Sunday, December 20, 2020

Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"Nichiren said that Shakyamuni Buddha summed up the entire Lotus Sutra in eight characters, which translates as "You should rise and greet them from afar, showing them the same respect you would a Buddha." This indicates that the spirit of the Lotus Sutra, and by extension Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, is to show deep respect to all living beings."

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"Forgiving people for the wrongs they've committed isn't the same as excusing or condoning their negative actions. The law of cause and effect is strict, and no one can escape the effects of their actions, forgiven or not. I've taken to heart the importance of forgiveness and self-reflection rather than blame. Mostly, I've done so for my own sake, because I realized that the only person harmed by holding on to pain from the past is me. In society, too, as we stand up against wrongdoing and injustices, we must keep peace, love, and forgiveness in our hearts so that our spiritual powers will grow. It is only by breaking the cycles of negativity that we can help ourselves, and others, to rise. Feeling resentful and angry, wanting revenge for what others have done, holding on to any part of the negative experiences we've gone through at the hands of others—these are the heavy chains with which negativity binds itself to us. Why would anyone want that? The freeing mind-set of forgiveness and self-reflection can be applied to every experience in our daily lives, not only to the big stuff. Whenever we feel irritated, upset, or annoyed, we should remember the sediment within us (as we saw in chapter four) and ask ourselves if we want to increase our sediment and irritation, or decrease it. If the answer is decrease—as I hope it always is—then the next step is to view whatever happened as an opportunity to build our wisdom and compassion, let go of negativity, and purify our karma. After I started seeing upsetting situations as an opportunity for transformation, the karmic patterns that previously plagued me faded away. I had learned the universal lesson that holding on to blaming others only prolongs the pain and invites it back again. Taking responsibility for any ways I may have contributed to a negative experience, I let it go, and free myself from it forever. This is how I healed the wounds in my heart, with tenacious compassion for myself and others. By healing ourselves, we can also help our children, and our children's children, to be whole as they start their own journeys through life. Over the past ten years, I've had the pleasure of working with children from diverse backgrounds,"

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"According to Hawking, if we could ever travel at the speed of light and voyage to the center of our own galaxy and back, Earth would have aged fifty thousand years. That's a trip that doesn't sound very realistic to me. Rather than fantasizing about the small odds of starting over on another planet, let's focus on reality and direct our energies toward preserving our planet, right here, right now."

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"People can only live fully by helping others to live … Cultures can only realize their further richness by honoring other traditions. And only by respecting natural life can humanity continue to exist.—DAISAKU IKEDA"

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"Ningen Kakumei In Japanese script, the characters used to write the term "human revolution" are drawn in four distinct symbols (Japanese: ningen kakumei). The first two characters, which represent "human," originated thousands of years ago in Buddhist texts depicting the realm of humanity. They show a person by a gate, the space filled with sunlight. The next two characters represent "revolution," with the first conveying the meaning of changing or reforming, paired with the symbol for life or one's state of life, which also represents destiny. This paints a beautiful image of undergoing our human revolution, as we activate our light-filled inner realm to change our life and destiny."

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"I believe we must make kindness a practice, a vow, a commitment."

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"I call something a miracle when an ordinary person achieves something extraordinary. We all have the potential to create miraculous changes. It is my hope and my prayer that you will become a miracle maker, a "human revolutionist," too."

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Friday, December 18, 2020

Quote from Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

"The universal solution to all of the problems confronting humanity is for us to unite as one global team, honoring our truest roots as members of the same circle of life. Uniting in this spirit is my hope and prayer for future generations."

— Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good by Tina Turner

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

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"Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed. —MAHATMA GANDHI" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"People can only live fully by helping others to live …
Cultures can only realize their further richness by honoring other traditions.
And only by respecting natural life can humanity continue to exist. —DAISAKU IKEDA" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"The religious faith that we are born into is largely determined by the region where we live and the ethnic background of our family. In my case, I was born to an African American family in the southern region of the United States. Like most families of our description, we embraced the Baptist religious tradition. Although I went from Baptist to Buddhist, I've honored my family's heritage and cherish the similarities between these two paths. Baptist teachings encouraged me to work toward attaining admission into a heavenly paradise, while Buddhism inspires me to attain the enduring and enlightened life condition of Buddhahood. Although the goals of these two spiritual paths may sound somewhat different, both focus on creating a state of indestructible, eternal happiness. To me, that is an important similarity. I've met people from all over the world, from many cultures and faiths, and I believe that all religious traditions share the same basic aspirations at their core—to experience everlasting joy by aligning with the positive forces of the universe. We may describe this ultimate reality as Jehovah, God, Allah, Jesus, Hashem, Tao, Brahma, the Creator, the Mystic Law, the Universe, the Force, Buddha nature, Christ consciousness, or any number of other expressions." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"My heartfelt wish is that you and I, and everyone around the world, will continue expanding our hearts and minds while celebrating our differences and ridding ourselves of any form of discrimination. This, I believe, is a basic requirement for peace, both within ourselves and in our societies." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"I have always seen great value in practicing kindness. Although I had no money to buy gifts as a child, I gave my friends the gift of song to cheer them up. Depending on the situation, I'd sing to them and make up melodies and lyrics on the spot about whatever was going on in their lives. If a girlfriend was lonely or heartbroken, I'd make up a song about the handsome and adoring boyfriend I imagined coming into her life. Or if a friend felt deprived or neglected, I'd make up a song about a gift of a shiny new doll, or a velvet party dress, that I knew would make her happy." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"Rising from the ashes of my earlier life, I learned that our thoughts, words, and deeds are unified through spiritual practice. They are made whole within us. And when our thoughts, words, and deeds are aligned with our most positive intentions, magic happens." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"At every moment, we always have a choice, even if it feels as if we don't. Sometimes that choice may simply be to think a more positive thought." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"More valuable than treasures in a storehouse are treasures of the body, and the treasures of the heart are the most valuable of all. —NICHIREN" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"What really matters is not whether we have problems but how we go through them. —ROSA PARKS" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"The reward is not so great without the struggle. —WILMA RUDOLPH" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Check out this quote

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"The best way to attain Buddhahood is to encounter a good friend.
How far can our own wisdom take us?
If we have even enough wisdom to distinguish hot from cold, we should seek out a good friend. —NICHIREN • Having good friends and advancing together with them is not half the Buddha way but all the Buddha way. —SHAKYAMUNI • To not advance is to retreat. —TSUNESABURO MAKIGUCHI" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"Jazz music itself is an example of changing poison into medicine. African Americans created jazz, a great medicine for people's hearts, out of the poisonous experience of slavery. Jazz developed from African culture, gospel music, and blues to lift up the spirits of oppressed people, and now it brings joy to people the world over." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"In 2014, my friend Herbie Hancock was invited to give the prestigious Norton Lectures at Harvard University, where he shared great insights on the topics of mentorship and changing poison into medicine. Herbie related lessons from his jazz mentor, Miles Davis, who taught him that "a great mentor can provide a path to finding your own true answers," and to always "reach up while reaching down; grow while helping others."" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"No matter what accomplishments you achieve, somebody helped you. —ALTHEA GIBSON • A mentor is someone who allows you to see the higher part of yourself when sometimes it becomes hidden to your own view. —OPRAH WINFREY • Show me a successful individual and I'll show you someone who had positive influences in his or her life…. A mentor. —DENZEL WASHINGTON" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

December Gosho








































































1.  无明:是指生命根源的无知、迷惘、愚痴,是产生一切烦恼的根本。


2.  法性真如:"法性"是指贯穿万物的根本之法、佛的悟达之本质。"真如"则是指如实的真理。















Ø  以下不会刊登在《创价人生》









  祈求带来人心的变化,而且眼睛看不见的人心深处的变化,绝不限于发生在一个人身上。一个社区的变革,也绝对不局限在那个社区。就像一波唤起  万波,一定会带动其他社区改革的涟漪。












Check out this quote

Hi, Iʼm reading this book and wanted to share this quote with you.

