Saturday, December 29, 2012

We must always have the spirit to begin anew "from this moment," to initiate a new struggle each day

Daily Guidance Thur 12/27
For Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, December 27, 2012
No matter what the circumstances, you should never concede defeat.  Never conclude that you've reached a dead end, that everything is finished.  You possess a glorious future.  And precisely because of that, you must persevere and study. Life is eternal. We need to focus on the two existences of the present and the future and not get caught up in the past.  We must always have the spirit to begin anew "from this moment," to initiate a new struggle each day.
Buddhism Day by Day
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Religious strife must be avoided at all cost; under no circumstance should it be allowed.  People may hold different religious beliefs, but the bottom line is that we are all human beings.  We all seek happiness and desire peace.  Religion should bring people together.  It should unite the potential for good in people's hearts toward benefiting society and humanity and creating a better future.

Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Your own offerings were not made to me, Nichiren, but to the Lotus Sutra.  Therefore, we must leave it to Shakyamuni Buddha, Many Treasures Buddha, and the Buddhas of the ten directions [to fathom the greatness of] the resulting benefits.

Roots of Good Fortune
Written to the lay nun Kubo on Dec. 27, 1281



Mr Chang C.L.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Don't be impatient. Since you have embraced the Gohonzon, your situation will definitely improve.

Daily Guiance Thur 12/20

For Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, December 20, 2012
President Toda used to say: "Don't be impatient. Since you have embraced the Gohonzon, your situation will definitely improve. There's no need to worry. Sure there will be hard times, times when you feel like crying. But as long as you have the Gohonzon, your life will become bright and joyful." As long as we persevere in faith, we will become happy. We must never doubt this no matter what happens but always advance resolutely, staunchly enduring all hardships and obstacles along the way. This is what true faith is.
Buddhism Day by Day
Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Creation is quite different from mere ideas.  Even ideas require fundamental and extensive speculative accumulation.  It goes without saying that creation in learning demands an incomparably greater fundamental ability.  The task of creation is like a lofty mountain whose summit is formed only when there exist vast slopes and a solid foundation.  Likewise, the fruitful work of creation can only be attained when it is based on the extensive knowledge of learning and profound speculation.
Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Thursday, December 20, 2012
In the past, Virtue Victorious offered a mudpie to the Buddha, and was reborn as King Ashoka. . . . A poor woman cut off her hair and sold it to buy oil [for the Buddha], and not even the winds sweeping down from Mount Sumeru could extinguish the flame of the lamp fed by this oil.  Accordingly, your offerings of two and three strings of coins are far greater even than those of the ruler of Japan, who may offer the nation and build a pagoda adorned with the seven kinds of treasures that reaches to the heaven of the thirty-three gods.

Reply to Onichi-nyo
Wrriten in 1280

those who know the bitterness of winter that can savor the true joy of spring.

Daily Guidance Fri 12/21
For Today and Tomorrow
Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Friday, December 21, 2012
Buddhism holds that everything is in a constant state of flux.  Thus the question is whether we are to accept change passively and be swept away by it or whether we are to take the lead and create positive changes on our own initiative.  While conservatism and self-protection might be likened to winter, night and death, the spirit of pioneering and attempting to realize ideals evokes images of spring, morning and birth.

Winter Solstice
Buddhism Day by Day

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Friday, December 21, 2012
Even if today may seem to be a time of total darkness, it will not last forever.  The dawn will surely come if you advance, ever forward, without being defeated. The day will definitely come when you can look back fondly and declare, "I am savoring this happiness because I struggled back then."   It is those who know the bitterness of winter that can savor the true joy of spring.
Rissho Ankoku Ron
Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Friday, December 21, 2012
Likewise the people of Japan, by becoming enemies of the Lotus Sutra, have brought ruin on themselves and their country.  And because I proclaim this, I am called arrogant by those of little understanding.  But I do not speak out of arrogance.  It is simply that if I did not speak out I would not be the votary of the Lotus Sutra. Moreover, when my words prove later to be true, people will be able to believe all the more readily. And because I write this down now, the people of the future will recognize my wisdom.

The Supremacy of the Law
Written to Oto and her mother, Nichinyo on August 4, 1275