Monday, August 26, 2024

【 成佛姿态 】

摘录自《 法华经的智慧 》药王菩萨本事品第二十三【 真正的健康是勇战菩萨的生命 】篇 。
池田先生谈到1976年 ,西班牙支部成立之初的首任女子部长小林顺子 ,她的青春辉煌状烈 ,一瞬即逝 ,她所留下的黄金轨迹 ,至今仍光辉灿烂 。
小林顺子生于1949年东京涉谷区 ,1966年她在双亲入信三个月后开始信心 。当时就读高中一年级 ,年17岁 ,她在高中部活动时 ,便怀着 " 要为世界广布效力 " 的理想 ,专心学习外语 ,品学兼优 ,准备报考东京大学 。当时她一边照顾生病的家人 ,一边准备大学考试 ,所以重考了两次 。
二十岁那年 ,她遭遇了丧亲之慟 ,母亲因为癌症过世 ,父亲也随之病亡 ,顿时举目无亲 ,唸大学的理想遥遥无期 。一年后 ,我在夏季讲习会上见到了她 ,当我听她说完双亲过世的经过 ,我对她说 :【 我知道了 ,跟妳同年龄的人 ,将来一定会经历两次同样的事 ,那就是双亲的死 。妳只是比大家早一点经历而已 ,有御本尊守护着妳 ,一定没问题 】。
她或许想获得我的安慰 ,可是我坦率地告诉她真正的人生真髓 ,即所谓【 本有的生死 】。人总有一天会死 ,如果逃避了这个现实 ,就不是佛法了 。
虽说是【 生死 】,却也是 " 宇宙生命 " 的变化样相 ,是 " 佛生命 " 的一种表现 。讨厌生死 ,就等于讨厌佛的生命 。如果沉溺于 " 生死 " 痛苦中 ,那么人身是 " 遊戏于佛的大生命中 " 的说法就无法成立了 。
无论是 " 生 " 或 " 死 " 的痛苦 ,都是加强 " 信心 " 的粮食 ,这就是【 生死即涅槃 】。
尽管如此 ,年纪轻轻的顺子一定很难过 。后来 ,她成为女子部人才班的一员 ,我经常鼓励她 。记得有一次 ,还与大家一起到农场吃西瓜 、烤玉蜀黍 ,令人怀念 。无论在公司或投入女子部的活动 ,她都以明朗和毅力 ,拿出驚人的成果 。入信满十年后 ,她实现了高中时的理想到响往已久的西班牙留学 。抵达西班牙两个星期后 ,西班牙成立了第一个支部 ,在支部成立时 ,顺子被任命为首任女子部长 。她努力奔走在草创期的西班牙大地上 ,为了把 " 题目 " 浸透在天主教的大地上 ,她随时都在唱题 ,而且经常开车往返十个小时参加座谈会 。结束活动 ,回到住处 ,又逐字逐句彻夜翻译《 御书 》或〈 大白莲华 〉。顺子说 :【 我一点也不觉得辛苦 、不觉得疲累 。只要有一位西班牙人信心站立起来 ,一切都会变成欢喜 】。
这对只知道稳如磐石的【 日本创价学会 】的我而言 ,与其说辛苦 ,不如说是无比的高兴 ,因为能体验草创期前辈的辛苦 ,是难能可贵的经 。
如此拼命奋斗了两年 ,不料考验再次袭来 。她的左膝盖长了一个硬块 ,回日本检查后 ,发现是 " 恶性腫瘤 " 。医生说 :【 若不从左腿的根部切除 ,生命恐将不保 】。
这个晴天霹雳的打击 ,让她感到地球好像停止转动 。这时 ,母亲的脸庞浮现在她的脑海里 ,耳边响起成佛相美丽的让邻居驚讶的母亲遗言 :【 顺子拥有御本尊 ,不是吗 ?妳的事我全部拜讬御本尊了 ,根本不用担心 - - - - - 】。她豁然开朗说 :【 母亲就是为了今天 ,才拼命教我信心的 】。于是决定接受手术 ,后来左腿免于截肢 ,但也缝了五十针 ,是场大手术 。之后主治医生又宣告 :【 这一生不可能再走路 】。可是她决意继续与病魔搏斗 :【 为了西班牙的同志 ,我一定要站立起来给大家看 】!
果真 ,硬如石头的左腿 ,在手术数十天后 ,大拇趾竟然动了 !而且手术时膝盖被割掉的肉 ,也渐渐长出来了 ,她不肯罢休地勤励做复健 。开刀七个月后 ,医生驚讶的表示 :【 妳的身体无法以医学来说明 】。
最后她靠着自己的双脚走出医院 ,真是一场激烈的搏斗 !此时她面临经济的极限 ,但还是燃烧生命 ,誓言广宣流布 ,她再次踏上西班牙大地 。
