Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The great vow or desire for kosen-rufu is the loftiest of all earthly desires, the Buddha’s noble wish

The great vow or desire for kosen-rufu is the loftiest of all earthly desires, the Buddha's noble wish. Our life state as we burn the firewood of earthly desires with the fire of our vow and advance eternally along the bodhisattva way is identical to the life state of the Buddha. We manifest the world of Buddhahood, just as we are. This is why we can tap limitless strength and unsurpassed wisdom and courage from within us.

The Mystic Law enables us to triumph in the end, no matter what happens along the way. It allows us to change all poison into medicine and transform everything into victory for our lives. The good fortune and benefits emerging from our lives then illuminate our families and loved ones and lead them to Buddhahood, as Nichiren Daishonin's writings attest.

At the same time, our daily activities as Soka Gakkai members are widely opening the way for kosen-rufu into the eternal future of the Latter Day and for the happiness of tomorrow's children.

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