Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra -- Supplementary Resources for Leaders Sharing the Discussion Meeting Gosho (Aug)

Supplementary Resources for Leaders Sharing the Discussion Meeting Gosho (Aug)


The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra


(A)  Background and Overview


This letter was written by Nichiren Daishonin at the age of 55 

at Mount Minobu on March 5, 1276

and addressed lo a lay follower named Myomitsu.

While detailed information about Myomitsu is not available, the fact that Nichiren Daishonin addresses him as "Honorable Myomitsu" (Myomitsu Shonin) suggests that he was a disciple with staunch faith.

In addition, from the contents of this letter, it appears that Myomitsu and his wife wholeheartedly supported the Daishonin by frequently making offerings to him at his small dwelling in the wilderness of Mount Minobu.

The Daishonin begins this writing by stating that life is the most precious of all treasures. By starting his letter in this way, the Daishonin seeks to lavish the highest praise on Myomitsu for his invaluable offerings of sustenance which function to support and sustain life, the greatest treasure of all, an act that will bring the giver unimaginably great benefit.

Next, the Daishonin briefly recounts the history of Buddhism in Japan and proclaims that, in the Latter Day of the Law. Bodhisattva Superior Practices will appear to widely spread the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo. The Daishonin suggests in this letter that he is in fact fulfilling the mission of Bodhisattva Superior Practices entrusted by the Buddha, in that he has begun to chant and propagate Nam-myoho-renge-kyo before anyone else.

The Daishonin further indicates that he has been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the Lotus Sutra, on his own and teaching others to do the same, in exact accord with the Lotus Sutra, which comprises the very essence of the Buddha's lifetime teachings.

The Daishonin then declares that he alone reads the Lotus Sutra in a way that accords with the Buddha's spirit and intention. The Daishonin voices his conviction that the difficulties he has endured over more than two decades serve to verify the truth of the Lotus Sutra and also confirms that everything that he had experienced is as prophesied in the sutra.

The Daishonin declares that, although he alone has been chanting the daimoku, eventually the entire nation will chant it, just as a single speck of dust gives rise to Mount Sumeru, or a single drop of water grows to form the sea.

In the closing section of "The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra", the Daishonin warmly encourages Myomitsu and his wife, who have supported his efforts for kosen-rufu by sending him offerings on numerous occasions. He says that Myomitsu's act of making sincere offerings is the same as propagating the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra in Japan. 

Thus, when people throughout the land chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, their blessings will all accrue to Myomitsu and that he will receive the absolute protection of the heavenly deities (cf. WND-1, pp. 672-73).

In conclusion, the Daishonin teaches that the more gold is heated, the brighter it will shine. The more a sword is whetted, the sharper it will become. Likewise, the more one praises the blessings of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own blessings and good fortune will increase.


       The more gold is heated in the flames, the brighter will be its colour; the more a sword is whetted, the sharper it will become. And the more one praises the blessings of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own blessings will increase. Bear in mind that the twenty-eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra contain only a few passages elucidating the truth, but a great many words of praise.
(WND-1, p. 673)


(B)  Key Points for Sharing

Key Learning Points of the Gosho Passage:

1. Gongyo Is a Practice that Extols the Gohonzon and Helps Polish Our Lives

2. Encouragement from Fellow Members Is the Power Source of Happiness 

3. Standing Up Alone with the Resolve to Impart Hope to Others Constitute the Soka Gakkai Spirit


1. Gongyo Is a Practice that Extols the Gohonzon and Helps Polish Our Lives

In the preceding paragraph of this Gosho passage we are studying this month, Nichiren Daishonin says that Myomitsu's act of making sincere offerings is the same as propagating the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra in Japan. Thus, when people throughout the land chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, their blessings will all accrue to Myomitsu. (cf WND-1, 672–73)  

Then after encouraging Myomitsu's wife, who supported her husband, the Daishonin states: "The more gold is heated in the flames, the brighter will be its color; the more a sword is whetted, the sharper it will become."

Through the analogies of "gold becoming brighter" and "a sword getting sharper", the Daishonin illustrates the underlying principle that enhances one's benefits.

In order for gold to become more luminous, impurities need to be removed through the trial of fire. In the same way, in order for a sword to become sharper, the act of whetting is indispensable.

The Daishonin teaches that the same can be said for the benefits of the Lotus Sutra. The more one praises the benefits of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own benefits will increase. 

The more gold is purified by fire, the more luminous it becomes. The more a sword is sharpened, the finer its edge. Likewise, The more one praises the benefits of the Lotus Sutra, the more one's own benefits will increase.  

When we recite the Lotus Sutra during our morning and evening gongyo, we are praising the Buddha and the Gohonzon. In addition, the Daishonin teaches that we are polishing our life when we chant the daimoku of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. As such, our benefits will increase through our practice of gongyo morning and night.


