Friday, April 26, 2024



我等具缚之凡夫(注 1),忽得等同教主释尊之功德,乃彼之功德,全体受得之故。 经云:"如我等无异",是说心得法华经者与释尊齐等之文也。(御书文白并列本I 358 页)


背景部分,请参考 2024 年 4 月份的《创价人生》,并将其内容加以概述。


2024 年 4 月份座谈会 大圣人在这一节御文中说:"我们这些被烦恼束缚的凡夫......",是因为当时的人们相信佛是金光闪闪、超自然的特别存在。


   大圣人接着说:"立刻获得与教主释尊相同的功德,那是因为完全接收教主释尊的功德所致。"关于"释尊所累积的所有功德",大圣人在另一篇御书《观心本尊抄》中有这 么描述:"释尊之因行果德二法,具足于妙法莲华经五字,我等受持此五字,彼之因 果功德,自然让与。"(御书 264 页)

《法华经》的这句经文"我本行菩萨道"(我本来就在修行菩萨道。《妙法莲 华经并开结》第 511 页)说出释尊在久远成佛的真正的因,也就是其根本的修行。

在这充满斗诤言讼的末法现代,恪遵本佛的心意,誓愿为成就广宣流布大愿奋 起的佛意佛敕教团,就是创价学会。"广宣流布大愿"和"佛界生命"是一体不二的。正因如此,本着这誓愿奋斗 终生的人,至为尊贵,至为坚强,至为伟大。


(于2013年11月8日下午在东京信浓町的广宣流布誓愿堂内举行落成纪念勤行会 上,池田会长的书面致词。)



"如我等无异"(要让一切众生,像我一样没有差别。《妙法莲华经并开结》 第 140 页)是《法华经》方便品第二的经文。它表达出佛的心愿就是要让众生达到跟 自己一样的佛的境界。

然而,相信每个人的行动中都脉动着要与师匠共同实践"人人皆佛"、"让人人成 佛"这项《法华经》极理,以及各自要奋起实现"师弟共战"此誓愿。


  "世界青年学会开幕年"已经掀开序幕,现在正是我们珍惜"每一个人",用我们真心的"声音",扩大鼓励的网络的时候。   唯有如此,我们的境界才能跟佛的大愿、佛的大慈悲达成一致。

SGS 教学部准备

Monday, April 1, 2024




深深地确信【我身即妙法当体】的题目,自觉我是"佛的差使",宣弘妙法是"我人生使命"的题目,一定能和 "御本尊"产生共鸣。能贯通宇宙,能使自己获得自在的境界。












































Sunday, March 31, 2024

Persisting in the challenge of building peace through dialogue | The Japan Times

Persisting in the challenge of building peace through dialogue | The Japan Times

Persisting in the challenge of building peace through dialogue

Daisaku Ikeda meets with Nelson Mandela in Tokyo in October 1990, shortly after Mandela's release from prison. | SEIKYO SHIMBUN
Daisaku Ikeda meets with Nelson Mandela in Tokyo in October 1990, shortly after Mandela's release from prison. | SEIKYO SHIMBUN

Daisaku Ikeda devoted his life to promoting peace through dialogue. He published dialogues with over 70 international figures and issued peace proposals on Jan. 26 every year between 1983 and 2022 to mark the founding of Soka Gakkai International. Soka Gakkai is a global community-based Buddhist organization that promotes peace, culture and education, and SGI is an international association of Soka Gakkai and a nongovernmental organization in consultative status with the U.N. Economic and Social Council.

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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Kosenrufu …Excerpts from Creative Life 03/2024, pg.39-40

广宣流布是佛意佛敕,也是我们的大愿。但若认为早晚应该会有人去做、 与自己无关,广宣流布是不会有进展 的。*即使踏出一小步、一厘米也好,在自己决定要一人奋起的那一刻,广布的车轴便开始转动。*



先生于70年前(1952年)的新年出发之际疾呼:"广宣流布的时机将到!"  *鼓励各位同志要成为"勇敢的折伏斗士"、"广宣流布的人"!*


Kosen-rufu is the Buddha's intent and our great vow. But if we think someone else will accomplish it someday, nothing will ever hapen. *The wheels of kosen-rufu start to turn only when we decide to stand up ourselves and move forward, even if only an inch or a step.*

