🌈🌈🌈*Illness isn't something to be feared; being defeated by the "devil of illness" is. This negative function uses illness to discourage and dishearten us. If this happens, then even curable illnesses can become incurable. Therefore, when we fall ill, that is the time to rouse an invincible spirit and challenge the situation with our Buddhist practice - to defeat the "devil of illness" with the lion's roar of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. When we do so, we will bring forth a strong life force that can turn even illness into a springboard for our lives. We can change poison into medicine and become healthier and stronger than before.*
Excerpts from: Soka Times 628.08/2020, pg.17
🌻🌻🌻*可怕的不是"病",而是向"病魔"屈服。"病魔" 是通过病让人灰心失望的"作用"。如果灰心失望,本可治愈的病也会变得治愈不了。所以,愈是生病的时候,愈要想"怎么可以输给病魔呢",要以信心来对付,以题目的狮子吼来战胜病魔。这时,就连病也能成为人生的"跳板",涌出生命力。变毒为药,能变得比以前强壮。*
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