Monday, May 30, 2022

kosenrufu , 樱梅桃李


5月 31日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 31
Truly great achievements are carried out with quiet determination, without praise or acclamation.

🌞Good morning ZH!
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋Making the writings of Nichiren Daishonin our foundation.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

💁🏻‍♂️Speaking of the importance of philosophy, Mr Toda declared:

🤔Why do we need philosophy?
🤔Why do our lives need the Daishonin's Buddhism?
💁🏻‍♀️If it were enough to just do as we pleased, there'd be no need to go to school and study or have religious faith. 💁🏻‍♂️But if We follow that course, we'll only come to regret it later.
🙏📖On the other hand, by studying philosophy, by studying Buddhism, we gain access to the most profound depths of life.
💙😀❤️What incredible joy there if to be found in seeking and attaining with an open heart and deep emotion and inspiration - true and lasting nappiness!
💙😀❤️What an immeasurable delight it is to know the deeply wondrous nature of life and experience our own beings brimming with limitless joy!

💁🏻‍♂️He further stated:
🙏With the Gohonzon as our foundation, we of the Soka Gakkai are advancing towards the lofty goal of kosen-rufu.
🇧🇪And we are carrying out our practice based on studying the teachings of the world's greatest life philosophy, the quintessence of all Buddhist teachings.
🙏The karmic ties we share as fellow members, working together for kosen-rufu
with the Soka Gakkai, are profound indeed.
👋👋Mr Toda also said,
🙏🇧🇪"Closely examining human existence, Nichiren Buddhism solidly brings together the four viewpoints of self, life, society, and the universe.
✅ Read the Daishonin's writings more intently. Everything you need is written there.
✅If you make the Daishonin's writings your foundation, you will never be swayed by any problem.
✅If you base yourself on the supreme value of the Mystic Law, you'll always know how to proceed.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️If we look at things from the perspective of faith, the way forward will become clear to us.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️Do not be deceived by pretence or hypocrisy. The time of youth is one when we are easily swayed by our emotions and environment.
👋👋Establishing an unshakable foundation of Buddhist study in your lives while you are still young, therefore, is profoundly meaningful."
May 30th-June 5th, 2022


"Clearly visible proof"* is eloquent.

Having pride in the fact
that we can indeed show proof
of the impact of our actions,let's get out and about
and talk to others
about our movement!The pillars of the people are here
(where we are).

*"In light of all this, it would seem that, when one who is able to show clearly visible proof in the present expounds the Lotus Sutra, there also will be persons who will believe."
- "Letter to Hōren"(WND, Vol.1, page 512)Monday, May 30th, 2022--- DAILY GOSHO ---"When your mind begins to work, your body moves."(Concerning the Statue
of Shakyamuni Buddha
Fashioned by Nichigen-nyo- WND, Vol. 2, page 811)Selection Source:
Soka Gakkai
President Harada's encouragement,
Seikyo Newspaper, May 30th, 2022Tuesday, May 31st, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----"Kosen-rufu means realising in our world today the beautiful realm created by the eternal Bodhisattvas of the Earth.... As we carry out our human revolution we are building in our local communities, networks of wonderful diversity, microcosms of world peace with everyone shines in their own unique way, just as cherry, plum, peach and damson blossoms each display their unique kind of beauty."

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating The World, [74] Expanding Our Gathering of Courageous Individuals Who Treasure the Dignity of Their Own and Others' Lives, Microcosms of World Peace, June 2021 issue of Daibyaku Renge -the Soka Gakkai study journal, translation released April 2022.
Today's Gosho: 798

"The sutras and treatises that have been brought from the western land of India to China and Japan run to more than five thousand or even seven thousand volumes. If one tries to use one's own judgment in deciding which of these various sutras and treatises are superior and which inferior, which profound and which shallow, which difficult and which easy, which early in date and which later, one will find that one is not up to the task. But if one tries to go by what other people say or what the various schools teach, one will be confused and led astray."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 481)

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

gold that a fool possesses is no different from the gold that a wise man


The gold that a fool possesses is no different from the gold that a wise man possesses; a fire made by a fool is the same as a fire made by a wise man.
However, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra. 🙏🏻

The Fourteen Slanders


愚 者 所 持 之 金 与 智 者 所 持 之 金,愚 者 所 燃 之 火 与 智 者 所 燃 之 火,无 有 差 别 也 。但 若 违 背 此 经 之 心 而 唱,则 有 其 差 别 矣 。


愚者所持的黄金跟智者所持的黄金,以至愚者所燃的火跟智者所燃点的火是没有差别的 。可是,违背此经的心意来唱诵的话,就会有差别了。 🙏🏻

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

the roles of man and woman


5月 28日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 28
The truth is that devoting ourselves to others' happiness is actually a necessary condition for becoming genuinely happy ourselves.
🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends !
🙏 Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋Becoming the Happiest Woman🌻
🇧🇪Sensei always taught us that happiness means to never be defeated by our problems.The secret to happiness lies in building a strong inner self, a self that no trial or hardship can diminish.
👋👋Always chant daimoku first!

📚Gosho: Nichiren Daishonin (WND, 533)

💁🏻‍♀️"A woman is like water, which takes on the shape of its container.
💁🏻‍♀️A woman is like an arrow, which is fitted to the bow.
💁🏻‍♀️A woman is like a ship, which is dependent on its rudder.
👋👋Therefore, if her husband is a thief , a woman will become a thief, and if her husband is a king, she will become the consort.
😇If he is a man of goodness, she will become a Buddha.
🙏🙏Not only this life but also the life to come depends on her husband."

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

👩‍❤️‍👨Faith for a harmonious family🙏

👥"It is said that most marriages are not 100 percent successful.
🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️Some have even gone so far as to suggest that 99 percent of all marriages are unsuccessful!
🏡In reality, many families who appear to have everything going for them actually have many problems.
🇫🇷It was the French essayist Montaigne who said:
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️"There is hardly less torment in running a family than in running a whole
🙎‍♀️🙎‍♂️When a couple has similar life conditions, it is only natural that they will lock horns from time to time.
😅😂How much better it would be not to take your partner's nagging so personally, to be bighearted enough to see it as an expression of their natural vitality, a sign that she or he is alive and well.
🫵🫵If you can achieve such an expansive life state, then even your partner's nagging will sound instead like sweet birdsong.
🛎🛎Most important, in any case, is to have love and compassion for one another.
🙏📿Other than that, the key is to chant daimoku together, aspiring for the greatest heights, for true happiness.
💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️All couples are essentially two separate individuals with different backgrounds and life experiences.
👋👋That's why, without patience and a conscious effort to understand each other, they cannot succeed as a couple.
💙🫶🏻❤️It takes patience and perseverance for a couple to make a life together, while striving to create a safe, supportive home environment, to work at their respective jobs, to care for their children and provide them with a proper education, as well as to take action to help others.


