Thursday, September 29, 2016



Chanting is somewhat different from conventional Western concepts of prayer. Instead of beseeching some outside force for solutions, the Buddhist musters his or her own inner resources to meet the problems. Chanting can be compared to priming a pump to bring the Buddha nature welling forth from the depths of your life.
When one chants, a vow or determination is being formed. Instead of "I wish such and such would happen" or " Lord give me the stength to make such and such happen", the Buddhist's prayer is more along the lines of "I vow to make the following changes in my life so that such and such will happen."(The Buddha in Your Mirror, p. 51)

SGI members direct their prayer to the Gohonzon, or object of veneration. This is a mandala, a symbolic representation of the ideal state of Buddhahood, or enlightenment, in which all the tendencies and impulses of life--from the most debased to the most noble--function in harmony toward happiness and creativity. The Gohonzon is not an "idol" or "god" to be supplicated or appeased but a means for reflection and a catalyst for inner change.

Daisaku Ikeda has written that the ultimate form of prayer is in fact a vow--a vow to contribute to the happiness of others and the development of human society.

It is this vow and pledge to action that most profoundly attunes our lives to the larger life of the universe and brings forth our highest, most noble "selves."

[Excerpt - January 2001 SGI Quarterly]

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Sunday, September 25, 2016













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Friday, September 23, 2016

Faith enables us to develop the capacity to experience happiness even in times of suffering

"Experiencing the power of faith is the direct path to developing conviction. In life, we encounter all sorts of problems and difficulties, both big and small. We may sometimes feel stuck in our jobs, relationships, family situations, and so on. We may have accidents or fall ill. Some of us may feel frustrated at not being able to introduce anyone to Nichiren Buddhism.

It's important to regard each such problem or difficulty as our personal challenge, chant daimoku earnestly, and participate in Soka Gakkai activities. If we do so, we will definitely make a breakthrough. Sometimes our problems are resolved one at a time, and sometimes they are all resolved at once, as the Daishonin describes when he writes: 'The sufferings of hell will vanish instantly' (WND-1, 199). We can also build an invincible self, such that even if our problems persist, we won't be swayed or defeated by them. That's because our Buddhist practice enables us to elevate our state of life.

"By accumulating experiences of surmounting difficulties through faith, we can deepen and strengthen our conviction in the power of Nichiren Buddhism."

Saturday, September 24th, 2016

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Relative and absolute happiness


"Nichiren Daishonin left us the Gohonzon. Through its power the poor can become rich and the sick, healthy. This is still a relative state of happiness and that's all you ever pray for, but eventually before you realise it, you'll be in the absolute state of happiness. You never pray for absolute happiness, but you enter that state without fail, whether you want it or not. It is the state in which you find your life meaningful, no matter where you are - I repeat, no matter where you are. At any time and in place you'll enjoy living itself. So, wherever you are, there will be bright atmosphere and never any argument. Sometimes you may get angry, but even this you'll be doing pleasantly. Don't you think you'll be delighted to be in such a state? I close my speech, praying that each one of you will graduate from relative happiness as soon as possible and enter into absolute happiness - a state you never even imagined you could enjoy."

Daisaku Ikeda
The HR 10, 330.

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Buddhism equals daily life

For Today and Tomorrow
Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, September 22, 2016

The principle that "Buddhismequals life" means that everything in one's life is itself Buddhism.  The principle that "Buddhism becomes manifest in society" means that society, too, is at one with Buddhism.  The struggle for kosen-rufu can be waged only within the realities of life and society.  Those who earnestly grapple with these realities develop strength and inner substance.  They develop and grow.