This is just as true today, as the Soka Gakkai continues to spread its wings as a global religious movement in the run-up to our centennial [in 2030]

*It was my mentor, Josei Toda. who, amid the devastation of postwar Japan, stood up alone with a vow to achieve kosen-rufu and began his compassionate, righteous struggle to relieve the suffering of all people.*

Seventy years ago, as he looked towards the new year of 1952, Mr Toda declared that the time of kosen-rufu had come. *He called upon the members to strive as "courageous champions of propagation" and "people dedicated to kosen-rufu".*

Excerpts from Creative Life 03/2024, pg.39-40

Thursday, March 7, 2024





可是, 因为受持妙法,您的至亲所享有的福运和功德将永远 装饰和辉耀他的生命。







Thursday, February 22, 2024

Culture: Cultivating the Human Spirit: Overview | Daisaku Ikeda Official Website

Culture: Cultivating the Human Spirit: Overview | Daisaku Ikeda Official Website

Overview | Daisaku Ikeda Official Website

Cultivating the Human Spirit: Overview

"Human beings are each a microcosm. Living here on Earth, we breathe the rhythms of a universe that extends infinitely above us. When resonant harmonies arise between this vast outer cosmos and the inner human cosmos, poetry is born."1 [Read full text]--Daisaku Ikeda

Ikeda taking photos in Hokkaido, 1990

Ikeda taking photos in Hokkaido, 1990

Daisaku Ikeda often spoke of the importance of what he called the "poetic spirit." This is not limited to words on a page. What he was describing is an attitude of the heart, an openness to the world, a vital sense of the connection between one's life and the life within all things. The "poetic spirit" is the impulse, the vibrancy, at the core of all artistic expression--music, art, dance and literature.

"The poetic spirit," said Ikeda, himself an acclaimed poet, "has the power to 'retune' and reconnect a discordant, divided world."2 For Ikeda, art and culture are more than forms of entertainment. They are the living expression of the human spirit and the chords that connect not only individuals but cultures, drawing them together in recognition of our common humanity.

As Ikeda wrote, "The life and essence of art--whether it be painting, music, or dance--lies in expressing through a wellspring of emotion the universal realm of the human spirit. It is a melding of the individual and the universal. That is why great art reaches out beyond ethnic and national barriers to move people all over the world."3

And, "To deepen one's understanding of music is to gain a closer insight into the very source of human culture; it is a quest leading to the quintessence of humanity. A love for music unites people and strengthens the pulse of peace and creativity."4

There is a direct link between art and culture and peace. Much of Ikeda's life and energy focused, in various ways, on exploring and revitalizing this connection, at both an individual and institutional level. He founded an international concert association and fine arts museums to promote peace through cultural exchange and he was, as mentioned, a prolific poet and author as well as photographer.

The Buddhist movement that Ikeda headed could itself be described as a movement to encourage the "poetic spirit" within all people. He described it as a movement to nurture and cultivate the potential within human life and bring peace and culture to blossom through the ideals of Buddhism.

Art, he affirmed, is an irrepressible and natural expression of humanity, and it is also inextricably linked to religion, in as much as it functions or seeks to effect the "melding of the individual and the universal."5

One sees in Ikeda's description of the poet the shared spirit of the bodhisattva, a person who relieves the suffering of others: "A poet is one who offers people words of courage and hope, seeking the perspective--one step deeper, one step higher--that makes tangible the enduring spiritual realities of our lives."6 [Read full text]

The arts and culture function to revitalize and restore the human spirit and humanity itself. "Our planet is scarred and damaged, its life systems threatened with collapse . . . Modern civilization will be healthy only when the poetic spirit regains its rightful place."7 [Read full text]

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Monday, January 29, 2024

Encouragement by R1 chief kin fai at Chingay participant meeting 29/1/2024

In the New Human Revolution Volume 22, Currents chapter, there was an episode on Shinichi attending a Convention and spoke to a man who had taken time off to support the convention. He told the man that:

"There are many reasons for events like this and other Soka Gakkai activities, but from the perspective of the individual, they provide opportunities to challenge, polish and strengthen ourselves - to carry out our human revolution. Precisely because of our Buddhist faith and practice, and because we are busy, we need to work with even greater efficiency and do a good job. By rising to that challenge, we can become better people. That's why Soka Gakkai activities and events are opportunities to polish ourselves as human beings."