👉There are many who dream about happiness without being willing to invest much effort. But that is merely a dream
- a fairy tale, a simplistic and childish view of life.
💔This illusion breaks up many marriages.
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️To seek happiness that way can only end in misery.
💪❤️Making steady efforts to build a life together, having the patience and perseverance to move forward together
these are the foundation from which real love develops.
💙🤲❤️Real love means wanting to share your life with the other person forever.

👩‍❤️‍👨Real marriage is when you have been
married for 25 years and feel an even deeper love than you did when you first met. True love is something that deepens.

🛎Love that does not is on the level of simple attraction or liking.
🙏It is also important for a couple to thank and praise each other often. It can be for anything - just appreciating
and praising each other is what matters. 🛎🛎Nothing comes from pointing out the other person's faults.
😖That's just foolishness.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️Couples should strive to make their home a bright and happy place.
🫵🫵You have to decide,
💙🌞❤️"As long as I'm around,
☀️I'll always make things happy and bright." If you yourself shine like the sun, there will be no darkness wherever you go in the world.
🌈🌤Similarly, if there is one person in the home who shines like the sun, the entire family will be illuminated."

🇧🇪Ikeda Sensei's encouragement :
🌻"Please become the happiest woman, and don't forget to smile." 😃
Friday, May 27th, 2022
This is the Buddhism in which
"earthly desires lead to enlightenment."
With daimoku as our foundation,
the more we face our problems
and challenge them
the more our circumstances
are going to open up.
Let's continue
to tenaciously advance!
Friday, May 27th, 2022
Nevertheless, even though you chant and believe in Myoho-renge-kyo, if you think the Law is outside yourself, you are embracing not the Mystic Law but an inferior teaching.
(On Attaining Buddhahood
in This Lifetime
- WND-1, page 3)
Selection Source: Kyo no Hosshin
Seikyo Newspaper
- Friday, May 27th, 2022
Saturday, May 28th, 2022
""Having the courage to strive without begrudging our lives doesn't mean not valuing our lives. Such selfless devotion means dedicating ourselves wholeheartedly to the Mystic Law—the teaching of life's supreme dignity—in our daily affairs and life as a whole. It means breaking free from the petty concerns of our lesser self and tirelessly taking action for the happiness of others based on a greater self, which is one with the life state of Buddhahood."

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating The World, [74] Expanding Our Gathering of Courageous Individuals Who Treasure the Dignity of Their Own and Others' Lives, Selfless Devotion and Championing the Truth, June 2021 issue of Daibyaku Renge -the Soka Gakkai study journal, translation released April 2022.
Today's Gosho: 795*

"Fifty years in the life of a human being is equivalent to no more than one day and one night in the lives of beings in the heaven of the four heavenly kings. And these heavenly beings, passing such days and nights, with thirty such days to a month and twelve such months to a year, live to be five hundred years old.
Therefore, twenty-two hundred or more years in the lives of human beings will be equivalent to only forty-four days in the lives of beings in the heaven of the four heavenly kings."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND, 340)

Difficulties only make the strong stronger. Sufferings may be poison to the weak, but they are medicine for the strong.

🙏28th May Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda :
Do you give up the struggle to overcome your own limitations on the first attempt, or do you keep on with it, trying a second time, a third time, and continuing on in the challenge for the rest of your life? That is the only difference between the genius and the ordinary person. When all is said and done, winning over oneself-personal triumph - is the only way forward.

向着超越自己的极限挑战,一次就罢休,还是两次, 三次, 一生持续不断地继续下去呢? 这大概就是天才和凡人的分别之处。最终,除了"战胜自己"之外,就没有其它办法能够开拓出轨道来。🙏

One who has fallen to the ground recovers and rises up from the ground. Those who slander the Lotus Sutra will fall to the ground of the three evil paths, or of the human and heavenly realms, but in the end, through the help of the Lotus Sutra, they will attain Buddhahood. 🙏🏻

The Proof of the Lotus Sutra


倒 于 地 者,还 是 扶 地 而 起 。毁 谤 法 华 经 之 人,虽 倒 于 三 恶 及 人 天 之 地,仍 借 法 华 经 之 手 而 成 佛,是 此 道 理 。


跌倒在地上的人,仍然是要撑扶着地面再爬起来 。阐明了对法华经犯下谤法的人,虽然因为这个罪业而倒在地狱、饿鬼、畜生的三恶道,以及人界、天界的大地,同样还是要借助法华经的手才能成佛的道理 。 🙏🏻

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Good advice grates on the ears 忠言逆耳


5月 29日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 29
The inherent dignity of life does not manifest in isolation. Rather, it is through our active engagement with others that their unique and irreplaceable nature becomes evident. At the same time, the determination to protect that dignity against all incursions adorns and brings forth the luster of our own lives.

🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends!
🌈Have a blessed weekend ahead.
🙏 Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.

👋👋All of us undergo various sufferings in life.
🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️No human being is without worries and problems.
🙏😇That is why Buddhism, which teaches that earthly desires are enlightenment, is necessary for our lives. 💪💪We need to transform our karma.
🙏That is what Buddhism is for.
💪💪BE BRAVE! That is Nichiren Daishonin's cry to us all.

👋👋Today again don't be defeated
👋👋today again bring forth courage,
as you make your way on the path of your vow, on the path of victory.✌️✌️

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️"Faith in the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin is sure to be accompanied by obstacles.
🛎Remember, it is at such times that you can take a great leap towards your happiness."

🙏Nichiren Daishonin ✍️:
🔥🪵"Doesn't a fire burn more briskly when logs are added?
💁🏻‍♂️Were it not for the flowing rivers, there would be no sea.''" (WND-1, 33)
🙏💪Just like these examples, practitioners of the Mystic Law grow stronger and more resilient with each obstacle they encounter.
👋👋Those who advance with such powerful energy and life force are history's victors, are winners in life.
🛎💪🇧🇪The important thing is for us to become strong and to make our organisation strong.
🙏The Daishonin cites the words:
🙏😇"The stronger one's faith, the greater the protection of the [Buddhist] gods."
(WND-1, 614)
💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️ It is an admonition, in one respect, to not depend on others.
🛎🛎This passage attests that we should abandon the indulgent tendency to assume that someone will naturally
come to our aid or take our side.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️It conveys the message that we ourselves need to become stronger, for only then can we activate the protective functions of the universe and win in life."

