Saturday, June 4, 2022

Transforming karma into mission 愿兼于业


6月 5日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

June 5
To have a goal is to have hope. Once we set a goal, each step we take has direction and power.

🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends!
🌈Have a great weekend ahead!🍱🍵🥗
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋Everything that happens in our lives has meaning.
👋👋Changing the world starts by changing our fundamental state of mind.
👋👋To have a fighting spirit is itself the direct path to happiness.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️"The principle of "voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma" is the logical conclusion of the Buddhist concept
of changing one's karma.
🙏😇Simply put, it represents a way of life in which we transform karma into mission.
🥹🥹Everything that happens in our lives has meaning.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️Moreover, the way of life of practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism is to find and discover meaning in all things.
🫵Nothing is insignificant. Whatever a person's karma may be, it definitely has profound meaning. This is not just a
matter of outlook.
🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️Changing the world starts by changing our fundamental state of mind. This is a key Buddhist principle.
💪A powerful determination to transform even negative karma into mission can dramatically transform the real world.
💪By changing our inner state of mind, we
can change any suffering or hardship into a source of joy, regarding it as a means for forging and developing our lives.
💪💪To turn even sorrow into a source of creativity-that is the way of life of practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism.
🙏😇The Daishonin teaches us this essential path through his own life and actions as the votary of the Lotus Sutra.
💪💪To have a fighting spirit is itself the direct path to happiness. Only through struggles and challenges can we develop inner strength and truly creative lives.
👋👋Also, by maintaining unwavering faith in the correct teaching of Buddhism no matter what obstacles or hardships arise, we can enter the path of happiness for all eternity.

🙏😇Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime means securing this path in our daily lives during our present existence.
💁🏻‍♂️I therefore believe that practitioners of the correct teaching who strive ceaselessly to spread the Law exemplify the highest expression of humanity taught by the Daishonin based on the Lotus Sutra.

🤓Viewed from this perspective, all difficulties become the genuine foundation for our personal development and growth. 🙏Practitioners of the correct teaching who endure obstacles with the awareness,
🛎🛎🛎"[If devils did not arise], there would be no way of knowing that this is the correct teaching" (WND-1, 501), come to embody the Mystic Law without fail.
👥They attain the expansive state of life in which they can "regard all difficulties as peace and comfort" (cf. OTT, 115), and rejoice at them with the spirit conveyed
🙏✍️when Nichiren Daishonin writes,"The greater the hardships befalling him, the greater the delight he feels, because of his strong faith." (WND-1, 33)
Saturday, June 4th, 2022
There's no reason to compare
ourselves with anyone else.
"I will move forwards even
if it's just a millimeter
more than who I was yesterday!"
With our earnest daimoku
as the driving force,
let's win over ourselves!

Saturday, June 4th, 2022
"Thus you should understand that so long as a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra remains unwavering in faith, free of all false alliances, entrusting themselves wholeheartedly to the Lotus Sutra and practising in accordance with the Buddha's golden words, they will without fail be able to prevent disaster and prolong their life in this present existence, to say nothing of in the life to come. Splendid recompense will be theirs, and they will fulfil their great vow to broadly proclaim and propagate the Lotus Sutra."

(Letter Sent with the Prayer Sutra
- WND, Vol. 2, page 460)
Selection Source: "Kyo no Hosshin,"
Seikyo Newspaper, June 4th, 2022

Sunday, June 5th, 2022
"When we strive with united faith, we can transform our own and others' state of life.

"Mr. Makiguchi said: 'When we practice Nichiren Buddhism, before we know it we find we have attained a previously unimaginable life state. It is just as the Daishonin writes: "A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet" (WND–1, 17).'"

There is no true happiness for human beings other than chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The sutra reads," ... where living beings enjoy themselves at ease." How could this passage mean anything but the boundless joy of the Law? 🙏🏻

Happiness in This World


一 切 众 生,唱 南 无 妙 法 莲 华 经 外,别 无 游 乐 。经 云:" 众 生 所 游 乐 " 。此 文,岂 非 自 受 法 乐 耶 ?


对所有的众生而言,除了唱诵南无妙法莲华经外,没有其他的游乐 。《法华经 · 寿量品》说:"众生所游乐"。这句经文,不正是在表现 "自己领受法的欢喜(自受法乐)" 吗? 🙏🏻
5th Jun. Daily Guidance By Daisaku Ikeda:

Truly admirable is the person who wants to educate and train his juniors so that they can surpass him. Such a person is a true asset. Those who willingly help their juniors to develop and become great individuals, while smilingly supporting and watching over their growth, are leaders among leaders. 🙏🏻


要把后辈培育成比自己更出色的人才,以这样的自觉去努力的人才是伟大的,这样的人才是真正的人才。使后辈一个一个伟大地成材,然后泰然自若地为此而欢喜,全心全意照料、给予他们支持的人,才是真正的 "大将" 之才。 🙏🏻
Today's Gosho: 803*

"A Buddha with whom one establishes a connection that leads to enlightenment, and the various beings who establish such a connection, may be compared to the moon in the sky as it is reflected in countless bodies of clear water.
But in the case of a Buddha with whom no such connection can be established, the various beings are comparable to deaf persons straining to hear the sound of thunder or blind persons facing the sun or the moon."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 484)

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