1979年4月 ,也是我毅然辞退会长职务的那个月 ,为了伸张我的正义 ,顺子自许【 绝不能败北 】!那份心意 ,我永远铭记在心 。后来顺子虽因体力和经济问题 ,返回日本 ,但只要听说某某地方在做折伏 ,就会赶去述说自己的体验 。一听到部员有烦恼 ,马上前往鼓励 。同时 ,她很认真参加国际部的翻译班 ,折伏超过十个人以上 。一位同样脚长腫瘤的少女 ,被她鼓励后 ,勇气倍增 ,不久便考上了创价大学 ,她是以【 什么时候倒下也不后悔 】的决心 ,奋斗到底 。
1980年12月14日 ,我在神奈川文化会馆见到她 ,她和翻译班的成员合唱了一首【 月亮公公 】,演唱完毕 ,顺子献给池田先生一首和歌 :【 击倒病魔 ,与师共同 ,为广布奔走 。今日的聚会 ,刻画于心 】。池田先生凝视着她的眼睛 ,鼓励她 :【 要健康 、要长寿 】!
1981年6月14日 ,我访问法国时 ,她特地前来巴黎会馆和大家合影留念 。一年后的1982年6月26日 ,她过世了 。因为癌细胞转移到肺部 ,药的副作用使身体日渐衰弱 ,可是顺子还是持续唱题 ,不断为日本和西班牙的同志祈求 。癌症末期时 ,她每唱一遍题目都得深呼吸 ,字字换气 。
自来到西班牙起 ,她以五年的时间达成第二次【 一千万遍题目 】。去世时 ,正在挑战第三次的【 一千万遍题目 】。听说她那股【 要活下去 】的坚强毅力 ,不仅感动了护士们 ,也鼓舞了前去探病的友人 。她可以说 :【 是燃烧己身 ,为人们绽放光芒 】。经过了八个月的住院与病魔搏斗 ,最后以32岁的年纪向着【 来生 】出发 。看到她的遗容 ,大家都很驚讶 :【 多么清秀啊 】!【 从未见过顺子小姐生前这么美丽的面相 】!【 几乎不用化妆 ,真令人羡慕 】!【 手也很温软 ,脸也变得胖胖的 】!
顺子原本肤色黑 ,去世前变得很瘦 ,脸色也差 。可是有人证言 :【 她的皮肤变白了 ,与生前差别之大令人驚讶 !真正的 " 成佛样相 " ,正是如此 】。
火葬场的人也说 :【 没见过这么美丽的人 】、【 真捨不得火化 】。她面带微笑 、眼口半开 ,如《 御书 》中所说的【 成佛姿态 】!有数百人自全国各地前来参加她的葬礼 。连邻居都问 :【 是什么大人物去世了 】?
大圣人曾描述成佛者的临终情景 :【 千佛会伸手来迎 】!有这么多的人为她哀悼 、送题目 。生前真心诚意照顾许多人的她 ,必会受到守护 ,直到三世永远 。她的友人说 :【 顺子一生真的很幸福 】!【 她举目无亲 ,英年早逝 ,可是认识顺子的人 ,都不觉得她可怜 ,反而由衷认为她很了不起 !贯彻了一切 。我们一点都不悲伤 ,想必顺子已转世在西班牙 ,为广宣流布奋斗 】!
躯体虽然患病 ,但是 " 心如太阳 " ,光辉灿烂 ,她的生命是健康的 。我在隔年1983年访问西班牙时 ,首次赠送【 名誉欧洲女子部长 】的称号给她 ,以表讚扬 !
何谓【 健康 】?结论就是【 菩萨的生命 】。为了他人奋斗不懈的 " 一念 " ,才是真正的健康 。吃健康食品 ,只为自己着想 ,追求安乐的日子 ,我不认为这是健康 。象征健康的 " 药王 " ,是为信念而殉教的菩萨 ,所以【 奋斗的生命 ,才是健康的生命 】!
我曾经与国际医学家鲁内 - 杜博斯博士会谈 ,他说 :【 想在无忧无虑的世界里 ,过着没有压力的生活 ,或许心情很愉快 ,但那不过是想偷懒而已 】。博士并说 :【 地球不是休息的场所 ,人不一定是选择为了自己而活 。有些人宁愿选择 ,为了提升人类的情操 、智能 、伦理而奋斗 。因为在险境中成长 ,才是精神的法则 ,也是人类的宿命 】。
化压力 、化烦恼为生命力 ,就是【 变毒为药 】的妙法 !若想体会【 欢乐人生 】的佛法境涯 ,就必须奋斗 !【 要超越生死 ,完成你应完成的事 】!有这个使命感 ,就不会在乎 " 生死 " ,在这献身的一念里 ," 死苦 " 也可以转变成前进的力量 !

