Saturday, August 18, 2018

Human revolution

Buddhism is characterized by an emphasis on the possibility of inner transformation—a process of bringing forth our full human potential. There is a common perception that the discipline and focus necessary for such a process requires a set of ideal circumstances not available to most. Nichiren Buddhism, however, teaches that it is only by squarely facing the challenges that confront us amidst the harsh contradictions of society that we can carry out the task of changing our own lives and the world for the better.

“Human revolution” is the term used by second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda to describe a fundamental process of inner transformation whereby we break through the shackles of our “lesser self,” bound by self-concern and the ego, growing in altruism toward a “greater self” capable of caring and taking action for the sake of others—ultimately all humanity.

As SGI President Daisaku Ikeda explains: “There are all sorts of revolutions: political revolutions, economic revolutions, industrial revolutions, scientific revolutions, artistic revolutions...but no matter what one changes, the world will never get any better as long as people themselves...remain selfish and lacking in compassion. In that respect, human revolution is the most fundamental of all revolutions, and at the same time, the most necessary revolution for humankind.”
The question of how to change in a positive direction is one which has spawned countless theories, religions and publishing empires. Certainly, self-discipline and effort can enable us to make positive change, for example by starting to exercise regularly. But the willpower required is often hard to maintain; our self-control may slip at a crucial moment because we have not addressed the underlying, inner causes of our behavior.

Human revolution is the most fundamental of all revolutions and the most necessary for humankind.
Human revolution is the work of transforming our lives at the very core. It involves identifying and challenging those things which inhibit the full expression of our positive potential and humanity. Nichiren Buddhism is based on belief in a pure, positive and enlightened condition of life which exists equally within all people. This life state of “Buddhahood” is characterized by the qualities of compassion, wisdom and courage, which enable us to create something of value from any situation. Nichiren realized that the deepest process of change and purification takes place when we bring forth this state, and he taught the practice of chanting “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo” as the direct and immediate means for accessing and experiencing it.

This Buddha nature expresses itself in concrete ways. First, we gain the conviction that our life contains limitless possibilities and a profound sense of our human dignity. Second, we develop the wisdom to understand that things that we previously thought impossible are in fact possible. And third, we develop a powerful vitality that allows us to tackle our problems with a sense of inner liberation. We are thus empowered to pursue our own human revolution, striving to improve our “self” from yesterday to today and making the “self” of tomorrow better still.

The Buddhist understanding is that good and evil are innate, inseparable aspects of life. This view makes it impossible to label a particular individual... In some traditions of Buddhism, interpretations of the law of cause and effect can encourage a focus on negative past causes. The obstacles and challenges encountered in life may be seen as requiring lifetimes of effort to “clean up.” The message of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Buddhism is that through faith and practice we can reveal Buddhahood: our highest, most enlightened state of life right now, just as we are. This enlightened wisdom enables us to grasp the reality that circumstances which may seem the most unfortunate, be it seemingly incurable illness or bereavement, can actually provide the best opportunities for tackling our human revolution and the impetus for the greatest personal growth.

When we look beyond our personal concerns and take action for the sake of others, this process is strengthened and accelerated. An experience which previously seemed like an unjust burden can become the key to finding the purpose of our lives, as we learn how to help others struggling in a similar situation.

This individual process of human revolution is the very key to sparking change on a global scale. For, as Daisaku Ikeda writes, “A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind.” Taking responsibility for transforming our own lives is the first step toward creating a human society based on compassion and respect for the dignity of all people’s lives.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

My HR test

My HR test is always on my reaction ><

My reaction to adverse situations.

Yet this characterise a person's life, moment to moment, "Have u won? or have you lost?"