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️"Do you give up the struggle to overcome your own limitations on the first attempt, or do you keep on with it, trying a second time, a third time, and continuing on in the challenge for the rest of
your life?
👋👋That is the only difference between the genius and the ordinary person.
✌️💪When all is said and done, winning over oneself personal triumph - is the only way forward."
Today's Gosho: 796

"Sometimes I have been vilified by several hundred people; other times, besieged by several thousand, I have been attacked with swords and staves. I have been driven from my dwelling and ousted from my province. Finally, I twice incurred the wrath of the country's ruler and was exiled first to the province of Izu and then to the island of Sado. And when, with neither provisions to sustain my life nor even garments made of wisteria vine to cover my body, I was banished to Sado in the northern sea, the priests and lay believers of that province hated me even more than the men and women of Sagami Province did. Abandoned in the wilderness and exposed to the snow, I sustained my life by plucking grasses."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND, 596)
Saturday, May 28th, 2022
The Daishonin encourages us,
"Do not depend on others."*
The tendency to rely on others
can lead to moments of weakness
and cause carelessness.
By being strong and decisive,
let's stand up by ourselves!

*"And do not depend on others. You must simply make up your mind. Look at the world this year as a mirror. The reason that you have survived until now when so many have died was so that you would meet with this affair."
- "Reply to Yasaburō" (WND, Vol.1, page 829)

Saturday, May 28th, 2022
"Bound as we common mortals are by earthly desires, we can instantly attain the same virtues as Shakyamuni Buddha, for we receive all the benefits that he accumulated. The sutra reads, 'Hoping to make all persons equal to me, without any distinction between us.'"

(Letter to the Sage Nichimyō
- WND, Vol. 1, page 323)
Selection Source:
Ikeda Sensei's guidance,
Seikyo Newspaper,
May 28th, 2022

Sunday, May 29th, 2022
"The courage to refute the erroneous and reveal the true means denouncing falsehoods that confuse and mislead people and speaking out boldly for the truth.

"Our founding president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi used to say that we need to 'flush out devilish functions and vanquish them.' When the Daishonin speaks of what he did to 'expose the faults of his powerful enemies,' he is talking about flushing out such unseen negative forces."

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating The World, [74] Expanding Our Gathering of Courageous Individuals Who Treasure the Dignity of Their Own and Others' Lives, Selfless Devotion and Championing the Truth, June 2021 issue of Daibyaku Renge -the Soka Gakkai study journal, translation released April 2022.

Dewdrops accumulate to form a stream, and streams accumulate to form the great ocean. Particles of dust accumulate to form a mountain, and mountains accumulate to form a Mt Sumeru. And in the same way, trifling matters accumulate to become grave ones. 🙏🏻

The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings


露 积 而 成 河,河 汇 而 成 大 海;尘 积 为 山,山 叠 而 为 须 弥 山 。小 事 累 而 为 大 事 。

《 众生身心书》(《随自意御书》)

滴水汇积成河,河渠集聚成大海;尘土堆积成山,小山集聚像须弥山般的大山,小事会成为大事 。 🙏🏻

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Monday, May 23, 2022



5月 24日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 24
Trust isn't built overnight. It is fostered through the accumulation of our daily actions. Such trust is the cornerstone of human relationships.

🌞Good Day Myo Ho friends!
🙏 Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋Practicing Buddhism consistently, we are guaranteed to develop a life of complete happiness and fulfillment.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

🧲"A magnet and a piece of iron that has not been magnetized differ greatly in their ability to attract other pieces of iron or steel.
👋👋In a similar way, even among those who embrace faith in the Gohonzon, the benefits one receives will differ according to the strength of one's faith."

👉There are times when we pray for something and that prayer manifests (conspicuous prayer, conspicuous response).
💁🏻‍♀️Other times, our prayer may not lead to immediate results, but as we challenge ourselves, we develop qualities, like patience, perseverance, hope and determination (conspicuous prayer, inconspicuous response).
💁🏻‍♂️Still in other cases, because of our consistent practice, our life is naturally enhanced, and we enter the path of genuine fulfillment (inconspicuous prayer, inconspicuous response).
🛎🛎Finally, through our continued practice, our latent benefits appear at a crucial moment to protect us (inconspicuous prayer, conspicuous response).

📚The New Human Revolution, Vol 8, chapter " Securing the foundation", pg66–67.
🇧🇪Ikeda Sensei says:
👉There are cases in which a person's illness is cured soon after taking faith, but true benefit does not appear in this manner—nor is it anything like beginning to practice and coming into a large sum of money.
👉If the real benefits of faith came in the form of unexpected windfalls without any effort on our part, we'd become lazy and spoiled.

🤔So what is inconspicuous benefit?

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️It can be likened to the growth of a tree. You can spend day after day watching a tree, and nothing will seem to change.
🌳But if you observe it after five, 10, 20 years have passed, you will see that it has grown large and tall.
🙏In the same way, if you keep practicing this faith for five, 10, or 20 years, your negative karma will disappear, and you will change your destiny, accumulate good fortune and gain tremendous benefit.
🙏🙏This is what is meant by inconspicuous benefit, and it is the true benefit of Nichiren Buddhism.
May 23rd-29th, 2022


"The benefit of one day's practice"
surpasses"a hundred years of practice
in the Land of Perfect Bliss".*Today (and this week) again,
with overflowing courage,let's devote ourselves
to both achieving kosen-rufu
and developing our lives!Let's write a golden journal
of our daily practice!

*The Daishonin also asserts: "A hundred years of practice in the Land of Perfect Bliss cannot compare to the benefit gained from one day's practice in the impure world" (WND-1, 736). Practising Buddhism just a single day in this "impure world" filled with suffering, he says, brings greater benefit than doing so for a whole century in the Land of Perfect Bliss, a realm free of pain and sorrows. The Daishonin is speaking of the immense benefit of Buddhist practice in the Latter Day of the Law, and his words underscore how noble it is to strive in a place that is so challenging and demanding.
(ref.-, May 23rd, 2022-- DAILY GOSHO --"Never seek this Gohonzon outside yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The body is the palace of the ninth consciousness, the unchanging reality that reigns over all of life's functions."(The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon
- WND, Vol. 1, page 832)Selection Source: Kyo no Hosshin,
Seikyo Newspaper, May 23rd, 2022Tuesday, May 24th, 2022-- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT --"Nichiren Daishonin writes: "If you think the Law is outside yourself, you are embracing not the Mystic Law"
(WND –1, 3). Similarly, holding our mentor firmly in our hearts is the essence of Buddhism. The strength of the mentor-disciple bond is not determined by physical proximity. We forge an invincible connection when we live with our mentor always in our hearts. That is the great path of the oneness of mentor and disciple."

