Monday, September 30, 2019

November 2019 Soka Men discussion meeting gosho

































v 请注意:以下将不会刊登在《创价人生》。






The following will be published on the November 2019 issue of Creative Life:
(For Soka Men)


A Warning against Begrudging One’s Fief


This life is like a dream. One cannot be sure that one will live until tomorrow. However wretched a beggar you might become, never disgrace the Lotus Sutra. (WND-1, p 824)

The following explanation is adapted from SGI President Ikeda’s study lecture series, “Learning from the Gosho: The Hope-filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin”.

Background and Outline

This letter was written at Minobu, when the Daishonin was fifty-six years old, and sent to Shijō Kingo in Kamakura. Kingo served the Ema family, a branch of the ruling Hōjō clan, and was well versed in both medicine and the martial arts.

Shijo Kingo was also a person of conviction and integrity who maintained his faith at a critical crossroads in life. His greatest adversity came in June 1277, when his lord Ema ordered him to write an oath renouncing his faith in the Lotus Sutra.

This demand stemmed from a religious debate at Kuwagayatsu in Kamakura earlier that same month. On that occasion, one of the Daishonin’s disciples, the priest Sammi-bo, thoroughly defeated an influential priest known as Ryuzo-bo, whose fallacious teachings were misleading people. Shijo Kingo was present on that occasion, but simply as a silent observer.

However, the false allegation later reached Lord Ema that a group armed with swords led by Shijo Kingo had burst in and disrupted the proceedings. Hearing this, Ema issued an order to Shijo Kingo threatening him with the confiscation of his lands and expulsion from the clan if he did not submit a written oath discarding his faith in the Lotus Sutra. Having one’s lands confiscated was not only a disgrace for a member of the samurai class, but also meant the loss of one’s very livelihood.

Nevertheless, Shijo Kingo unhesitatingly chose to stay true to his faith. He immediately reported these developments to Nichiren Daishonin, who, with keen insight into the true nature of the situation, immediately composed a lengthy explanation in his follower’s name that could be submitted to Ema. Its aim was to dispel the lord’s suspicions.

The Gosho we are studying this month was sent to Shijo Kingo along with this petition. In “A Warning against Begrudging One’s Fief,” the Daishonin praises this loyal follower for resolutely pledging never to submit such an oath or discard the Lotus Sutra.

What, then, became of Shijo Kingo? A short time later, his circumstances suddenly changed for the better.  His lord, Ema fell ill, and Shijo Kingo was able to regain his lord’s trust as a result of his earnest efforts to treat his illness. After that, Shijo Kingo was given an estate that was three times larger than the one he already held. The Daishonin’s statement, “Great disaster without fail changes into great fortune,” was borne out by these events.

Constructing Eternal Happiness in Our Lives during This Present Existence


“This life is like a dream. One cannot be sure that one will live until tomorrow” (WND-1, 824)—these are words of the Daishonin that we should always bear closely in mind.

From the perspective of the eternity of life, a single lifetime is but like a dream. Moreover, in this brief, fleeting existence, we never know what tomorrow might bring. That is our reality as ordinary people. The worldly honour, position, and wealth we may gain in this lifetime are all ephemeral.

However, this present life that is like a passing dream is in fact the decisive “moment” that determines whether we will attain a state of eternal happiness. Therefore, it is essential that we uphold faith in the Mystic Law if we wish to seize this opportunity now to establish a life-state of absolute freedom for all eternity.

Transforming our inner state of life is not something that can be accomplished by means of science, economics, or politics. Only Buddhism makes this transformation possible on the most fundamental level. Since we have been fortunate enough to encounter this great teaching in this lifetime, we should resolutely persevere in faith. This is the Daishonin’s conclusion.