Our journey of HR

It is human tendency to...
- go for what is pleasurable;
- go out with friends;
It is human tendency to shunt...
- the unlikeable
Yet, in our journey of HR (attaining of Buddhahood),
we are encouraged to look out for (and reform/help)...
- the irritants;
- the loathsome;
- the destitute;
- the lonely;
- those who are suffering

Friday, August 10, 2018

Buddhism equals daily life



一切世間, 治生產業
皆与實相, 不相違背




佛法漸顛倒 世間亦浊
佛法如体 世間如影




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Sunday, August 5, 2018

how to check if one is practising correctly

the yardstick for checking if one is practising correctly

"You can tell whether the mentor's spirit has been understood correctly by looking at the disciple's conduct. No matter how people may claim to uphold Nichiren Buddhism, if they don't take action for kosen-rufu for the happiness of all people, then we must conclude that they have lost sight of the Daishonin's intention." (from "The Heart of the Lotus Sutra" by Daisaku Ikeda)

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meaning of "intention is difficult to understand"

meaning "ishunangde" "issai daishu nange nannyu"

"The Buddha's true intention is always to expound the supreme vehicle of Buddhahood, the path for all people to become Buddhas. The voice-hearers and the cause-awakened ones do not understand this, however. Having grown attached to provisional teachings, they fail to understand that the Buddha's true intention is to enable all people without exception to become Buddhas. They do not comprehend the true teaching that makes all people Buddhas. This is the meaning of "their intentions are difficult to understand."" (from "The Heart of the Lotus Sutra" by Daisaku Ikeda)

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Saturday, August 4, 2018

Lotus sutra --- the secret (never before known) teaching.

secret as in " never- before known", and not mysterious or deliberately kept unknown.

"The Lotus Sutra reveals to all people the "secret" teaching "understood and shared [only] between Buddhas" that has never been known before. But a genuine secret teaching is not something kept to oneself, hidden from others and used to create an aura of mystery or to appropriate authority. When the proper time arrives, a genuine secret teaching should be expounded passionately and spread to cure all humankind's ills, its brilliant force thus proven. That is the purpose of this secret teaching, of this "Law that is profound and never known before."" (from "The Heart of the Lotus Sutra" by Daisaku Ikeda)

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Friday, August 3, 2018

True nature of BOTE

"The defining characteristic of bodhisattvas is their vow. The vow of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is to propagate the Lotus Sutra. That's why it is important for us to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with this vow for Kosen-rufu, resolving with all our hearts to help those around us evoke genuinely happy. From a strict point of view, chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo without that vow is not the prayer of Bodhisattvas of the Earth." The vow for kosen-rufu brims with the powerful life force of the Buddha, which can vanquish all negative influences.
[ CL-Aug-2018, page 30 ]

An emissary of the Buddha is who exerts himself to spread the law

A Buddha is not a fantastic other-worldly being. Buddhas cannot exist apart from the people. A person who spreads the Law is an emissary of the Buddha. And to protect and support such a person is to staunchly protect Buddhism.
[ CL Aug 2018, Pg 37 ]

Awakening to mission as BOTE enables HR of self and nation

When individuals strive to fulfil their Mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, they can carry out a great human revolution in their own lives, which can even go on to transform the destiny of an entire nation.
[ CL-Aug-2018, page 37 ]

Thursday, August 2, 2018



The only place that a lotus can bloom and grow thick, healthy roots is in the mud and slime of a lotus pond. If the lotus started to hate its dirty pond and snuck away to some school swimming pool, how could it ever bloom? What would happen to its roots? People may complain of all kinds of troubles in life, but it's only because of such difficulties that you can attain your human revolution. This is the principle of changing poison into medicine. If you clean the mud out of the pond and pave it with concrete, what'll happen to the lotus? It'll never bloom. The pond represents our problem-filled world, the lotus is you and the mud is your problems – the indispensable nourishment for your human revolution, your own growth. No matter how muddy or dirty its pond is, the lotus can still bloom beautifully.

Therefore, in order to attain your human revolution, you have to stay in the pond and struggle to grow right in that mud. In other words, without all kinds of difficulties and problems in life, you can't really grow as a human being. The organization may do something you don't agree with , but that doesn't mean you have to get out. Your effort to overcome those difficulties makes you grow. But whatever you do to overcome them should be based on sincere daimoku to the Gohonzon. Otherwise, you will neither change your karma nor achieve any lasting success. In order to change your karma you have to bring forth strong vitality and establish an unshakable self amid this troubled, mundane world. With consistent efforts you can bring the beautiful flower of your human revolution to bloom.

Don't ever run away again. Instead, chant lots of daimoku to the Gohonzon. Pledge to become an individual who can really contribute to kosen-rufu. Always remember the principle of the lotus flower.

Source: Guidelines of Faith by Satoru Izumi

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