Friday, March 18, 2016

A Soka educator, transforming poison into medicine

19/3/16, 2:11:16 PM: Edr- Phui Wah: My mindset about things in school changed a fair bit year by year... And I would like to share a few incidents :

1. Like everyone I used to think SH 吃饱没事做,no family and could live in the school office and demand without empathy .. But after dialogues with her I could understand that she had students' welfare in mind and in fact she could have relax for her own good but she didn't .. I chanted and felt she was a good educator too, though her social skills needed help. Once I could see her difficulty , my patience expanded- especially for her.

Of course , colleagues thought I "po" her , but my integrity proven itself when they saw I was still given 苦差事... And she still very strict at my work standard. 😅

Bo chap those rumours or baseless defamation la! .. My joy came from sparkling eyes of my students after I taught them Physics , and their warm friendship - always invite me to their bbqs and gatherings, and those outpour of confession and gratitude at Teachers' Day.

2. I used to dislike all the additional work imposed on teachers - like organise funfair , fund-raising events etc.

But as I complained in front of the Gohonzon , strangely my mind drifted to think of many ideas to nurture my form class into wholesome youths. There were definitely stress for me - I had to expand my ability .. To be manager among the students, to advise them on conduct/ etiquette when they seek sponsors , to liaise with parents, to " push" them to sell their coupons, to promote competition so they would set up attractive and profitable food and game stalls... I became project manager, sales person, PR, promoters, peace-maker, mentor !
By the third FunFair, I could tell the class , " None of my form classes had failed to win an award in the past Fanfairs - we either won " Best Decorated stall " or " Most profitable stall " This year will be no difference ! We can do if we put our hearts and effort into it. Let's start work and have lots of fun! "

At the back of my mind, I was not aiming at the school prize but already prepared to give them an award ( from me ) after the two months long and hard preparation, because I was ready to use this chance to motivate them to manifest their best potential. I saw the great chance to put their study in practice ( apply Physics and mathematics behind the game /food stall they designed ) and character building in the process. They would all be winners if they respond to what I command and strive to meet my expectations.

Everyday in those two months, I chanted for unity and growth. If we bonded well and they trusted my direction/vision, the rest of academic teaching and achievements would be less difficult.

So it was " poison" if my life force was weak and wisdom shallow. The " poison " was such fertile soil of personal growth and tremendous benefits once the mindset changed to be positive and creative.

3. The appraising officer VP observed my lesson and again he was very detailed and strict leader. He commented that if my voice could be less high pitch , it could be better ! 😂

I listened to all his comment and as I chanted about how to improve my weaknesses, I decided that for my good and also to assure the school leaders, I shall design a survey and conduct it at the end of a year. I would administer it to 300-400 students - all who had attended my lectures. That was around 1993-1996, and I could focus on the areas that the students truly need. I learnt so much about my own weaknesses and strengths.

A few years later, appraisal and feedback form became popular and given to teachers to comment on the courses/ trainers at MOE.. I realised that " Gohonzon " had directed me to this good approach of self-check simply by chanting! If I was not prepared to improve or lacks courage to show my weaknesses to students , I would not do the survey. The daimoku and Sensei's guidance helped me.

And I think, wouldn't it be better to show my 17-18 yrs old students -
" I will grow with you. I'll show you how to work hard. "


" You will never beat me ... 😏😜 pi-pipi pu-pu ".

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