“Never Disgrace the Lotus Sutra”

The Daishonin teaches Shijo Kingo a crucial aspect of faith with the line, “However wretched a beggar you might become, never disgrace the Lotus Sutra.” (WND-1, 824) This is a line expressing the essence of faith that many members have engraved in their hearts. It would be no exaggeration to say that this spirit can today only be found in the way of practice of the Soka Gakkai.
In terms of the values of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, “disgracing the Lotus Sutra” is a mark of defeat in terms of faith and Buddhist practice. No matter how painful our circumstances—whether we are struggling with illness or financial difficulties—as long as we persevere in faith undaunted, we are by no means bringing disgrace upon the Lotus Sutra. What brings disgrace, if anything, is giving in to our situation, being defeated by ourselves.
Practitioners also end up denigrating the Law when they lose sight of the all-important foundation of faith, giving in to cowardice because they are afraid of what others will think or growing arrogant because they are intoxicated by worldly acclaim.
Common to all those thankless and treacherous individuals who have brought “disgrace to the Lotus Sutra,” past and present, is the fact that they lost their faith and succumbed to their attachment to social standing or wealth. They showed themselves to be sad spiritual losers whose essential faith was destroyed by the impurities of negativity and darkness in their own lives. They even lost the ability to feel any sense of shame at this. That is how frightening the fundamental darkness inherent in life can be.
Because craven self-interest, conceit, and arrogance plunge us directly into this darkness, let us always be on strict guard against such tendencies.
The purpose of faith in the Daishonin’s Buddhism is, based on our belief in the eternity of life, to develop an indestructible life-state as vast as the universe itself, while remaining unswayed by the praise or censure we encounter in this existence.
The true mission of religion is to foster towering spiritual champions.

SGI President Ikeda’s Guidance

Basing Ourselves on Our Greater Self, Not Our Lesser Self

Buddhism teaches that rather than living based on our lesser self, we ought to base ourselves on our greater self.
            This, however, doesn’t mean discarding the life we have lived, or renouncing all of our roles or positions in society and living like a hermit.
            The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, which discerns the essential nature of existence, teaches us how to live based on our greater self so that our actions accord with the eternal and unchanging Law that encompasses everything in this impermanent world. Living based on our greater self means breaking through our attachment to our lesser self and correctly orienting our daily lives, unswayed by changing phenomena, with a solid autonomy and life-force that are one with the eternal and unchanging Law.
            Accordingly, in saying, “However wretched a beggar you might become . . . ,” the Daishonin’s implication is not that Shijo Kingo’s fiefs or other affairs don’t matter, but, rather, that when in the course of life one is called upon to make an important or fateful choice between two options, one should always calmly choose the way of the greater self, that is to say, the eternal and unchanging way of faith.
            As long as we are clear about this direction, it is only natural that we should proceed with the aim of being victorious in society. Buddhism is about winning. Even if we should suffer temporary setbacks in our activities in society, we will definitely be able to win in life, so long as we earnestly continue to forge on to the very end based on faith. In light of the Daishonin’s teachings, our victory is absolutely assured. 
            Even when facing storms of karma and obstacles, those who resolutely uphold the Mystic Law, adhere to the path of mentor and disciple, support the Soka Gakkai, and work to build a harmonious community of practitioners are at that moment already winners in the dimension of life. Because by basing ourselves on our greater self, we gain the strength and vigour to repel any and all hardships. This genuine victory on the spiritual level will definitely open the way to our ultimate victory in life.
            That is also why we need to polish our lives and progress in our human revolution each day through our consistent Buddhist practice.
            It all comes down to which path we choose at major crossroads in our lives. Will we choose the wise path that leads to our further growth and development as human beings? Or will we choose the foolish path in which we are constantly swayed and controlled by others’ opinions? In a sense, it could be said that in life we are always at such a crossroads. That is why it is vital for us to have an unwavering criterion for choosing the correct course in life each time.
            For us, that integral criterion is to always advance together with our mentor, just as Shijo Kingo chose to do with the Daishonin. Those who proceed with the same spirit as their mentor when standing at a crossroads in life will definitely walk the path to success. A life of deep commitment to the way of mentor and disciple creates a great path to victory in life. This is precisely what Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism of mentor and disciple teaches.

(From SGI President Ikeda’s lecture series, “Learning from the Gosho:
 The Hope-filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin)

< end of article to be published on CL >

Supplementary Resources for MD District Leaders

²    Please note that the following WILL NOT be published on CL.