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Illness is a means for us to develop a strong and compassionate self

Wisdom for Modern Life by Daisaku Ikeda
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Buddhism views illness as an opportunity to attain a higher, nobler state of life.  It teaches that, instead of agonizing over a serious disease, or despairing of ever overcoming it, we should use illness as a means to build a strong, compassionate self, which in turn will make it possible for us to be truly victorious.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016



"Nichiren Daishonin left us the Gohonzon. Through its power the poor can become rich and the sick, healthy. This is still a relative state of happiness and that's all you ever pray for, but eventually before you realise it, you'll be in the absolute state of happiness. You never pray for absolute happiness, but you enter that state without fail, whether you want it or not. It is the state in which you find your life meaningful, no matter where you are - I repeat, no matter where you are. At any time and in place you'll enjoy living itself. So, wherever you are, there will be bright atmosphere and never any argument. Sometimes you may get angry, but even this you'll be doing pleasantly. Don't you think you'll be delighted to be in such a state? I close my speech, praying that each one of you will graduate from relative happiness as soon as possible and enter into absolute happiness - a state you never even imagined you could enjoy."

Daisaku Ikeda
The HR 10, 330.

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016

Purpose of Buddhism

Purpose of life... Value creation!

..."Why are we born? A life lived without meaning, without knowing the answer to that question, is shallow and empty. To just live, eat, and die without any real sense of purpose surely constitutes a base, animal-like existence.
"On the other hand, to do, create or contribute something (创价, jp. "Soka") that benefits others, society, and also ourselves, and to dedicate ourselves as long as we live to that challenge---that is a life of true satisfaction, a life of value, a life of the loftiest humanity." ...

"并非如此,而是为他人、为社会、为自己,费尽心思从事建设和贡献。为此目的,在有生之年毕生战到底。这才是"充实的人生"、"有价值的人生"、合乎人性的 "高层次人生"。...

[CL, Nov 2015, p41 & 42]

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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

1. Daimoku, 2. itai doshin (unity), 3. cherishing the individual

[1] Daimoku is the Starting Point, the Basis of Everything

CL Aug 2016, page 30
"In order to double the current strength, the members would have too be participating happily in their movement to spread Buddhism. This, in turn, demanded that they be sufficiently inspired and encouraged to increase their power of faith and strengthen their prayers to the Gohonzon. They had been practicing for only a short time. They must first of all be deeply convinced of how truly great and valid Nichiren Buddhism was. They must realise the righteousness of his teaching through documentary proof, theoretical proof and actual proof so that a whirlpool of joy -- the joy of faith -- would emerge.
("Determination" chapter [10], The Human Revolution, p.1311)
"I am saturating the earth of Osaka with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo"
"I chanted sincerely day after day to have the strength to achieve my goal. I chanted continuously with the firm conviction that everyone I came into contact with would become an ally of our movement or wrould function as a protective force."
("Thoughts on the New Human Revolution", SGI Newsletter no 4762)
"Ultimately, the most important thing is chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It is both the easiest and the most difficult Buddhist practice. Daimoku is the source of vitality and fortitude, the source of courage and wisdom."
("Opening a New Era of Kosenrufu Together" [35], SGI Newsletter no 9103)
[2] Unity through the unity of disciples based on the "Strategy of the Lotus Sutra"
"Only faith and unity will lead to victory... There is no other way to victory."
Amidst the struggles then, the leaders truly realized that as long as they were in rhythm with President Ikeda, a million volts of strength would permeate every corner of the entire organization, and they engraved this deeply in their lives.
To be in rhythm, with one's mentor --
how should I seek out my mentor?
How should I respond to my mentor?
In those days, President Ikeda trained each leader personally wit careful consideration. Leaders' powerful conviction was then transmitted to their members. Their members in turn shared Buddhism wit their friends with the same powerful conviction, telling them how wonderful this faith practice is.
Through this chain reaction, the number of people who began practising faith increased.

