Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Vast heart 大心

🌈🌈🌈*Our founding president (Makiguchi sensei) laid down his life, leaving an example of the "vast heart" of Soka for his disciples and successors. This "vast heart" is the great, invincible spirit to keep striving together with the Mystic Law through even the bitterest adversity to transform all poison into medicine and freely create value with confidence, strength, wisdom, and optimism.*

Excerpts from: Soka Times 12/2020, pg.2

🌻🌻🌻*创立先师(牧口先生)豁出生命,示范并托付给后继的弟子这"创价的大心": 不论遭遇任何考验,奉持妙法,将一切变毒为药,强大、 聪慧、明朗、自在地创造价值。*
