Tuesday, July 12, 2022

causes of illness


7月 13日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

July 13
When people's hearts change and they arouse great courage, their voice, expression, behavior, and spirit also change, and they can transform every aspect of their lives and environment.

🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends!
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together let's encourage one other.

👋👋Faith in the Mystic Law gives us the power to win in life. We chant and take action, and keep chanting through our struggles.
👋👋Anyone is able to transform the worst of fate into the best of fortune is life's champion!
👋👋By making our goal, the way of life of great good.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's guidance

💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️"No one can better bask in summer's balm than those who have endured winter's bite.
💁Similarly, it is those who have suffered through life's darkest hours who are able to truly savor the bright dawn of happiness.
💪✌️The person who has transformed the worst of fate into the best of fortune is life's champion."

🙏📿"Faith is the function of human life that dispels the dark clouds of doubt, anxiety and regret, opens one's heart and orients it toward good."

🇧🇪💁🏻‍♂️Mr. Makiguchi declared that "the supreme essence of Buddhism is demonstrating a way of life of the highest value,"which he called
"The way of life of great good."

💁🏻‍♂️He added that the purpose of our organization is to demonstrate, study and guide others to the way for creating this supreme value—unsurpassed happiness—in our daily lives, through how we actually live.

👋👋Mr. Makiguchi articulated the motto of Soka education as:
👣👣👣"Instead of walking along gazing dreamily at the sky, make sure you keep your feet on the ground and advance one step at a time!"
💪✌️✌️Firmly grounding ourselves in our daily lives, we move forward steadily, winning day by day.
👋☝️This is a path filled with hope leading to a sound life, a solid treasure in contrast to empty daydreams."
☔️Tuesday, July 12th, 2022☔️-- TO MY FRIENDS --
Let's treasure the bonds we have
with the people close by to us
in our local community
and at work.
Through our sincere actions,
let's widen our circle of trust.
☔️Tuesday, July 12th, 2022☔️--- DAILY GOSHO ---
"Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life, and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens."

("Happiness in This World,"
WND-l, page 681)
Selection Source:
Member's Experience in Faith
Seikyo Newspaper: July 12th, 2022
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----
""Abutsu-bo had written to the Daishonin asking about the significance of the emergence of the treasure tower described in the Lotus Sutra. The Daishonin responds in this letter* that it has great significance and embodies a number of profound teachings. He then goes on to say: 'In essence, the appearance of the treasure tower indicates that on hearing the Lotus Sutra, the three groups of voice-hearers** perceived for the first time the treasure tower within their own lives' (WND–1, 299).

"'The treasure tower within their own lives' is the key. In other words, the Daishonin explains, Shakyamuni's disciples realise that the great treasure tower that appeared before them is actually the treasure tower that comes forth and appears in their own lives (cf.OTT, 229).

"The Daishonin continues: 'Now Nichiren's disciples and lay supporters are also doing this' (WND–1, 299), indicating that it is vital for his followers, too, to perceive their inner treasure tower.

"This means we must awaken to the fact that the treasure tower—the noble life state of Buddhahood as vast as the universe—is inherent in our own lives. This is the true significance of the emergence of the treasure tower. It also means seeing the treasure tower in the lives of others."

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating the World, [76] To Our Future Division Members the Torchbearers of Justice—Our Hope for the Future, "On the Treasure Tower"—Awaken to Your Inner Treasure! August 2021 issue of Daibyakurenge, translation released June 2022

* On the Treasure Tower
** Three groups of voice-hearers: this refers to Shakyamuni's voice-hearer disciples who received the prophecy of enlightenment in the Lotus Sutra as they came to understand the truth of Shakyamuni's teachings through the three cycles of preaching. The three cycles are preaching through doctrine, preaching through parable and preaching through illuminating the disciples' past relationship with Shakyamuni.
🙏13th July Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda: Don't look to others; look to yourself. If you make yours a meaningful life of which you can say with calm objectivity,"It was good. It was full of triumph," then you have lived a glorious life. The person with such a strong character is a happy person.

Today's Gosho: 841

"Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, as we have already seen, possesses the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent in relation to the living beings of this saha world. He is the Buddha to whom they are greatly indebted. Anyone who would abandon such a Buddha and put faith in the Buddha of some other realm…., is guilty of committing the twenty cardinal sins and hence will surely fall into the evil paths of existence."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 25)

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