[3] Cherishing Every Individual: Meeting with and Encouraging Each Member
"We are about to engage in the greatest campaign we have ever faced. Let each of us summon up the courage of a lion, as Nichiren Daishonin urges, and fight with all our might."
"... Shin'ichi visited one district or group centre after another during the daytime and attended discussion meetings in the evening. He seemed to appear in unexpected places at unexpected times. He was already in the thick of an intense struggle, busying himself without a moment's respite... Wherever Shin'ichi went, he created a mighty whirlpool of propagation."
("Leap Forward" chapter, pp. 1416-17)

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Monday, September 5, 2016

15 Great Quotes on Work and Career from Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ~ Chant For Happiness: 15 Great Quotes on Work and Career from Daisaku Ikeda

15 Great Quotes on Work and Career from Daisaku Ikeda

This is end of Labor Day Weekend here in the states. Many people had Monday off from work. It signifies the end of the summer, the start of the school year...and getting back to work. Here are some quotes for you:
1. Beauty, benefit and good

Mr. Makiguchi taught that there are three kinds of value: beauty, benefit and good. In the working world the value of beauty means to find a job you like; the value of benefit is to get a job that earns you a salary that can support your daily life; the value of good means to find a job that helps others and contributes to society. (Faith Into Action, page 45)

2. No more moaning

President Toda said that the most important thing is to first become indispensable wherever you are. Instead of moaning that a job differs from what you'd like to be doing, he said, become a first-class individual at the job. This will open the path leading to your next phase in life, during which you should also continue doing your best. Such continuous efforts are guaranteed to land you a job that you like, that supports your life, and that allows you to contribute to society. (Faith Into Action, page 45.)

3. The Fundamental Cause of Unhappiness

Problems as we have seen, are not in themselves the fundamental cause of unhappiness. Lack of power and wisdom to solve them is the real cause. Fortunately we all innately possess infinite power and wisdom; and Buddhism shows us how to develop these qualities.
When in the depths of despair or grappling with a difficult problem, it may be hard to believe that our lives possess unlimited potential. But this is the essence of one of the profoundest Buddhist teachings, known as three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which we will explore in this chapter. (Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death, page 105.)

4. Success Means Not Giving Up

I hope each of you will realize success in your respective fields, fully recognizing that success means not giving up halfway but resolutely pursuing the path you have chosen. To this end, it is also important that you realize that the place where you work is a place for forging your character and growing as a human being. By extension, therefore, it is a place for your Buddhist practice, a place for practicing your faith. When you view things from this angle, all your complaints will disappear. No one is more pathetic than someone who is constantly complaining. (For Today and Tomorrow, Daily Encouragement, at page 283.)

5. Should you quit?

Once you have decided on a job, I hope you will not be the kind of people who quit at the drop of a hat and are always insecure and complaining. Nevertheless, if after you've given it your all you decide to move on, that's perfectly all right too. My concern is that you don't forget that you are responsible for your environment when you make your decision. (Faith Into Action, page 46.)

6. Excel at something

There is a saying that urges us, "Excel at something!" It is important to become trusted by others wherever you are and to shine with excellence. Sometimes people may dislike their job at first but grow to love it once they become serious about doing their best. "What one likes, one will do well," goes another saying. Growing to like your job will also enable you to develop your talent. (Faith Into Action, page 46.)

7. Wisdom vs. Ego

When working for a company--which is like a society or community all its own--it is important to create harmonious relations with your colleagues and superiors, using wisdom and discretion along the way. If you incur your co-workers' dislike by being selfish or egotistic, you will be a loser in work and society. Wisdom is vital to being successful at one's work. The Daishonin writes, "The wise may be called human, but the thoughtless are no more than animals." (Faith Into Action, page 46.)

8. A Buddhist must not be defeated

Buddhism is an earnest struggle to win. This is what the Daishonin teaches. A Buddhist must not be defeated. I hope you will maintain an alert and winning spirit in your work and daily life, taking courageous action and showing triumphant actual proof time and time again. (Faith Into Action, page 3.)

9. What is actual proof?

When we speak of showing actual proof, it doesn't mean we have to try to put on a show of being any more knowledgeable or accomplished than we are. It is my hope that, in the manner that best suits your situation, you will prove the validity of this Buddhism by steadily improving in your daily life, your family, place of work and community and by polishing your character. (Faith Into Action, page 4.)

