Friday, June 21, 2024

*President Ikeda cherishes every single moment by going around on a bicycle to encourage members. (Shizuoka, August 1972).*

*President Ikeda cherishes every single moment by going around on a bicycle to encourage members. (Shizuoka, August 1972).*

*池田会长珍惜每一分一秒,骑着脚踏车到处去鼓励会员。 (1972年2月,静冈)*

🌈🌈🌈 *The three driving forces in the Osaka Campaign were*:
1) We advanced based on Nichiren Daishonin's writings.
2) We met with and encouraged each member.
3) We joyfully shared our experiences of faith with others.

*In every place and time, a steady stream of Bodhisattvas of the Earth, each possessing a wondrous mission, is certain to emerge joyously in response to the prayers and determination of a single courageous individual. This is the imperishable formula of kosen-rufu.*

Excerpts from: Creative Life 1/2016, pg.16; SGI President Ikeda's 2016 New Year's Message -*Let Us Unite to Build a New Global Civilisation- Aiming towards the Soka Gakkai's Centennial in 2030*



