Saturday, March 9, 2024

Kosenrufu …Excerpts from Creative Life 03/2024, pg.39-40

广宣流布是佛意佛敕,也是我们的大愿。但若认为早晚应该会有人去做、 与自己无关,广宣流布是不会有进展 的。*即使踏出一小步、一厘米也好,在自己决定要一人奋起的那一刻,广布的车轴便开始转动。*



先生于70年前(1952年)的新年出发之际疾呼:"广宣流布的时机将到!"  *鼓励各位同志要成为"勇敢的折伏斗士"、"广宣流布的人"!*


Kosen-rufu is the Buddha's intent and our great vow. But if we think someone else will accomplish it someday, nothing will ever hapen. *The wheels of kosen-rufu start to turn only when we decide to stand up ourselves and move forward, even if only an inch or a step.*

This is just as true today, as the Soka Gakkai continues to spread its wings as a global religious movement in the run-up to our centennial [in 2030]

*It was my mentor, Josei Toda. who, amid the devastation of postwar Japan, stood up alone with a vow to achieve kosen-rufu and began his compassionate, righteous struggle to relieve the suffering of all people.*

Seventy years ago, as he looked towards the new year of 1952, Mr Toda declared that the time of kosen-rufu had come. *He called upon the members to strive as "courageous champions of propagation" and "people dedicated to kosen-rufu".*

Excerpts from Creative Life 03/2024, pg.39-40