The New Human Revolution - Volume 27, Seeking Spirit 66, translation released April 2022.
日蓮佛法的精髓就是"立正安國"。 大聖人與令人類不幸、令民众受苦的魔性徹底对抗。只有战胜邪義,才能树立正義。青年要燃起這個直结御本尊的"破邪显正"精神。

我们為了解決疾病、貧困、家庭問題等各種煩惱,而勤勵信心。有時或许有人會為自己的宿命深重而哭泣,抱怨為何只有自己 如此不幸?
《 今日發心》
24th May. Daily Guidance By Daisaku Ikeda:

Those who have firmly established their own characters, qualities and inner spiritual domain, no matter what happens, will possess the fundamental strength and capacity to change everything into a source of value. Such people are truly happy. 🙏🏻


无论发生何事,自己自身的 "人格 "、" 本领 " 和 " 内在精神王国 " 也固若金汤的人,才是具备了根本的坚毅和富足,能将一切转变得有价值 。这种人才是幸福者 。 🙏🏻

Now there is no need to attempt to surmise yourself how things will go. Whether or not your prayers is answered will depend on your faith; [if it is not] I will in no way be to blame. 🙏🏻

Reply to the Lay Nun Nichigon


非 可 以 私 意 计 量 者 也 。遂 乎 不 遂 但 依 信 心,全 非 日 莲 之 咎 。


绝对不可以用你自己的智慧去衡量御本尊的功德 。祈愿是否能实现,端视信心的厚薄,决不是日莲的过错 。 🙏🏻
Today's Gosho: 791

"The Lotus Sutra likewise has ten virtues, while the other sutras have ten faults. In the case of this sutra , the benefits gained from it increase in depth and bounty, and they continue down hto the fiftieth person who hears of it. In the case of the other sutras, however, there is no benefit to be gained even by the first person who hears them, much less by the second, third, or fourth person, and so on down to the fiftieth person."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND,92)

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prayers will depend on faith


Now there is no need to attempt to surmise yourself how things will go. Whether or not your prayers is answered will depend on your faith; [if it is not] I will in no way be to blame. 🙏🏻

Reply to the Lay Nun Nichigon


非 可 以 私 意 计 量 者 也 。遂 乎 不 遂 但 依 信 心,全 非 日 莲 之 咎 。


绝对不可以用你自己的智慧去衡量御本尊的功德 。祈愿是否能实现,端视信心的厚薄,决不是日莲的过错 。 🙏🏻

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Overcoming Impact of Pandemic and Climate Crises Crucial, Says Eminent Buddhist Preacher - IDN-InDepthNews | Analysis That Matters

Overcoming Impact of Pandemic and Climate Crises Crucial, Says Eminent Buddhist Preacher - IDN-InDepthNews | Analysis That Matters

Overcoming Impact of Pandemic and Climate Crises Crucial, Says Eminent Buddhist Preacher

Photo: SGI president Daisaku Ikeda. Credit: Seikyo Shimbun

Photo: SGI president Daisaku Ikeda. Credit: Seikyo Shimbun

By Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN | TOKYO (IDN) — 2022 marks seven years since the United Nations adopted 17 interlinked global goals, termed as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all" by 2030.

Looking closely at what has been achieved so far, eminent Buddhist philosopher, peacebuilder and educator Daisaku Ikeda, who is also president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), says: "Progress toward the realization of the SDGs has been greatly hampered by the [COVID-19] pandemic."

In order to "restart and accelerate that progress", Dr Ikeda considers it "important to flesh out the core spirit of the SDGs—the determination to leave no one behind—by adding a further vision of building a society where all can savour the joys of being alive".

SDGs, also known as Global Goals, comprise an important part of Dr Ikeda's latest—and the 40th—peace proposal titled "Transforming Human History: The Light of Peace and Dignity", released on January 26.

The SGI president discusses from three different perspectives, what he sees as essential to overcoming not only the COVID-19 crisis but also the other challenges that confront our world, thus opening a new chapter in human history.

The first is to face head-on the issues the pandemic has exposed and reweave the social fabric so that it can support people's lives in the years and decades to come. "Now more than ever, we need to construct a society where people can confront and together overcome even the most severe challenges, a society in which the palpable sense that it is good to be alive, is shared by all," says Dr Ikeda.

His second perspective relates to creating a consciousness of solidarity that extends to the entire world.

The SGI president finds that the global pandemic measures should focus on how governments can work together to overcome the COVID-19 threat—not on how each individual state can escape the crisis. "The G7 countries should lead efforts to negotiate a pandemic treaty that will establish international protocols for responding to future pandemics, and proactively develop the frameworks of international cooperation that can serve as a basis for such a treaty," adds Dr Ikeda.

The third perspective refers to economy: he calls for "an economy that inspires hope in young people and enables women to shine with dignity".

The SGI president further pleads for looking for ways to eliminate gross disparities in impact of and recovery from the pandemic, and refers in this context to a lecture given by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in July 2020, some four months after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

Speaking at an event celebrating the birth anniversary of the late South African president Nelson Mandela (1918–2013), whose life was dedicated to the causes of human rights and social justice, the Secretary-General focused his analysis not on the dangers and threats posed by the pandemic but on the people who are actually impacted. He noted that the virus poses the greatest risk to the most marginalized, including those living in poverty, older people and people with disabilities and pre-existing conditions.

Describing how COVID-19 can be "likened to an x-ray, revealing fractures in the fragile skeleton of the societies we have built," the UN chief called for the development of a new social contract for a new era.

He cited the following words President Mandela addressed to the people of South Africa, which offer a direction for the realization of that vision: "One of the challenges of our time . . . is to re-instil in the consciousness of our people that sense of human solidarity, of being in the world for one another and because of and through others."

Dr Ikeda stresses the importance of climate change. "With every passing year, the damage caused by extreme weather events has intensified and become more widespread," he says. During COP26, the US and China agreed to strengthen measures for cooperation on climate action. And  "strongly" urges Japan and China to reach a similar agreement.

He also calls for strengthening the framework of partnership between the UN and civil society and propose the establishment of a venue within the UN where civil society, led by youth, can freely discuss the comprehensive protection of the "global commons", the resources required in order to survive and flourish. "A UN youth council would be a perfect vehicle for this," he adds.

On environmental issues, the SGI president calls for more coordinated efforts in implementing the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Biological Diversity and Convention to Combat Desertification, stating: "Climate change, biodiversity and desertification are deeply intertwined, and solutions are likewise interconnected."

Concerned about the impact of disruptions to education, the SGI president suggests that the UN Transforming Education Summit planned for September focus on education in emergencies, inclusive education and learning for global citizenship.

Dr Ikeda is convinced that nuclear weapons abolition is the key to a sustainable global future. "The first step is to find a way of 'detoxifying' ourselves from current nuclear-dependent security doctrines."

