Tuesday, June 7, 2022

everything exists for our growth


6月 7日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

June 7
People's minds are always changing moment to moment. When we concentrate our determination into a single instant and give 100 percent of our effort, we are able to inspire empathy and hope in others and touch their hearts.

🌞Good afternoon Myo Ho friends!
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋Let's set our sights on a great objective and strive to achieve all kosenrufu goals with our determination and abundant of daimoku.
👋👋A good life is the result of good actions.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

👋👋 "All life is in motion.
🪐🌏The universe and the earth are in motion.
🪴🐿🦒👬Plants, animals, and all
living beings are in motion.
🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️To live is to be active, to be engaged in something.
👍👍"And a good life is the result of good actions."
✌️✌️✌️A wonderful life is realised through steady right action day after day.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️That's why those who keep making
effort, who always press on under any
circumstances, are victors.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🇧🇪"Attending meetings for kosen-rufu with an eager seeking spirit to learn something new, engaging in warm-hearted dialogue with family members and neighbours with the aim of becoming happy together -
🙏🙏the true essence of Buddhism is alive in your daily efforts of this kind, which also shine with the benefit
of the Mystic Law."🪷

👬👭"People of first-class calibre possess both outstanding capabilities and character.
👍👍👍They have integrity.
🫵🫵Therefore, you must confront and challenge every situation not with some flimsy ruse but with the full force of
your character.
🫵🫵You must live with honesty and integrity and produce solid results.
🫵🫵You must set your sights on a great objective and strive to achieve it with your whole being and spirit.💪💪"
June 6th-12th, 2022


Just like founding Soka Gakkai
Makiguchi-sensei urged,
let's all be indomitable challengers
striving to achieve kosen-rufu!Let's "summon up
the courage of a lion king"*
and expand the humanitarian solidarity
for the cause of justice and truth through our ceaseless efforts to have
conversations of trust and conviction!

*"Each of you should summon up the courage of a lion king and never succumb to threats from anyone. The lion king fears no other beast, nor do its cubs. Slanderers are like barking foxes, but Nichiren's followers are like roaring lions."
- "On Persecutions Befalling the Sage"
(WND, Vol.1, page 997)Monday, June 6th, 2022--- DAILY GOSHO ---"A woman known as the dragon king's daughter achieved Buddhahood through faith in the Lotus Sutra; she therefore pledged to protect women who embrace this sutra in the latter age. Could it be that you are related to her? How admirable!"(The One-eyed Turtle and the Floating Log
- WND, Vol. 1, page 960)Selection Source:
Ikeda Sensei's guidance,
Seikyo Newspaper, June 6th, 2022Tuesday, June 7th, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----"We encounter obstacles because we practice the correct Buddhist teaching. When they occur, we have a choice: we can wisely see them for the devilish functions they are and challenge them resolutely based on faith, or we can react with fear and retreat."The Buddhism of the Sun-illuminating the World, (75) To Our Future Division Members, the Torchbearers of Justice – Our Hope for the Future, Kosen-rufu—The Great Vow to Help All People Attain Buddhahood, July 2021 issue of the Daibyakurenge, translation released April 2022
Today's Gosho: 805

"Question: In these two thousand and more years since the passing of the Buddha, what are these 'secret Laws' that were left unrevealed by Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Tien-tai, and Dengyo?

Answer: They are the object of devotion of the essential teaching, the sanctuary of the essential teaching, and the five characters of the daimoku of the essential teaching."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 488)


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