Wednesday, July 20, 2022

EVERYONE (without exception) is precious; Let’s give something, anything… let’s give others HOPE. It’s FREE!


7月 21日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

July 21
One cannot become a starring player in life if one is easily swayed by one's emotions over every little thing. Strength of character lies in performing the drama of life with courage and confidence, practicing self-reflection and self-control in all circumstances.

🌞Good day Myo Ho friends !
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together let's encourage one other.

👋👋In light of the Mystic Law, everything has meaning and nothing is futile.
👋👋Our Buddhist practice enables us to use every situation to move our lives forward.
👋👋Each one of us rises and rests together with the Buddha [ that is the Gohonzon ].
👋👋 Our practice of morning and evening gongyo is the foundation for advancing on the correct path of life
a path aligned with the Law that pervades the three existences of past, present, and future- leading the most meaningful existence.
🛎🛎🛎Especially important, as the phrase "morning after morning we rise up with the Buddha" indicates, is doing an invigorating morning gongyo.🙏💪✌️

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's guidance

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️"One's attitude can totally transform one's situation.
🛎🛎The thing is to decide to spend each day happily and productively
- wherever you happen to be.
😇🙏A wise person can create value under any circumstances."

🇧🇪Ikeda Sensei says:
💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️"To put all our energy into the present moment, with great hope for the future—that is the mark of a person who is wise in the way of living. …
🙏🪷Faith in the Mystic Law is a source of infinite hope.
🛎🛎No matter how adverse your present circumstances may be, even if it seems you have been defeated, it's important that you stand up with strong resolve to turn your situation around and demonstrate the limitless transformative potential of the Mystic Law.
💪💪Only with all-out effort, with the determination to create something from nothing, can we understand genuine faith. 🇧🇪The intense, arduous struggle of creating value—
✅turning loss into benefit,
✅evil into good,
✅baseness into beauty—is the Soka Gakkai spirit and the essence of our practice of Nichiren Buddhism."🙏
Wednesday, July 20th, 2022


The Daishonin teaches,

"Regard your service to your lord
as the practice of the Lotus Sutra."*The practice of this Buddhism
is in order for us to manifest
our strengths and abilitiesin the midst of society.Let's be victorious and successful
and prove the truth of

"faith manifests itself in daily life"!

*"Reply to a Believer" (WND, Vol.1, page 905)

Wednesday, July 20th, 2022


"The heart of strategy and swordsmanship derives from the Mystic Law. Have profound faith. A coward cannot have any of their prayers answered."

(The Strategy of the Lotus Sutra
- WND, Vol. 1, page 1001)Selection Source: "Kyo no Hosshin,"
Seikyo Newspaper, July 20th, 2022

Thursday, July 21st, 2022


"Everyone, without exception, is a treasure tower. Each person should shine in their own unique way. By enabling people to do so, we create a world of true mutual respect in accord with the principle of 'cherry, plum, peach and damson' (cf.OTT, 200), a world in which we all can shine and illuminate each other."

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating the World, [76] To Our Future Division Members, the Torchbearers of Justice—Our Hope for the Future, "On the Treasure Tower"—Human Revolution Makes us Shine like the "Seven Kinds of Treasure," August 2021 issue of Daibyakurenge, translation released June 2022
Today's Gosho: 849

"I resolved that, whatever might happen to me in the future, I must not bear any hatred toward others. This determination has perhaps acted as a prayer, for I have been able to come safely through any number of trials.
And now I am faced with no such difficulties."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND, 686)

The old fox never forgets the hillock where he was born; the white turtle repair the kindness he had received from Mao Pao. If even lowly creatures know enough to do this, then how much more should human beings ! 🙏🏻

On Repaying Debts of Gratitude


夫 老 狐 不 忘 故 丘,白 龟 报 毛 宝 之 恩 。畜 生 尚 见 如 此,何 况 人 伦!


老孤不会忘记出生的土冢,白龟报毛宝的恩,畜生尚且如此,何况是人伦呢 ! 🙏🏻
🙏21st July Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda:
Let us give something to each person we meet: joy, courage, hope, assurance, or philosophy, wisdom, a vision for the future. Let us always give something.


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