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Saturday, August 17, 2024


要一人奮起!然後第二人必然挺身,第三人會跟隨而上。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
異體同心與一人奮起 說團體,歸根究底就是「一人奮起」。 問題不在於對方或周圍,而是自己燃起希望,洋溢勇氣,「一人奮起」。 牧口先生說過:「千隻羊不如一頭獅子」。學會不是製造烏合之眾,而是培養奮戰獅子的團隊。 戶田先生也疾呼:「青年啊!要一人奮起!然後第二人必然挺身,第三人會跟隨而上。」 這就是團結的方程式,也是學會精神。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Friday, August 16, 2024


 人的煩惱千差萬別。傾聽別人的煩惱時,也未必每次都能充分解答對方,重要的是,要分擔對方的煩惱,一起祈求。  想不到鼓勵的說話也好,單是真誠地聆聽亦能幫助對方。也可以介紹值得信賴的前輩給對方,讓他去聽取意見。  要一直唱誦題目,直至對方重新振奮過來。大家要切記,「同苦」的祈求會為朋友帶來希望和勇氣。  跟苦難搏鬥就會湧現佛力 ~ 吾師戶田先生教導:「日蓮大聖人的佛法是讓處於逆境的人變得幸福的宗教。越是不幸的人,當跨越這困境時,就能發揮出無比強大的力量。這個人真正能夠鼓勵起其他人,成為人們的善知識。」  因此絕不可畏懼與宿命搏鬥。自己與苦難搏鬥的時候,就會明白痛苦的人的心境。要朗朗地唱誦妙法,勇敢地走進朋友、人群、民眾之中,響徹鼓勵之聲。  要銘記【冬必為春】(<致妙一女居士函>御書1305頁)這句金言!愈是歷經煩惱,愈變得堅強! 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
  黎明聖報 VOL2466 第三版 勝利的人學 第六十九回

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

复妙密上人函 (别名:“法华经功德抄”)--- 给座谈会御书讲解干事的补充资料(8月份)




【【 金就炼而色盛,剑就砺而锋锐。法华经之功德,愈赞愈盛。二十八品中,说正理者少,赞诵功德者伙,希留意焉!








接着,大圣人概述日本的佛教史,教示上行菩萨将在末法时代出现,于一阎浮提弘扬 “妙法莲华经” 五字。大圣人在本篇御书中阐述自己其实是在完成佛托付于上行菩萨的使命,因此,先行唱诵及弘扬南无妙法莲华经。





























然后,在 "寿量品第十六"阐明成佛的修行是菩萨行,并说出"真实的一念三千"。




























The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra -- Supplementary Resources for Leaders Sharing the Discussion Meeting Gosho (Aug)

Supplementary Resources for Leaders Sharing the Discussion Meeting Gosho (Aug)


The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra


(A)  Background and Overview


This letter was written by Nichiren Daishonin at the age of 55 

at Mount Minobu on March 5, 1276

and addressed lo a lay follower named Myomitsu.

While detailed information about Myomitsu is not available, the fact that Nichiren Daishonin addresses him as "Honorable Myomitsu" (Myomitsu Shonin) suggests that he was a disciple with staunch faith.

In addition, from the contents of this letter, it appears that Myomitsu and his wife wholeheartedly supported the Daishonin by frequently making offerings to him at his small dwelling in the wilderness of Mount Minobu.

