Tuesday, June 18, 2024

"The sun rises every day" In other words, the key is to keep shining on, no matter what happens.

 *President Ikeda: Every family has its problems and challenges, even those who do practice. That is what enables them to grow and to write a wonderful history of faith together.*

Some people may have family members who are suffering from illness. The Daishonin promises: "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?" (WND-1, 412). *From the perspective of Buddhism, everything in life has profound meaning, The Mystic Law enables us to "change poison into medicine."*

There are rainy days, snowy days and stormy days. But whatever the weather, above the clouds the sun continues to shine, and once the storm has passed, it shines even brighter. The lives of those who embrace the Mystic Law and are dedicated to kosen-rufu are like the sun.

*Our fellow members in Africa cherish the proverb, "The sun rises every day" In other words, the key is to keep shining on, no matter what happens. The important thing is to keep moving forward unceasingly together with our fellow members and the Soka Gakkai, in the same way the sun continues to rise each day. When we do so, we can enter the solid upward trajectory o the "four virtues" of eternity, happiness, true self and purity.*

Excerpts from: Youth and the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin - SGI President Ikeda's Lecture Series: Pg.49-50