*The Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu 10th Anniversary Booklet*
The gift is The Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu 10th Anniversary Booklet, titled "Towards the 100th Anniversary of Soka Gakkai Building a Bright Future Based on Our Vow".
It was published in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the completion of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-Rufu. Heartiest congratulations to all!
This booklet includes photographs of the Hall of the Great Vow taken by Ikeda Sensei throughout the four seasons, a portrait of Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda, an image of the calligraphy of "Vow" composed by Sensei, and an excerpt from Senseis message to the commemorative gongyo meeting marking the completion of the Hall of the Great Vow in both English and Japanese.
There is also a photograph of Ikeda Sensei encouraging SGI representatives visiting Japan which was taken in 2014.
这份礼物就是广宣流布誓愿堂落成10周年纪念册子 —— "朝向创立100周年!开创未来我们的誓愿"。*
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