The Daishonin begins this writing by stating that life is the most precious of all treasures. By starting his letter in this way, the Daishonin seeks to lavish the highest praise on Myomitsu for his invaluable offerings of sustenance which function to support and sustain life, the greatest treasure of all, an act that will bring the giver unimaginably great benefit.

Next, the Daishonin briefly recounts the history of Buddhism in Japan and proclaims that, in the Latter Day of the Law. Bodhisattva Superior Practices will appear to widely spread the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo. The Daishonin suggests in this letter that he is in fact fulfilling the mission of Bodhisattva Superior Practices entrusted by the Buddha, in that he has begun to chant and propagate Nam-myoho-renge-kyo before anyone else.

The Daishonin further indicates that he has been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the Lotus Sutra, on his own and teaching others to do the same, in exact accord with the Lotus Sutra, which comprises the very essence of the Buddha's lifetime teachings.

The Daishonin then declares that he alone reads the Lotus Sutra in a way that accords with the Buddha's spirit and intention. The Daishonin voices his conviction that the difficulties he has endured over more than two decades serve to verify the truth of the Lotus Sutra and also confirms that everything that he had experienced is as prophesied in the sutra.

The Daishonin declares that, although he alone has been chanting the daimoku, eventually the entire nation will chant it, just as a single speck of dust gives rise to Mount Sumeru, or a single drop of water grows to form the sea.

In the closing section of "The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra", the Daishonin warmly encourages Myomitsu and his wife, who have supported his efforts for kosen-rufu by sending him offerings on numerous occasions. He says that Myomitsu's act of making sincere offerings is the same as propagating the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra in Japan. 

Thus, when people throughout the land chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, their blessings will all accrue to Myomitsu and that he will receive the absolute protection of the heavenly deities (cf. WND-1, pp. 672-73).

In conclusion, the Daishonin teaches that the more gold is heated, the brighter it will shine. The more a sword is whetted, the sharper it will become. Likewise, the more one praises the blessings of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own blessings and good fortune will increase.


       The more gold is heated in the flames, the brighter will be its colour; the more a sword is whetted, the sharper it will become. And the more one praises the blessings of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own blessings will increase. Bear in mind that the twenty-eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra contain only a few passages elucidating the truth, but a great many words of praise.
(WND-1, p. 673)


(B)  Key Points for Sharing

Key Learning Points of the Gosho Passage:

1. Gongyo Is a Practice that Extols the Gohonzon and Helps Polish Our Lives

2. Encouragement from Fellow Members Is the Power Source of Happiness 

3. Standing Up Alone with the Resolve to Impart Hope to Others Constitute the Soka Gakkai Spirit


1. Gongyo Is a Practice that Extols the Gohonzon and Helps Polish Our Lives

In the preceding paragraph of this Gosho passage we are studying this month, Nichiren Daishonin says that Myomitsu's act of making sincere offerings is the same as propagating the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra in Japan. Thus, when people throughout the land chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, their blessings will all accrue to Myomitsu. (cf WND-1, 672–73)  

Then after encouraging Myomitsu's wife, who supported her husband, the Daishonin states: "The more gold is heated in the flames, the brighter will be its color; the more a sword is whetted, the sharper it will become."

Through the analogies of "gold becoming brighter" and "a sword getting sharper", the Daishonin illustrates the underlying principle that enhances one's benefits.

In order for gold to become more luminous, impurities need to be removed through the trial of fire. In the same way, in order for a sword to become sharper, the act of whetting is indispensable.

The Daishonin teaches that the same can be said for the benefits of the Lotus Sutra. The more one praises the benefits of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own benefits will increase. 

The more gold is purified by fire, the more luminous it becomes. The more a sword is sharpened, the finer its edge. Likewise, The more one praises the benefits of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own benefits will increase.  

When we recite the Lotus Sutra during our morning and evening gongyo, we are praising the Buddha and the Gohonzon. In addition, the Daishonin teaches that we are polishing our life when we chant the daimoku of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. As such, our benefits will increase through our practice of gongyo morning and night.


Sensei says in his guidance: "If we don't brush our teeth everyday, it will get dirty. Our rooms will be filled with dust if we just leave it as it is. Mirrors become clouded when they are not polished. In the same way, if we don't polish our lives, it will be clouded by impurities and negativities. As such, our daily practice of gongyo morning and evening and chanting daimoku is an undertaking to polish our own lives." 