"In the Buddhist community, we say, "There is no guilt, only responsibility." This means that when a problem arises, we shouldn't view it as something we deserve because of our negative karma. Nor should we dwell on who's to blame. Blame is the realm of ego." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"Thanks to this process, I began to see that any problems in my life were also opportunities for growth and becoming a better, happier version of myself. Every obstacle could help me to become a wiser, stronger, and more compassionate person." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"Take your broken heart, make it into art. —CARRIE FISHER • Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. —HELEN KELLER" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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Monday, December 14, 2020

December Gosho







































































1.  无明:是指生命根源的无知、迷惘、愚痴,是产生一切烦恼的根本。


2.  法性真如:"法性"是指贯穿万物的根本之法、佛的悟达之本质。"真如"则是指如实的真理。















Ø  以下不会刊登在《创价人生》









  祈求带来人心的变化,而且眼睛看不见的人心深处的变化,绝不限于发生在一个人身上。一个社区的变革,也绝对不局限在那个社区。就像一波唤起  万波,一定会带动其他社区改革的涟漪。












Thursday, December 10, 2020

Check out this quote

Hi, Iʼm reading this book and wanted to share this quote with you.

"Don't worry if you think you're the only one facing challenges. If the people around you don't seem to have problems, that just means you don't know them well enough to see their troubles, or they're very good at hiding them. Problems are inescapable for all living beings. As Nichiren said: "No one can avoid problems, not even sages." Living a joyful life, I've found, is not about trying to avoid the unavoidable. Joy comes from summoning a strong life force to overcome problems, from the smallest irritation to the biggest disaster" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"I've never met anyone who didn't have problems of one sort or another. If we find ourselves without any problems, it's just a matter of time until something pops up. That's life!" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"I believe we each hold within us what I call a "coin of God," a piece of the eternal energy of the universe, the essence of Buddha nature. A coin is a minted piece of value from the greater system to which it belongs, and each living being is a priceless treasure piece, molded from our greater universe. May we each cherish ourselves and extend this kindness to all living beings with whom we share this blessed planet." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"If a negative thought arose, I'd repeat a positive one eight times in a row to counteract it. Soon, I began loving myself, imperfections and all. I stopped comparing myself to others (never compare yourself to others), and at last I started to look good to myself." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"Difficulties are not necessarily unfortunate.
It depends on your attitude.
You can either let difficulties crush you, or you can use them to build your strength. —INDIRA GANDHI" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor and philosopher, alluded to this when he said, "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."" (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"When we are upset, it's easy to blame others. The root of our feelings, however, is within us. For example, imagine yourself as a glass of water. Now, imagine past negative experiences as sediment at the bottom of your glass. Next, think of an unpleasant situation or person as a spoon. When the spoon stirs, the sediment clouds your water. It may appear that the spoon caused the water to cloud—but without sediment, the water would remain clear. Even if we remove the spoon, our sediment still remains—lying in wait for the next spoon to appear. On the other hand, if we remove our sediment, no matter what happens, no matter how a spoon stirs, our water will remain clear. Whenever I remind myself of this simple analogy, I feel relief at the knowledge that I have control over my life condition, which colors any thoughts that come into my consciousness, as well as my responses to any negativity that may arise. I know I can remove any sediment in the "water glass of my life," so to speak, by tapping into my Buddhahood." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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Hi, Iʼm reading this book and wanted to share this quote with you.