In another episode, while he was asking the members about their jobs, Shinichi approached one young man who had quit his job to help prepare for the convention. The young man said with a dissatisfied expression: "The pay wasn't very good, and they didn't recognise my abilities. My bosses said I had a bad work attitude and complained about me all the time. I'm convinced that I will be able to find a better job through the benefits gained from chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo very hard and doing my best here at the convention."

Shinichi's face clouded over. He knew he had to tell this young man the true meaning of faith.

"Maybe you had good reasons to quit your job, but your attitude is wrong.

Of course, it's important to chant and do your best in Soka Gakkai activities. But if you only focus on your Buddhist practice without making an honest effort at your workplace, you're just escaping from reality. So long as you have that attitude, the results will be the same, no matter where you work.

Shinichi didn't want members to lapse into an easy going, mistaken view of their faith. Nichiren Buddhism is a philosophy of human revolution, and it provides a practice for forging and polishing our lives so that we can be strong and wise, so that we may rise to every challenge that life presents and triumph over it. ‎

 "Now, that's the right attitude. You'll never win a swim meet just through your Buddhist practice. Buddhism is reason. A Buddhist doesn't simply pray to win without making any effort. If that was Buddhism, it would only teach people to be lazy and corrupt."

The youth looked at Shinichi intently and listened carefully.

"As a Soka Gakkai member, "Shinichi continued, "you need to work harder than anyone else at your job and, to become as efficient and productive as possible, study and think hard. Faith and prayer enables us to bring forth a strong life force and the necessary wisdom to succeed in the endeavour.

Every job demands not only hard work but also presents a variety of other challenges, such as difficulties with relationships. But your job is a place where you can polish and perfect yourself as a person." ‎

It's very important to give it your full effort, become the top performer in your workplace and win the trust of those around you. This will improve your performance and reputation, and you'll earn a raise in salary. And if that were to occur, you would regard your workplace as the most optimum.

"During Gongyo each morning, you should pray with determination to do your best at your job that day, become a victor in your workplace, and demonstrate the power of your Buddhist faith, That's the key to fully manifesting your greatest strength and wisdom. That's the Soka Gakkai spirit." ‎


Of course it is not easy, but it is not impossible either. Just as Sensei teaches, if we want to perform well, all of us must have the right attitude.

If I am the WD who is not so good with my steps, I will practice harder and determine to be the best performer and win the trust of my fellow participants. If I am the MD who is always late or absent, I will do my best and determine not to be late or absent so that I will not let my fellow participants down.

No matter how the dance steps may change and how challenging it is, I must determine to make good use of this Chingay platform to do my own human revolution, and I must do my best in my role, become a victor, and prove the power of my faith.

We must understand that a successful performance requires the cooperation, commitment and dedication of every performer. Now there are about 3 weeks left to the actual show, let's do our best together and encourage each other along the way. If there are shortcomings, make good, and if there are areas that we have done well, perfect it. I hope all of you will do your very best in the remaining training session and rehearsals and advance together in itai-doshin to present a perfect and excellent performance on the actual day.

Is this ok? Thank you.

Friday, January 26, 2024









Monday, January 22, 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

The epitome of mentor and disciple relationship



*我决定了自己的一念。—— 我来到这世上的意义,就是为了培养先生召唤出来的地涌青年们,使他们茁壮成长、变得幸福、成长为开创广布和社会的 大人才。*



When Mr Toda discussed the Chinese classic Records of the Three Kingdoms, he would sometimes remark regretfully that for all Zhuge Liang's extraordinary talents, he didn't have the time or good fortune to raise sufficient successors.

In contrast, we the Soka Gakkai youth of that time had the fortune of being trained by Mr Toda, his warm compassion nurturing us like the sun, and working alongside him to build an indestructible castle of capable people. The debt we owe him is truly profound.

*I made a deep vow and commitment that I had been born in this world to ensure that the youthful Bodhisattvas of the Earth Mr Toda had called forth would all grow splendidly and become happy, and to create an unending stream of outstanding capable people who would contribute to kosen-rufu and society.*

Excerpts from:
Soka Times 669.1/2024, pg.10

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Saturday, January 13, 2024



Friday, January 12, 2024

Discussion Meeting Gosho --- Jan 2024-- The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings

Supplementary Resources for Leaders Sharing the Discussion Meeting Gosho

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The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings

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(A)  Background

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings (OTT, also known as Ongi kuden) is a compilation of lectures that Nichiren Daishonin gave on important selected passages of the Lotus Sutra while residing on Mount Minobu. Containing the essence of the Daishonin's teachings, it was transcribed and compiled by the Daishonin's close disciple and successor, Nikko, and with the Daishonin's permission, handed down to posterity.