As regards the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), Dr Ikeda "strongly" calls both for Japan and other nuclear-dependent states and for the nuclear-weapon states to participate as observers in the first meeting of states parties to the TPNW when it is held.

Japan will host the G7 Summit in 2023. The SGI president proposes that a high-level meeting on reducing the role of nuclear weapons be held concurrently in Hiroshima, in which the leaders of non-G7 countries could also participate. [IDN-InDepthNews – 01 April 2022]

Photo: SGI president Daisaku Ikeda. Credit: Seikyo Shimbun

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華城會是我入信後第一個使命,當時我不了解為什麼?前輩要讓重病的我去參加華城會,我拒絕了,我跟前輩說:打掃我沒問題 ,但身體狀況我不能自主,現在的我連在家生活都有問題,怎麼走出門,走路都有問題,怎麼幫忙打掃會館,還是等以後我健康一點再說。

2020年初某天女兒跟我說她懷孕了,並堅定的說要把孩子生下來 。

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Testimony from BSG

My progress with my Son Through Faith Alone experience by Ranjana Ramakrishnan

Thank you Aki and as your shakabuku parent I must say I am extremely thrilled at the way you and your mom are progressing with a seeking spirit. I on my part live Buddhism in my daily life and my daily life is always about WINNING!

Good morning to all and for a few of you who may not have met me I am Ranjana practicing this absolutely beautiful life changing philosophy for the past 14 years!

What started off on a very basic level of chanting for the mundane and materialistic rewards soon led to life changing victories.

Some of you may recall the very turbulent times I had been through before I reported my greatest victory to our mentor in Feb 2020. That victory of my son entering a rehab after 7 years of substance abuse and to come out completely a changed person was the most mystical protection and victory both he and I received.

Today's experience sharing is to reiterate that daily practice must continue no mater what. Post my earlier victory I admit that my Daimoku did come come down in the number of hours but baring 1-2 days in these last 2.5 years never have I ever missed my morning and evening practice. My Consistency in doing my kosenrufu activity, regularly studying and sharing and imbibing in my own life what I study , being there for my comrades anytime they need me is what continued to offer me and my son so much protection.

To expand on this, post his rehab I was aware that his body definitely would have suffered immensely over the 7 years of intense abuse he had subjected it to and healing was critical. It did not help that while he was now completely clean he was taking no steps to discipline his food intake or daily routines. His intake did not comprise of any fruit or vegetables and max consumption was of meat, high fatty foods, extremely high amount of sugars . Now, My family has a background history of severe diabetes with both my parents and brother being diabetic. I kept telling him the perils of such living but he would brush it aside telling me he was too young and therefore not in the bracket of succumbing to anything. I just continued to chant sending him as always daimoku of healing and for him to change and respect his body and to wake up to the unlimited Buddha potential that was still lying dormant in him.

End 2021 enveloped by immense fatigue he realized he was not as healthy as he thought he was. He was sleeping for close to 12 hours and would still feel extremely tired. On the advice of the Doctor we had some blood tests done and Sure enough the tests showed concerning signs of heading towards pre diabetes , a sluggish liver and overall not the best lipid profile.

I sat him down and explained what a diabetics life entailed and that if the liver had to function to full capacity it must be allowed to heal.

There is no prayer of a mother and more so that of one practicing the lotus sutra that will go unanswered and so it was that Roudra took some clear decisions to completely change his course of lifestyle.

He started with including a clean and healthy diet of plenty of vegetables and fruits, something he has not eaten in close to 9/10 years, started looking at YouTube videos on some basic cooking he could do on his own which, for someone who had never even made a boiled egg was a very big step. Sugars of all kinds was stopped and only one day a week was his cheat day.

Taking to running daily he soon moved from a very sluggish and breathless run to a pace that clearly showed his body was now beginning to respond. He lost 10 kgs of weight and today is absolutely lean and trim no concerns of fatigue and most importantly it is now his way of life. He is practicing to run the Marathon someday soon. However even more than this it was his smoking close to 20/30 plus cigarettes a day that used to worry me the most . And now my daimoku was directed to work on this accordingly. One fine day as part of his lifestyle change he completely stopped and is now 7 months smoke free and feels the ease with which he is able to breathe. NMRK had entered his body stream and was clearing the way for a Buddhaful life to emerge.

He also realized that the 5-7000 Rupees he was spending on buying cigarettes could now be invested in mutual funds and the value of saving money too emerged.

After his health it was time to bring the mysticism of daimoku to his workplace. The company he was working for wanted to send him to Africa, and that too to a country that was one of the poorest in the world. With absolutely no clear cut business plans and having Already spent the last one year in Delhi physically going to work daily but with nothing to do as All projects were on hold, the thought of going to this country and once again sitting in a strange land with no work was not exactly exciting. However practicing Buddhism means not to dwell on fears and anxieties but to chant for the best outcome. And where there is deep prayers and complete faith the Myo of NMRK will pervade. And so it was in the nth hour a sudden chance meeting with his school mate once again changed his entire course and within a 24 hour window he was offered a new job, here in Chennai. A great job, with vast amount of learning and growth prospects! He is of course very happy to be back with his grandma and is leading an extremely active life with a great work life balance.

Before I close the never ending but eternally grateful list of protection we enjoy I would like to share my own experience during my recent travel. I was headed on my first major trek to Kathmandu. My mind was buzzing with a zillions things that had to be done. Kathmandu and India have a no visa policy however for travel and to clear immigration etc a passport or a Voters ID is mandatory. The day of travel dawned and I was just about to leave when I took my first REAL look at my air tickets. To my shock it was in my maiden name. We all know that for travel the name on the ticket and that of your identification doc must be a clear match and I was quite zapped as both my passport and Voter ID was in my marital name and despite the legal separation 20 years ago I had just not bothered changing it. Invoking the protection of Daimoku I just left home. I will not go into great details except to say at every area whether the ticketing counter or the immigration officer this fact was not missed but they just mentioned both the names are different , stamped the document and sent me off! Not one question, no rebuke, no asking me to go back to the airline and getting the name changed nothing. It was just as though NMRK had enveloped me on all sides and I was all set for my journey! And the icing on this trip was a surprise visit to Lumbini the birthplace of the Buddha. To stand at the very spot where he was born, now a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE site and just feel the blessed presence of the one who realized that true Happiness was beyond the karmic journey we all undergo and that we are all Buddhas with unlimited potential to be happy and we must share the happiness we feel with all who come in contact with was to me the most beautiful experience ever.

It is indeed true that the protection and the mysticism of this law works in ways we cannot fathom. Once we understand We are NMRK and this is not something outside of us we start activating all the protection. However we must also bear in mind that the law cannot work if we have this stop start method of practice reaching out to NMRK only when we desire something and after we achieve a temporary gain we stop our practice. Being consistent and understanding that to practice is part of daily life is when you will truly enjoy life long protection, inner transformation, genuineness of living life without fear, expanding our thinking etc.