Nichiren Daishonin and Shijo Kingo

The path of Kosen-rufu is fraught with continual struggle. It entails fierce battles against the three obstacles and four devils. If we relax our guard and allow our vigilance to lapse for even a moment, we’ll lose our footing. We must never stop moving forward, for the sake of the happiness and peace of humanity and our own attainment of Buddhahood in this existence.
            Obstacles were assailing Shijo Kingo, who had been ordered to exchange his fief for a less desirable one. He was also falsely denounced to his master, Lord Ema. His accusers claimed that a group armed with swords and led by Kingo had burst in and disrupted the priest Ryuzo-bo during a debate in Kuwagayatsu, Kamakura. Ryuzo-bo was a wicked Tendai priest who had been on Mount Hiei, but who had been expelled from the Tendai center when it was disclosed that he had eaten the flesh of those who had died of hunger. He fled to Kamakura, where he gained the protection of Ryokan, the chief priest of Gokuraku-ji temple of the True Word Precepts school.
            The charge that Kingo had led a group that disrupted a debate by Ryuzo-bo was false. It had been concocted by Ryokan and others allied with him. What had actually happened is that Nichiren Daishonin’s disciple Sammi-bo had engaged in a public debate with Ryuzo-bo and defeated him. While Kingo did attend the event, he had watched in silence. Lord Ema, however, accepted this false charge as the truth, and he ordered Kingo to either write out a pledge saying that he had given up his practice of the Lotus Sutra or relinquish his fief.
            Without a fief, Kingo could not survive as a samurai. He and his family would be cast out to beg by the roadside. In spite of this threat, Kingo was not shaken. Like a mighty tree, he stood firm. He wrote a letter to the Daishonin at Mount Minobu, stating that he would remain true to his faith even if he should lose his fief and that he would never write out a pledge to the contrary.
            If Kingo, the Daishonin’s central follower in Kamakura, had abandoned his faith, all the others in the area would have followed suit. This was no doubt Ryokan’s aim. The Daishonin praised Kingo’s firm attitude in faith and immediately wrote a reply to him: “This life is like a dream. One cannot be sure that one will live until tomorrow. However wretched a beggar you might become, never disgrace the Lotus Sutra” (WND-1, 824). He encouraged Kingo to remain steadfast in his faith and not to give in or flatter his lord, assuring him that this was all due to the workings of the heavenly deities.
      Together with his letter of encouragement, the Daishonin also wrote “The Letter of Petition from Yorimoto” (WND-1, 803–13) for Kingo. No doubt Kingo was deeply moved by the Daishonin’s compassion and concern, manifested in the composition of this petition for him. Filled with gratitude, Kingo stood up.
            Kingo sent a letter expressing his determination. The Daishonin immediately sent him a reply, which begins with the words: “Buddhism primarily concerns itself with victory or defeat” (WND-1, 835). Those who uphold the correct Law must win in the end, because that’s how the teachings of Buddhism are affirmed. Winning means distinguishing between true and erroneous teachings. This is done through the three proofs—documentary, theoretical, and actual proof. But ultimately, proof in the form of example, of a person’s actual way of life, is critical. In other words, we must perfect our characters and win people’s trust, building a state of indestructible happiness in our lives.
            Lord Ema later contracted a serious infectious disease, and Kingo treated him in a spirit of sincerity and devotion. Lord Ema’s condition improved, and he rescinded his punishment of Kingo and included him in his suite of personal retainers. He also presented Kingo with a new fief three times the size of his former one. The sun of victory had risen to shine on him.
            At the end of 1277, the Daishonin fell ill, and Kingo earnestly treated him. Kingo was prepared to go anywhere to care for the Daishonin and determined to protect his health. In June 1278, the Daishonin’s health improved under Kingo’s care, and in October of that year he wrote to Kingo, saying: “I believe that I survived this time only because Shakyamuni Buddha entered your body to help me” (WND-1, 952).
      Shijo Kingo was a true and loyal follower who loved Nichiren Daishonin, had a tireless seeking spirit toward him, and protected him. He was also a courageous man who dedicated his life to kosen-rufu out of his commitment to help others overcome suffering.

(From The New Human Revolution Vol 22, “Treasure of Life” Chapter)

< end of supplementary resources >