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Compiled in two volumes, Part 1 of The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings begins with a discussion of the term Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and is followed by comments on key passages from the "Introduction" (1st) Chapter, then proceeding through each chapter to the "Emerging from the Earth" (15th) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra.

Part 2 begins with comments on key passages from the "Life Span" (16th) Chapter to the "Encouragement of the Bodhisattva Universal Worthy" (28th) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, followed by comments on the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra and the Universal Worthy Sutra, which are known as the Opening and Closing sutras of the Lotus Sutra respectively.

When explaining the meaning of each of the key passages of the Lotus Sutra, the Daishonin first cites as references, the major works of T'ien-t'ai and Miao-lo. This will then be followed by a statement, "The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says*, afterwhich the Daishonin interprets the same passage from the standpoint of the teachings of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

In his lectures, the Daishonin gives his explication of the key passages in the Lotus Sutra and its Opening and Closing Sutras from the standpoint of the Daishonin's Buddhism to clarify the wonderful power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the fundamental Law of the universe, and the immeasurable benefits one can accrue by practising this teaching.

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The portion that we are studying this month is from the section titled "Point Two, on the persons who 'have fulfilled their great vow, ... because they pity living beings, they are born in this evil world so they may broadly expound this sutra'" under "Chapter Ten: The Teacher of the Law, Sixteen important points".
(So let's read the passage proper together)

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     The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: The “great vow” refers to the propagation of the Lotus Sutra. “Because they pity living beings” refers to all the living beings in the country of Japan. The persons who “are born in this evil world” are Nichiren and his followers. “Broadly” means to expound the sutra throughout the southern continent of Jambudvipa. “This sutra” refers to the daimoku. Now the above passage refers to Nichiren and his followers, who chant the daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
(The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 82)

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(B)  Key Points for Sharing
Key Learning Points of the Gosho Passage:
1.    The Mission of Bodhisattvas of the Earth Is to Impart Hope and Courage to the People
2.    Nichiren Buddhism Enables Us to Change Karma into Mission
3.    Our Struggle for Kosen-rufu Helps Us Achieve Our Human Revolution

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1. The Mission of Bodhisattvas of the Earth Is to Impart Hope and Courage to the People

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           This passage from The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teaching is the portion where Nichiren Daishonin explains on the following passage from “The Teacher of the Law” (10th) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra: “… you should understand that these people …. have fulfilled their great vow, and because they take pity on living beings they are born in this evil world so they may broadly expound this sutra.” (The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras, p 200)

            In this way, “The Teacher of the Law” Chapter expounds that those who propagate the teachings of the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law are all originally magnificent Bodhisattvas who have voluntarily chosen to be born in this evil age to lead the suffering people to happiness.

            Ikeda Sensei explains this point in his guidance in this manner:

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      In The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, Nichiren Daishonin states: “The ‘great vow’ refers to the propagation of the Lotus Sutra”. (OTT, p 82)
      The great vow of kosen-rufu is the pledge that fills the hearts of the Daishonin’s followers.
      Propagating the Lotus Sutra, the teaching of universal enlightenment—in other words, spreading the quintessential Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo—means widely and deeply instilling the philosophy of respect for human dignity and the sanctity of life in society.

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      It means reaching out to those who are suffering, and kindling a flame of hope and courage in their hearts to go on living and overcome all adversity.
      It means upholding the ideal of realizing a peaceful and prosperous society based on the humanistic principles of Buddhism, and laying an indestructible foundation for world peace.
      Advancing kosen-rufu is unquestionably the key to transforming the destiny of all humanity.
(From President Ikeda’s Essay Series, “Our Brilliant Path to Victory”)
            If we are true Bodhisattvas of the Earth striving to attain Buddhahood in this lifetime to secure a life of genuine happiness, then we must take actions and strive for the realization of kosen-rufu.
            The Daishonin states in this Gosho passage: “The persons who “are born in this evil world” are Nichiren and his followers.”