"By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we swing open the gates to this majestic palace of enlightenment. Manifesting the life condition of Buddhahood, here and now, as you are, is standing up for your life—opening the wellspring of wisdom, courage, and compassion within your essence, enabling you to overcome any adversity. I like to imagine the layers of consciousness as a water fountain. The ninth consciousness is your very own deep reservoir of pure water. Chanting is opening a pipeline to bring that clean water rushing up through your other layers of consciousness, to purify and clarify your perception of the world. Accessing this purifying force is crucial, since the influence of karma is often less about what happens in life and more about how we perceive what happens in life—how our internal "sediment" clouds our view of the world." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"Depending on our unique circumstances, predominant life condition, and karmic patterns, the effort we must exert to stay in a spiritually strong place differs. It also differs depending on our goals, and on the kinds of changes we're looking to make. While I was facing the hardest challenges of my life, I was also dreaming the biggest dreams I ever imagined, and I was chanting several hours a day to achieve them. When I mention how much I chanted during those toughest days, people gasp and say they couldn't possibly find the will or the time to do anything for several hours a day. That's understandable and absolutely fine. Maybe fifteen or thirty minutes would be the ideal amount of daily chanting for you. Chanting to your heart's content is what's most important, and any amount of chanting is beneficial. It's all up to you. For me, chanting several hours a day during those difficult years was invigorating. I could feel the positive differences that chanting made in my life, which motivated me to chant even more. It just seemed like common sense to me. How could I not want to do more of something that improved my life so dramatically? I compare it to the preparation required to win an athletic contest. In my heart, I had decided to go for the gold in a spiritual Olympics, but my starting place wouldn't have qualified for a junior varsity team. I had to work harder to compensate for my handicaps. If you imagine the discipline required to get from where I was to where I wanted to go, then it's easy to understand why my practice was so extensive in those days. Over the years, as my life condition rose and my circumstances improved, my practice shifted to more moderate levels. Whether I chant for minutes or hours, I have always loved my daily routine of chanting. This is how I saved myself. This is how I made my wildest dreams come true." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"the quality of our life condition—whether high or low—can cause us to make the best of the worst, or the worst of the best. That's where the power of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo comes in. The concise meaning of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is: "Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra." A more intricate meaning of this phrase is revealed by looking at each of its elements: Nam Pronounced with a soft a like the a in father Myo Sounds like adding an m to the first half of yo-yo Ho Pronounced the same as the garden tool hoe Ren Sounds like the bird wren Ge Like the word get without the t Kyo Like adding a k to the first half of yo-yo Nam means "devoting oneself." Myoho means "Mystic Law," with myo indicating life's mystic essence, and ho representing its manifestations. Myoho expresses the fundamental life force of the universe. Next, renge means "lotus flower," expressing cause and effect, since lotus plants bring forth their blossoms and seedpods simultaneously. Renge also indicates the Lotus Sutra. Finally, kyo has multiple layers of significance, including the teachings of Buddha and sound vibration. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can be more colorfully interpreted as: "I devote myself to the universal Mystic Law of cause and effect through the sound vibration of Buddha wisdom." Think of the act of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as a kind of spiritual workout. You've probably noticed that some people only need to work out a little to stay in good physical shape, while others need to exercise a lot to stay fit. I believe it's the same for spiritual fitness." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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"One way to think of karmic limitations, which are typically invisible to the eye, is to compare karma to gravity. The pull of gravity, like the pull of karma, is invisible yet constantly influences everything we do. And yet, science has found ways to escape from the gravitational pull of Earth. I like astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson's simple explanations of this. He said that to escape gravity, we must move at a speed greater than its force can resist. This speed is known as cosmic "escape velocity." Every object in the universe has one. On Earth, that velocity is about seven miles per second. This means that in order to break out of gravity's pull, you must leave the Earth's surface with a force so great it can propel you at least seven miles per second. I think of karma in a similar way. To free yourself from the invisible ties of karma, to achieve "karmic escape velocity," you must increase the power of your life force until it becomes greater than the force of karmic pull. Now, some karma is light, like gravity on the moon. (Lunar escape velocity is only one-sixth that of Earth.) Other karma is heavy and can feel inescapable, which is exactly how my circumstances felt for so long. Heavy karma can feel like the pull of a massive black hole that yanks everything into its destructive abyss. To escape the pull of a black hole in space, you would need to travel faster than the speed of light. Yet, as Albert Einstein taught us, nothing in space can move faster than light, and thus you'd be helplessly stuck. In the case of a karmic black hole, however, your life force can definitely achieve a velocity greater than the speed of light—let's call it the velocity of enlightenment. By increasing your spiritual velocity of enlightenment, you can break free from the gravitational pull of any karmic limitation. My life is proof of this." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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