Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Rejoice when you meet a strong opponent; For they help us develop and forge our own strength and ability. 🤗


7月 7日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

July 7
Fulfillment and satisfaction in life are experienced to the extent that you have overcome various hardships and adversities. No matter how old you are, your spirit will wither if you don't continue to struggle. The point is to seek out and take on challenges, for the sake of your own happiness and fulfillment. You need to create a magnificent drama of unceasing endeavor.

🌞Good morning Myo Ho friends !
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together let's encourage one other.
👋👋Let's be courageous champions of faith and practice!🙏💪

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's guidance

🌈🇧🇪Ikeda Sensei's encouragements:

🥊🥊"A strong opponent helps us develop and forge our own strength and ability.
🫵🫵When you encounter some challenge, rejoice and say to yourself, "I have met a rare and worthy adversary!" 🤺🤺Greet everything positively, weather all storms with a strong, resilient spirit, and emerge triumphant.
🙏😇That is the Buddhist way of life."

🙏😇"As practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism, our ultimate goals are attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime and realising kosen-rufu.
🙏📿🪷The only way to achieve those goals is to employ the "strategy of the Lotus Sutra" (WND-1, 1001) and navigate our way through the stormy seas of life with an unwavering commitment to faith.
🙏📖✌️The purpose of Buddhist study is so that we can develop into truly exemplary practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism, courageous champions of faith and practice.
🛎📖We must never err on this point."
Tuesday, July 6th, 2022


To develop a better self today
than yesterday's and to continue to be
successful and victorious —
this is how we carry out
our human revolution.Let's all be people
"who never gives in to defeat,"*
no matter what!*"He is a man who never gives in to defeat and who greatly values his friends." - "On Prolonging One's Life Span"
(WND, Vol.1, page 955)

Tuesday, July 6th, 2022


"The effect of such writings is like a little rain falling in a time of prolonged drought, which only makes the plants and trees more parched than before, or like dispatching one's weakest forces to lead the attack on a powerful opponent, which only makes the enemy more confident than ever."

(On the Protection of the Nation
- WND, Vol.2, page 93) Selection Source: Kyo no Hosshin,
Seikyo Newspaper: July 6th, 2022Wednesday, July 7th, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----"When your goals are high, each step forwards can feel like a tough, uphill climb, but hard as it may be, each step takes you closer to your goal, and if you keep going, you'll be able to get there. "In all things, if you take a step forwards today, you will have progressed more than yesterday. There's no need to compare yourself to others either….Together let's set forth towards new goals, with a fresh spirit."Treasures of the Four Seasons, [22] Taking a Fresh Step Forwards Each Day, Hope News, January 1st, 2020 issue, translation released June 2022
Sensei's guidance:
"Let's challenge ourselves over and over until we achieve our goals. This is the key to victory.
Towards fulfilling our vow, let's tenaciously push forwards.

With the mission of Bodhisattvas of the Earth in our hearts, let's have conversations that spread happiness with as many people as possible!
Today again, let's advance!"
Today's Gosho: 835

"When we ordinary mortals, persons of incorrigible disbelief who are constantly drowned in delusion and suffering, desire to take faith in the Lotus Sutra, this is a sign that the Buddha nature within us is beginning to manifest itself."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 137)

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