Sharing this victory of mine I have realized that I too have to continue to set higher goals as a goalless life or just stagnating is equivalent to not practicing. We must forge our lives to grow and to reach out to more and more people as until and unless we have a philosophy that is global, happiness will always be an elusive state.

Sensei says and I quote and I hope to live up to this quote " Therefore I hope all of you will be victorious in your lives. Live your lives so you can declare; I have no regrets. I enjoyed my life. I encouraged many others and gave them hope. It was a good life'.

And on that note a heartfelt Thank you to every member of Egmore District who have been part of my many victories and will continue to support me in my journey. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

filial piety; great good fortune to take faith; power of faith


5月 12日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 12
Suffering is an inescapable part of being alive. Unhappiness is a result of being overcome by that suffering, losing hope and succumbing to despair. The only way to avoid that is to build a strong, expansive spirit that cannot be defeated by any hardship.

*10 May 2022*

🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends!
🙏 Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋A"practitioner" Is One Who Takes Action.
💪🙏Our prayers will surely be answered without fail!
🙏✌️It is with such absolute confidence and practice that will change everything towards the positive direction.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

🙏📖Gosho: (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p 345)

🇧🇪Nichiren Daishoin ✍️
"Though one might point at the earth and miss it, though one might bind up the sky, though the tides might cease to ebb and flow and the sun rise in the west, it could never come about that the prayers of the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra would go unanswered."

👆"Point at the earth and miss it"; "bind up the sky"; "tides cease to ebb and flow" and "the sun rises in the west"
🙏🙏BUT Nichiren Daishonin CONFIDENTLY STATES here that even if it is possible for these impossible events to take place, IT COULD NEVER COME ABOUT THAT THE PRAYERS OF THE PRACTITIONER OF THE LOTUS SUTRA WOULD GO UNANSWERED.
💁🏻‍♀️In other words, the Daishonin teaches that the prayers of the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra constitutes the fundamental working of the Mystic Law of life that is even more certain than the workings of Mother Nature.

🤔Why is it that the prayers of the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra Will definitely be answered?

👉In the earlier portion of this Grosho, the
Daishonin states the reason as follows:
😇😇All Buddhas, bodhisattvas and heavenly beings feel a great sense of gratitude because they attained Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra.
🙏🙏To repay these debts of gratitude, they will certainly protect those who uphold the Lotus Sutra.
💙🙏❤️In this sense, earnest prayers offered by one who devotes his or her life for the great desire of kosen-rufu will resonate with the rhythm of the great universe, manifest the Buddha nature
that resides in one's life and even change the environment surrounding one.
😇🙏"A practitioner of the Lotus Sutra" is a person who practises in accord with the Daishonin's teachings and takes action based on strong faith in the Gohonzon.
👉🛎Therefore, chanting aimlessly and simply waiting for one's prayers to be
answered without taking any action is never the Way of a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra.
🙏📿💪Only by offering prayers and taking courageous action for the sake of kosenrufu can one make the impossible possible."
🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho sisters
🙏 Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
Hardship is a perfect opportunity for one's human revolution.

🇧🇪Ikeda Sensei's encouragement :
💁💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️"Even if you should have some unpleasant or painful experience, overcome it by devoting yourself to a strict practice of gongyo and daimoku and vigorously advancing your activities for kosen-rufu. 👋👋This in itself is a way of life - based upon Buddhahood and strong faith."

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

🙏Daishonin says: "There is definitely something extraordinary in the ebb and flow of the tide, the rising and setting of the moon, and the way in which summer, autumn, winter, and spring give way to each other.
🙏Something uncommon also occurs when an ordinary person attains Buddhahood. At such a time, the three obstacles and four devils will invariably appear, and the wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat." (WND, p 637)

💁🏻‍♂️In other words, when the three obstacles and four devils appear, it is important to regard it as a great opportunity to expand our life state and challenge them head on.
🛎It is important to note that the three obstacles and four devils cannot themselves create difficult and unfortunate circumstances, which arise from our own karma and actions.
💁🏻‍♀️The function of the three obstacles and four devils is basically that of delusions and earthly desires that deceive us into thinking that difficult or unfortunate
circumstances is due to our practice of faith or that our faith has no power to stop or overcome such sufferings.
💁They are functions within and without our lives that seek to weaken and eventually stop our practice of faith.
🙇🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️In other words, karma and sufferings will manifest in our lives whether we practice Buddhism or not.
The three obstacles and four devils will make use of such sufferings and difficulties to deceive us and destroy our faith.
🙏📿The only way to defeat the three
obstacles and four devils is to continue chanting daimoku and bring forth our wisdom and life force to gain victory over our difficulties.
In this way, our faith is deepened with each obstacle.

🇧🇪SGI President Ikeda says in his guidance,
🙏💪"Faith enables one to defeat the three obstacles and tour devils.
Herein lies 'the noble path of human revolution'.
😇🙏For this reason, when the raging storms of the three obstacles and four devils arises, it is the pertect opportunity for one to transform one's karma and to attain the life state of Buddhahood where one can enjoy absolute happiness."

👋👋Let us challenge ourselves to defeat all negative forces that obstruct the movement of kosen-rufu based on the faith imbued with the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple."
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022


Let's take appropriate action
with lightening speed
each time we receive informationor communications that need passing on.
A leader's earnest resolve
greatly inspires everyoneto break down the wall of obstacles
facing us.Sincere actions are first and foremost,
let's take the lead in such actions.

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022


"when one resolves to break free from the sufferings of birth and death and attain Buddhahood, one will inevitably encounter seven grave matters known as the three obstacles and four devils, just as surely as a shadow follows the body and clouds accompany rain."

(Letter to Misawa
- WND, Vol. 1, page 894)Selection Source: "Kyo no Hosshin,"
Seikyo Newspaper, May 11th, 2022Thursday, May 12th, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----"'The "Thus Come One" is the living beings of the threefold world [this Saha world]. When we look at these living beings through the eyes of the "lifespan" chapter [of the Lotus Sutra], we can see and understand the true aspect of these beings who in their original states possess the Ten worlds [the life states from hell through Buddhahood].

-From The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p.127.

"All people possess the innate life state of Buddhahood. Transcending all differences such as race, ethnicity or gender, we can each illuminate and manifest our true nature, revealing our unique character and potential just like the 'cherry, plum, peach and damson' (cf.OTT, 200).

"Let's pave the way towards a world where everyone can vibrantly give expression to their individuality, shining in their own true way. As global citizens of Soka, let's make efforts where we are now to create a harmonious global family of humankind that highly values equality and diversity."

