Sunday, March 20, 2016

Altruistic practice -- essential

20/3/16, 9:09:53 PM: Chang Cheng Liang: President Toda used to say that someone who just practices on his own without making any effort to advance kosenrufu is like a person who stashes away some sweets so that he can eat them later when no one is around.
President Makiguchi wrote: "If you just believe and offer prayer, you will receive benefit without fail. But this alone does not amount to bodhisattva practice. There's no such thing as an egoistic Buddha who only seeks benefit for himself and does not endeavour to help others. Unless we carry out bodhisattva practice, we cannot become Buddhas. True faith, in other words, means spreading the teaching to others with the spirit of a parent toward his or her children. Those who do so are genuine practitioners."

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