduring determination and persevering faith. Though I cannot depict the intensity of her agony, her emotions, the strength of her spirit and the tears in her eyes, I believe we can take a piece of this inspiring story of faith to continue with staunch determination to overcome any obstacles we have.

"Invisible radio waves travel vast distances through space, reaching Mars and Venus. In the same way, our inner determination… activates the forces in the universe- the heavenly deities and the Buddhas throughout the ten directions-appears as solid actual proof with the principle of 3000 realms in a single moment of life"
~ Daisaku Ikeda~

Thursday, September 6, 2018


To feel gratitude to one's parents sounds like a trivial thing, but this is the mark of true maturity and growth as a human being.

People whose hearts are full of gratitude and appreciation are truly beautiful. A humble heart is the wellspring of great growth and development.
None of us can exist in isolation. Our lives and existence are supported by others in seen and unseen ways, be it by parents, mentors or society at large. To be aware of these connections, to feel appreciation for them, and to strive to give something back to society in a spirit of gratitude is the proper way for human beings to live.
Gratitude makes a person modest. A sense of gratitude expands the heart.

The ungrateful (ingrates) feel that it is below them to show any kind of appreciation. They are under the delusion that showing gratitude to others diminishes their own worth. But it is this sense of appreciation that elevates, enriches and expands the human spirit. A lack of gratitude is actually a sign of arrogance.

— Guidances on gratitude by Ikeda Sensei
(Dr. Daisaku Ikeda)