Towards a Hope-Filled Future with the Daishonin's Writings. Creating a World That Values Diversity, February 16th, 2022 issue of the Seikyo Newspaper, translation released April 2022.
12th May. Daily Guidance By Daisaku Ikeda:

Having the ability to advance, to press forward and make progress is proof of one's humanity. Even just one or two steps are sufficient. Even just one or two millimetres. The important thing is to be certain to advance each day. One who does so is a person of victory and a person of glory. 🙏🏻


唯有前进、进步才是人的证明,一步两步、一毫米两毫米也好,每天一定保持前进的人,是 " 胜利之人 " 、" 光荣之人 " 。 🙏🏻

Thus, encountering this sutra is as rare as the blossoming of the udumbara flower, which occurs but once in three thousand years, or the one- eyed turtle finding a floating piece of sandalwood, which happens only once in innumerable, boundless kalpas.
Suppose one were to place a needle in the earth point up and throw down tiny mustard seeds at it from the palace of the great king Brahma in the heavens. One could sooner impale a mustard seed on the point of a needle in this way than encounter the daimoku of the Lutus Sutra. 🙏🏻

The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra


能 值 遇 此 经 之 事,譬 为 三 千 年 一 开 之 优 昙 华,无 量 无 边 劫 一 遇 之 一 眼 龟 。较 之 立 针 于 大 地 之 上,自 大 梵 天 王 宫 投 一 芥 子,欲 使 其 贯 针 尖,值 遇 法 华 经 题 目 犹 难 于 此 。


能够遇上这经典,比起遇上三千年才开花一次的优昙华,或一眼龟在无量无边劫中才遇上栴檀木一次,还要难能可贵 。遇上法华经的题目,比起在大地上竖立一枝针,再从大梵天王宫掷出芥子,令芥子穿插于针尖上还要困难 。 🙏🏻

Today's Gosho: 779

"Being filial toward one's father and mother means that though a parent may act unreasonably or speak in a tone of ill will, one never shows the slightest anger or looks displeased. One never in any way disobeys a parent; is always mindful of providing a parent with all manner of good things, and if this happens to be impossible, in the course of a day one at least smiles twice or thrice in their direction."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 636)





5月12日 平庸的生活使人感到一生不幸,波澜万丈的人生才能使人感到生存的意义。 一一 池田大作

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Saturday, May 7, 2022

Seize the day


5月 7日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 7
The way to build a glorious record of success is to continue to work with dedication, not wasting a moment. Though each individual step may be small, when accumulated they form a great advance.

5️⃣ ➖5️⃣➖2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣2️⃣

🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends !
🙏 Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋We,Bodhisattvas of the Earth, are carrying on this noble Soka tradition.
🫵🫵Each of us has a mission to help others become happy within the organization and in society at large.
💙🫶🏻❤️Each of us are precious heirs of the Soka legacy.
🤲🌱🪴Sowing the seeds of happiness and peace in our world.
🌼🌸🌻Human flowers will bloom.

🙏🪷📖"The Parable of the Medicinal
Herbs" (5th) chapter of the Lotus Sutra, we find the beautiful expression
"human flowers" (LSOC5, p. 142).
🙏😇Teaches that the great blessings or benefits of the Mystic Law nourish and cause the life state of Buddhahood to blossom in "living beings of countless thousands, ten thousands, millions of species"(LSOC5, p. 135),
🌧🪴🌳equally and without distinction, just as life-giving rain falls impartially on all plants and trees.

🛎🌏This principle of the Mystic Law
lights the way for realising respect for
diversity and peaceful coexistence,
Which the world so desperately needs.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

🙏Nichiren Daishoin ✍️
"This self has from the beginning been in possession of one's own realm of Buddhahood and of the realms of
Buddhahood possessed by all other
living beings." (WND-2, p. 62)
💙😇❤️In other words, we contain within us not only our own world of Buddhahood but also that of all others.

👋👋The life of each one of us is infinitely
scale, respect Worthy and vast in connected to the Buddha nature of all
other people, of all humanity, and of
the entire universe.
🇧🇪The Soka Gakkai's grand vision of bringing humankind together as one global family is based on this profound, unwavering view of life.

🙏📿💪That is why, whatever the circumstances, we refuse to give in to defeat or despair and keep chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for our own and others' happiness.
💁🏻‍♀️💁💁🏻‍♂️We tirelessly engage in dialogue to share the life-affirming principles of Nichiren Buddhism,
💙🤝❤️So as to call forth and unite people's Buddha nature with the aim of building a world of peace and happiness for all.
👉👉Even when someone responds to our efforts negatively, it can be taken as
a sign that the seeds of Buddhahood
we have sown will someday sprout and
produce flowers of happiness in their
🙏Today, the rich earth of respect
and trust cultivated through the sweat
and tears of our noble champions of
kosen-rufu spans the globe, and new
Bodhisattvas of the Earth are emerging
and blossoming confidently as
"human flowers".

🙏The Daishonin✍️:
🙇🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️"If the mind of faith is perfect, then the water of wisdom, the great impartial wisdom, will never dry up."
(WND-1, p. 1015)

🇧🇪Ikeda Sensei's encouragement:

❤️💗💓❤️"With the big, open hearts of the wise, let's keep striving in dialogue to
richly nourish the lives of others!"

🙏🪷With deep pride in sowing the seeds of Buddhahood,
🗣speak to others with all your heart in the spirit of "Still I am not discouraged,
🙏believing that tomorrow's "human
flowers" will bloom.🪷
6️⃣➖5️⃣➖2️⃣0️⃣ 2️⃣2️⃣

🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends !
🙏 Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋Becoming a Buddha is nothing extraordinary.
🙏🪷A Buddha is nothing other than life itself.
😇A Buddha advancing along the path of absolute happiness.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

🙏😇"Becoming a Buddha is nothing extraordinary.
🙏📿❤️If you chant Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo with your whole heart, you will naturally become endowed with the Buddha's thirty-two features and eighty
characteristics." (WND, p 1030)

💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️"Becoming a Buddha is nothing extraordinary."
🙏Nichiren Daishonin is teaching us that ordinary people can actually become a Buddha.
👉If this is so, a Buddha is certainly not some supernatural being. "

🤩🤩🤩This gives me hope; it gives meaning to my existence.

🤔Now the question is, what is a Buddha?
At that point in time, the only Buddha we knew was Shakyamuni Buddha - a
"supreme" being
🤔- and how can an ordinary person like us become a Buddha?
🤔And what does attaining Buddhahood mean?
🤓It is only through my study and practice of Nichiren Buddhism that I learnt that attaining Buddhahood does not mean that one fine day, we suddenly turn into a Buddha or become magically enlightened.