Sensei says in his guidance: "If we don't brush our teeth everyday, it will get dirty. Our rooms will be filled with dust if we just leave it as it is. Mirrors become clouded when they are not polished. In the same way, if we don't polish our lives, it will be clouded by impurities and negativities. As such, our daily practice of gongyo morning and evening and chanting daimoku is an undertaking to polish our own lives." 


2. Encouragement from Fellow Members Is the Power Source of Happiness 


Next, the Daishonin says: "Bear in mind that the twenty-eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra contain only a few passages elucidating the truth, but a great many words of praise." What does he mean by this?

One essential principle expounded in the Lotus Sutra is the doctrine of the "three thousand realms in a single moment of life". 

Firstly, the "Expedient Means" (2nd) chapter of the Lotus Sutra reveals that all people inherently possess the life state of Buddhahood in their lives by expounded the principle of the "ten factors of life". 

Subsequently, the "Life Span" (16th) chapter clarifies that the Bodhisattva Way is the practice for attaining Buddhahood and expounds the principle of "actual three thousand realms in a single moment of life". 

As such, by chanting the daimoku of the Mystic Law and through one's inner resolve to propagate its teachings (single moment of life), one is able to transform one's circumstances towards the best direction (three thousand realms). 

Ikeda Sensei explains this point in his lecture:


In the Lotus Sutra itself, there are only a few pages elucidating the essence of the Law. Overall, the 28 chapters of the Lotus Sutra could be said to be dedicated almost entirely to describing multitudes of living beings unanimously lauding the blessings of the Law of universal enlightenment; praising Shakyamuni Buddha, Many Treasures Buddha, and the Buddhas throughout the ten directions; and urging living beings everywhere to accept and uphold the Mystic Law. When read in terms of the meaning hidden in the depths of its text, the entire Lotus Sutra extols the beneficial power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 

(From President Ikeda's study lecture series, "Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory")


The Daishonin revealed the teaching that led all Buddhas expounded in the Lotus Sutra to Buddhahood as Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The Lotus Sutra is a scripture that extols the beneficial power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and one that urges living beings everywhere to accept and uphold the Mystic Law. For this reason, immeasurable good fortune and benefit fills one's heart who praises Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

So what constitutes the practice that "praise the blessings of the Lotus Sutra"? 

It is to share the joy of practicing faith with others and to advance in the spirit of mutual respect with fellow members.

Even though some members are not able to attend meetings due to various reasons, let us continue to praise fellow members who are striving to their utmost best amidst their challenging circumstances by imparting wholehearted encouragement to them.

It is within this Soka Gakkai's network of encouragement that the power source that enables every individual to enjoy happiness is found.


3. Standing Up Alone with the Resolve to Impart Hope to Others Constitute the Soka Gakkai Spirit


In the earlier portion of this writing, Nichiren Daishonin reveals that he rose up all alone to start chanting and spreading the great beneficial medicine of the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo (the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra) that will cure the "sickness of delusion" of the people. (cf. WND-1, 669)

When one awakened individual stands up with a personal commitment to fulfill his or her true mission, the light of hope will be illuminated in the life of another. 

This is why we treasure and foster one single individual standing before us, and continue supporting and imparting encouragement. 

This formula of kosen-rufu demonstrated by Nichiren Daishonin has now been succeeded by the global solidarity of Soka which has spread to 192 countries and territories around the world.  


Ikeda Sensei writes in the novel, The New Human Revolution:

What is the greatest undertaking for any human being? It is to leave behind others who share one's ideals and convictions. We are limited in what we can accomplish in a single lifetime, and even more so in what each of us can accomplish in just two or three years. That's why it's so important to foster capable people. This will create an enduring movement that will continue to spread widely in society.
If one nurtures a single seed, it will grow into a plant that will in turn produce many seeds; each of those seeds is the source for the generation of countless more. In the same way, everything begins with one individual. That is why it is so important to cherish each person. To value and treasure each individual is the key to achieving kosen-rufu.
(The New Human Revolution Vol 5, "Joy" Chapter)


Let's Recap:  Key Learning Points of the Gosho Passage:

1. Gongyo Is a Practice that Extols the Gohonzon and Helps Polish Our Lives

2. Encouragement from Fellow Members Is the Power Source of Happiness 

3. Standing Up Alone with the Resolve to Impart Hope to Others Constitute the Soka Gakkai Spirit

It is the mentor-disciple spirit that binds individuals who share the same aspirations and ideals. The mentor's spirit becomes the disciple's and is succeeded by the disciple.

When each and every one of us succeed Ikeda Sensei's spirit and forge on, worldwide kosen-rufu advances by leaps and bounds.


Thank you 

< end of supplementary resources >

Prepared by SGS Study Department