Monday, June 10, 2024

Benefits of shakubuku

My mentor, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda, once warmly encouraged a sincere member who was concerned that his efforts to share Buddhism with others had not resulted in anyone deciding to start practising. *Mr Toda said: "Don't worry. The benefit you gain when you talk to someone about Buddhism, whether they start practising right away or not, is the same. The time will come when your efforts will bear fruit, so just keep on sowing seeds."*

*There is an SGI-USA Women Division member who moved from Hiroshima to the United States after the war, having married an American serviceman. In those early years, she continued to practise Nichiren Buddhism steadfastly in spite of her husband's fierce opposition, enthusiastically sharing her Buddhist practice with others. Though struggling with economic hardship and family discord, she sincerely reached out to support and help one individual after another, driven by the conviction: "I have come to America in order to meet this person." Today, her entire family and the almost 400 households
she has helped receive the Gohonzon are all enjoying wonderful benefits. She has also helped foster many youthful successors. "I can't stop myself from sharing the joy of faith," she says with a beautiful, beaming smile. "I want to introduce this Buddhism to everyone I meet."*

Excerpts from Creative Life 11/2015, pg.4


对于为了难以达成折伏(向他人诉说佛 法)而苦恼的可嘉的同志,吾师、创价学会第二任会长户田城圣先生曾温暖地鼓励说:*"完全不需要哀叹啊。听后马上践行信心的"发心下种",与让对方听讲佛法的"闻法下种",功德都是一样,收成的时期一定会到来的。所以要不断地下种。"*

*有一位曾于广岛遇到战祸,结婚后渡美的创价之母,不畏丈夫的激烈反对,毅然贯彻信心,挑战佛法对话。一边与经济以及家庭问题等搏斗,一边以"我是为了见这 个人才会来到此地"的精神去真心对待每一个人。如今不只全家,连她所折伏的接近四百户的眷属也都功德满盈,后继的青年们接踵而至。"我非常乐意向人诉说信心的喜悦。看到人就想折伏。"这位神采飞扬的母亲微笑说。*