In our world today, it is we, the members of the Soka Gakkai who are actually reaching out to those who are suffering and kindling a flame of hope and courage in their hearts to go on living and overcome all adversity in reality.

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2. Nichiren Buddhism Enables Us to Change Karma into Mission

Despite confronting adversities oneself, he or she continues to reach out to others who are also challenging difficulties, empathize with them, pray with them and overcome the challenges together with them – this is the way of life of a genuine bodhisattva.

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In “The Teacher of the Law” Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, it is expounded that “These people voluntarily relinquish the reward due them for their pure deeds and, in the time after I have passed into extinction, because they pity living beings, they are born in this evil world so they may broadly expound this sutra. (The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras, p 200) 

In Buddhism, this is termed the principle of “voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma”.

In other words, by transforming our karma through the practice of faith, we are proving the greatness and validity of Nichiren Buddhism.

On top of this, through our own actual proof of overcoming adversities, we are able to ignite the light of hope in the hearts of those who are confronting painful hardships by convincing them that they, too, can definitely enjoy happiness in life, just as we do. 

Ikeda Sensei taught us that such a way of life is one in which we transform our karma into mission.

In this way, Soka Gakkai members who are spreading the teachings of the Mystic Law are great Bodhisattvas who are fulfilling their mission for kosen-rufu. As such, there is no way that they cannot overcome their difficulties in life as these struggles are meant to lead others to happiness.
Ikeda Sensei explains this point in this manner:

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To simply view your sufferings as "karma" is backward-looking. We should have the attitude: "These are sufferings I took on for the sake of my mission. I vowed to overcome these problems through faith."
When we understand this principle of "voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma," our frame of mind is transformed; what we had previously viewed as destiny, we come to see as mission. There is absolutely no way we cannot overcome sufferings that are the result of a vow that we ourselves made.
(From President Ikeda’s discussions on “The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra”)
Just as Sensei teaches us in this guidance, let us reach out to the person who is experiencing great challenges in life right in front of us, impart warm encouragement by sharing our own experiences of faith with powerful conviction.

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3. Our Struggle for Kosen-rufu Helps Us Achieve Our Human Revolution

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            The greatest wish of the Buddha is the happiness of all living beings.  And this is the very purpose of Buddhism.

            For this reason, Nichiren Daishonin says here in this Gosho passage that “The “great vow” refers to the propagation of the Lotus Sutra”, teaching us that our great vow is to propagate the teachings of the Mystic Law.
            During the Daishonin’s time, the people were living in fear and insecurity amidst great social turmoil whereby natural disaster, epidemic and famine were rampant.
            It was a time where people could only think about themselves. But the Daishonin taught that one should not only work for one’s own happiness, one should also strive to contribute to the happiness of others.
            Why did he do so? This is because by sharing the same vow as the Buddha, the Buddha’s wisdom and courage will well forth from the depths of one’s life, thereby elevating and forging one’s state of life.

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            The Daishonin concludes this Gosho passage by stating: “‘This sutra’ refers to the daimoku. Now the above passage refers to Nichiren and his followers, who chant the daimoku, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.”

            In the context of our contemporary world today, it is the members of the Soka Gakkai who are exerting themselves in the practice of chanting the daimoku of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and striving to realize the happiness for oneself and others throughout the world based on the great vow to lead all people to happiness in exact accord with the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin.

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            In his dedication inscribed on the monument that graces the entrance lobby of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu in Shinanomachi, Tokyo, titled “The Vow for Kosen-rufu”, Ikeda Sensei states as follows:
Kosen-rufu is the path to attaining universal peace and prosperity. It is our great vow from time without beginning for the enlightenment of all people….
It is my most heartfelt wish that all our precious members, directly linked to Nichiren Daishonin and following the lead of the three founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai, will unite in the spirit of “many in body, one in mind” to build an ever stronger groundswell for kosen-rufu, for world peace, into the eternal future.

In this way, it is through our daily practice of faith and efforts made to fulfil our vow for kosen-rufu as the Daishonin’s disciples that we can achieve our human revolution.
As we commence this “Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide”, let each one of us set concrete personal goals for kosen-rufu with an ever-youthful spirit and make this year a year of unprecedented victories in our lives and for kosen-rufu!

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Thank you for your kind attention
< end of supplementary resources >
Prepared by SGS Study Department