10. Past failure, past small success

It's foolish to be obsessed with past failures. It's just as foolish to be self-satisfied with one's small achievements. Buddhism teaches that the present and the future are what are important, not the past. Buddhism teaches us a spirit of unceasing challenge to win over the present and advance toward the future. Those who neglect this spirit of continual striving steer their lives in a ruinous direction. (Faith Into Action, page 17.)

11. Chant to become people of strong will

Life is a struggle with ourselves. It is a tug-of-war between progress and regression, between happiness and unhappiness. Those short on willpower or self-motivation should chant Daimoku with conviction to become people of strong will who can tackle any problems with seriousness and determination. (Faith Into Action, page 109.)

11. Faith and deadlocks at work and in life

Over the long course of your life, you may at times find yourself in a deadlock at work, at school or in your daily affairs. However, these are phenomena of daily life and society which lie on a different plane than faith and are not themselves the essence of faith. Therefore, you must never allow yourself to be swayed by such superficial matters and risk losing your faith entirely. (Daily Guidance, Volume Three, page 183.)

12. Worldly fame and wealth

Worldly fame and wealth which is not based on Myoho may appear to be sources of happiness for the moment. However, such happiness is merely superficial and cannot last. Through your faith, however, you can change transient, superficial happiness into actual happiness, and temporary enjoyment into everlasting prosperity. Everything boils down to the strength of your faith and the power of your conviction. (Daily Guidance, Volume Three, page 39.)

13. What is faith?

Everything is contained in a single word faith. It encompasses truth, courage, wisdom and good fortune. It includes compassion and humanity as well as peace, culture, and happiness.
Faith is eternal hope; it is the secret to limitless self-development. Faith is the most basic principle of growth. (Discussions On Youth, Volume 2, pages 163-164.)

14. Faith and Work

Faith and daily life, faith and work these are not separate things. They are one and the same. To think of them as separate ~ faith is faith, and ~ work is work is theoretical faith. Based on the recognition that work and faith are the same, we should put one hundred percent of our energy into our jobs and one hundred percent into faith, too. When we resolve to do this, we enter the path of victory in life. Faith means to show irrefutable proof of victory amid the realities of society and in our own daily lives. (For Today and Tomorrow, Daily Encouragement, page175.)

15. Strength is Happiness.

Strength is itself victory. In weakness and cowardice there is not happiness. When you wage a struggle, you might win or you might lose. But regardless of the short-term outcome, the very fact of your continuing to struggle is proof of your victory as a human being. A strong spirit, strong faith and strong prayer developing these is victory and the world of Buddhahood. (For Today and Tomorrow, Daily Encouragement, page 50.)

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国际创价学会会员时常谈到,念诵 "南无妙法莲华经"(Nam-myoho-renge-kyo)让他们的生活受益良多。这有点难以理解,或许只能通过个人的体验去领会。这种修行由十三世纪日本僧人日莲确立。他阐释佛教的真髓就包含在《法华经》之中,而经中最高的教义,是万人成佛之理。《妙法莲华经》是《法华经》的全名。"南无妙法莲华经"中的"南无"是"皈依"之意。念诵"南无妙法莲华经"让人涌现潜藏在生命中的佛界,这与一般求神拜佛那种求助于外在神灵的信仰不同,所代表的是一种坚决的意志,寻求与宇宙的生命相合,以期以相同节奏脉动,开显佛界这生命最高潜能。

Sunday, September 4, 2016


💝5 Sep Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda:
While in your teens, your scope of experience is still quite limited and you may not yet have found which area your talents will be best suited to. It's easy to fall into the trap thinking that nothing could be more desirable than love. But there is more to life than love. Particularly in the case of women, I feel, real happiness is determined after they enter their forties and onwards. 🔶💐🔶💐🔶💐

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