🙏😇"Attaining Buddhahood means

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️Instead of a final, static destination at which we arrive and remain, achieving enlightenment means we are firmly establishing faith needed to keep us advancing along the path of absolute
👋👋For example, the glory we enjoy in a dream vanishes without a trace the moment we wake up.
👋👋When an illusion disappears, nothing is left of its joy - only a sense of emptiness that one feels sobering from a state of drunkenness.
😇👍The joy of Buddhahood, however, is profound, indestructible and everlasting."

🤔The next thing to ponder is how does a
common mortal become a Buddha?
💁🏻‍♂️The Daishonin says in this passage,
🙏📿❤️"'If you chant Nam-myo-ho-renge-kyo with your whole heart."
👋👋To chant with our whole heart means we must totally believe in the power of the Mystic Law.
👋👋We must also totally believe that We can attain Buddhahood in this lifetime.
👋👋As We continue our practice, We began to realize that to have faith is the key factor.
👉👉This is because if We do not believe, nothing will ever happen.
🛎🛎If We do not believe, We will not act; and if there is no action (cause), then no
reaction (effect) will take place.
🙏✅This is what Buddhism teaches.

👋👋As we find in the Buddhist scriptures,
💁🏻‍♂️ "If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present.
💁🏻‍♀️And if you want to understand what results will be manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present" (WND, p.279).
This is not describing a linear progression of cause and effect. Rather, it indicates that everything is contained within the present instant.

🤔What kinds of causes am I making right now?" "What actions am I taking?" The answers to these questions are what will determine our future.

🙏💁🏻‍♂️Even if Nichiren Daishonin affirms that we can all become Buddhas, if we do not believe and if we do not chant the daimoku, then of course we will continue to remain a common mortal.
✅📖It was this passage that convinced me to believe that a person can indeed become a Buddha.
📖 🙏 It reads:
🥚 "A bird's egg contains nothing but liquid,
🐣yet by itself this develops into a beak, two eyes,
🐥and all the other parts,
🦅and the bird soars into
the sky.
🙇🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️We, too, are the eggs of ignorance, which are pitiful things, but when nurtured by the chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, which is like the warmth of the mother bird, we develop the
beak of the thirty-two features and the feathers of the eighty characteristics and are free to soar into the sky of the true aspect of all phenomena and the reality of all things.' (WND, p 1030)🙏🪷

🤗It is truly awe-inspiring to see how an egg nurtured by a mother bird ultimately hatched into a baby bird.
🙏🙏This fact gives us hope that no matter how unworthy, we can still become someone useful, just as the liquid in an egg transform into a bird.

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️"Ultimately, we are responsible for our own destiny. It may seem to us that our fate is predetermined, whether by our genes or by our environment.
🛎What really matters, however, is how we can improve ourselves from this moment forward, how we can change the circumstances that we find ourselves in.
🙏💪This enormous transformative force is what Buddhism is all about. In this struggle lies the source of never-ending youth and vitality."

Only the ship of Myoho-renge-kyo enables one to cross the sea of the sufferings of birth and death. 🙏🏻

A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering


渡 生 死 之 大 海,非 妙 法 莲 华 经 之 船,不 遂 所 愿 。

《致椎地四郎书》 (《如渡得船御书》)

渡生死大海,若非妙法莲华经之船,则无法到达 。 🙏🏻
7th May. Daily Guidance By Daisaku Ikeda:

It's important to live long, but how you live is even more important than how long you live. Did you accomplish your goals or not ? 🙏🏻


长寿固然重要,更重要还是如何生活。是否完成了自己的使命? 🙏🏻



Today's Gosho: 774

"I composed this poem in Echigo, so I will write it down to send to you.

No rain
falls aslant
on its own.
The wind must be why
it beats on the window at night.

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 534)
Friday, May 6th, 2022
The Daishonin states,
"Strengthen your resolve
more than ever."
Buddhism is a battle against
a lack of change and apathy.
Let's earnestly recite
morning and evening gongyo!
And let's clearly distinguish
what the tasks and issues are
for the day!

*From "The Supremacy of the Law" WND-1, page 615

Friday, May 6th, 2022
This I will state. Let the gods forsake me. Let all persecutions assail me. Still I will give my life for the sake of the Law.

(The Opening of the Eyes
- WND-1, page 280)
Selection Source: Kyo no Hosshin
Seikyo Newspaper
- Friday, May 6th, 2022

Saturday, May 7th, 2022
"Only through actions based on compassion and a sincere desire to nurture each individual can we bring forth the boundless benefits of faith. The key is to practice for oneself and others. I want to affirm that all of you, who courageously take such action, are carrying on the spirit of Nichiren Daishonin."

The New Human Revolution - Volume 27, Seeking Spirit 57, translation released April 2022.

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Thursday, May 5, 2022

Mission of BOTE is dialogue!


5月 6日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 6
Words of encouragement motivated by the wish for someone's happiness can function as a source of revitalizing light, rousing courage and strength.

Thursday, May 5th, 🎏 2022


Our young successors,
our dear Future Division members,your possibilities are infinite!Your faith is what
will unlock your potential
your devotion to your studies
will bring about
unlimited possibilities.With a never-give-up spirit,
let's advance onwards and onwards!

Thursday, May 5th, 🎏 2022


"Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens."

(Happiness in This World
- WND, Vol. 1, page 681)Selection Source: "Kyo no Hosshin,"
Seikyo Newspaper, May 5th, 2022Friday, May 6th, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----"'The mission of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is dialogue!' Declared Mr. Toda. Reponding to his courageous lion's roar, let us enthusiastically set forth on our mission of dialogue with the vibrant, powerful life state of Bodhisattvas of the Earth, sow in people's lives 'the seeds of Buddhahood that will endure into the future' (cf.WND–2, 534) and work even harder to create value based on respect for the dignity of life."

Headquarters Leaders' Meeting Message, Let Us Continue on Our Journey to Guide Humanity to Peace and Happiness, SGI Newsletter No. 10995, translation released April 22nd, 2022.
🙏6th May, Daily guidance by Daisaku Ikeda:
To people who act lawlessly ignoring reason, those who uphold principles seem to be wrong. Such a person is like someone who tilts his head sideways to look at the world and then decides everything but himself is crooked.

5月6日, 池田先生今日指导:


Today's Gosho: 773

"It is most rare for one to be born in a human body, and rare to encounter the Buddhist teaching. In this five-foot body, the face occupies one foot, and three inches of the face are taken up by the two eyes. And of all the many sights the eyes behold from the age of one to the age of sixty, the most joyful of all is that of the sutra passages that demonstrate the supremacy of the Lotus Sutra."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 874)

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