2. Encouragement from Fellow Members Is the Power Source of Happiness 


Next, the Daishonin says: "Bear in mind that the twenty-eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra contain only a few passages elucidating the truth, but a great many words of praise." What does he mean by this?

One essential principle expounded in the Lotus Sutra is the doctrine of the "three thousand realms in a single moment of life". 

Firstly, the "Expedient Means" (2nd) chapter of the Lotus Sutra reveals that all people inherently possess the life state of Buddhahood in their lives by expounded the principle of the "ten factors of life". 

Subsequently, the "Life Span" (16th) chapter clarifies that the Bodhisattva Way is the practice for attaining Buddhahood and expounds the principle of "actual three thousand realms in a single moment of life". 

As such, by chanting the daimoku of the Mystic Law and through one's inner resolve to propagate its teachings (single moment of life), one is able to transform one's circumstances towards the best direction (three thousand realms). 

Ikeda Sensei explains this point in his lecture:


In the Lotus Sutra itself, there are only a few pages elucidating the essence of the Law. Overall, the 28 chapters of the Lotus Sutra could be said to be dedicated almost entirely to describing multitudes of living beings unanimously lauding the blessings of the Law of universal enlightenment; praising Shakyamuni Buddha, Many Treasures Buddha, and the Buddhas throughout the ten directions; and urging living beings everywhere to accept and uphold the Mystic Law. When read in terms of the meaning hidden in the depths of its text, the entire Lotus Sutra extols the beneficial power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

(From President Ikeda's study lecture series, "Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory")


The Daishonin revealed the teaching that led all Buddhas expounded in the Lotus Sutra to Buddhahood as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The Lotus Sutra is a scripture that extols the beneficial power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and one that urges living beings everywhere to accept and uphold the Mystic Law. For this reason, immeasurable good fortune and benefit fills one's heart who praises Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

So what constitutes the practice that "praise the blessings of the Lotus Sutra"? 

It is to share the joy of practicing faith with others and to advance in the spirit of mutual respect with fellow members.

Even though some members are not able to attend meetings due to various reasons, let us continue to praise fellow members who are striving to their utmost best amidst their challenging circumstances by imparting wholehearted encouragement to them.

It is within this Soka Gakkai's network of encouragement that the power source that enables every individual to enjoy happiness is found.


3. Standing Up Alone with the Resolve to Impart Hope to Others Constitute the Soka Gakkai Spirit


In the earlier portion of this writing, Nichiren Daishonin reveals that he rose up all alone to start chanting and spreading the great beneficial medicine of the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo (the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra) that will cure the "sickness of delusion" of the people. (cf. WND-1, 669)

When one awakened individual stands up with a personal commitment to fulfill his or her true mission, the light of hope will be illuminated in the life of another. 

This is why we treasure and foster one single individual standing before us, and continue supporting and imparting encouragement. 

This formula of kosen-rufu demonstrated by Nichiren Daishonin has now been succeeded by the global solidarity of Soka which has spread to 192 countries and territories around the world.  


Ikeda Sensei writes in the novel, The New Human Revolution:

What is the greatest undertaking for any human being? It is to leave behind others who share one's ideals and convictions. We are limited in what we can accomplish in a single lifetime, and even more so in what each of us can accomplish in just two or three years. That's why it's so important to foster capable people. This will create an enduring movement that will continue to spread widely in society.
If one nurtures a single seed, it will grow into a plant that will in turn produce many seeds; each of those seeds is the source for the generation of countless more. In the same way, everything begins with one individual. That is why it is so important to cherish each person. To value and treasure each individual is the key to achieving kosen-rufu.
(The New Human Revolution Vol 5, "Joy" Chapter)


Let's Recap:  Key Learning Points of the Gosho Passage:

1. Gongyo Is a Practice that Extols the Gohonzon and Helps Polish Our Lives

2. Encouragement from Fellow Members Is the Power Source of Happiness 

3. Standing Up Alone with the Resolve to Impart Hope to Others Constitute the Soka Gakkai Spirit

It is the mentor-disciple spirit that binds individuals who share the same aspirations and ideals. The mentor's spirit becomes the disciple's and is succeeded by the disciple.

When each and every one of us succeed Ikeda Sensei's spirit and forge on, worldwide kosen-rufu advances by leaps and bounds.


Thank you 

< end of supplementary resources >

Prepared by SGS Study Department

Saturday, August 3, 2024


[[今日指導]] <第五集>

