Thursday, December 10, 2020

Ten Worlds

Hi, Iʼm reading this book and wanted to share this quote with you.

"HIGHLIGHTS OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ASPECTS IN EACH OF THE TEN WORLDS 1. HELL Positive: Personal experiences of deep suffering can lead us to the desire to help others find their way out of their own suffering. Negative: Hopeless despair; the inability to see oneself and others clearly; self-destructive tendencies. • 2. HUNGER Positive: Aiming to achieve goals; yearning to have more. Negative: Greed; hedonism; insatiable desires. • 3. ANIMALITY Positive: Healthy instincts to survive and to protect and nurture life. Negative: Acting only from instinct; threatening the weak and fearing the strong. • 4. ANGER Positive: Righteous passion to fight injustice; creative force for change. Negative: Egotistic self-righteousness; destructive competitiveness; conflict. 5. TRANQUILITY Positive: Neutral state of peacefulness; ability to act with humane reason. Negative: State of passive inactivity; unwillingness to tackle problems; laziness. • 6. HEAVEN Positive: Sense of pleasure and happiness; heightened awareness; feelings of appreciation for being alive. Negative: Short-lived elation that is typically self-oriented; wish for fleeting gratification to repeat can lead to excess. • 7. LEARNING Positive: Striving for self-improvement by studying new concepts through others' teachings. Negative: Tendency to become self-centered; dismissive attitude toward others with less experience or knowledge. • 8. REALIZATION Positive: Gaining wisdom and insight through one's own learning and personal observation of the world. Negative: Lacking a broad view of life due to self-absorption; feelings of superiority over others. 9. BODHISATTVA This word contains bodhi, or "enlightenment," and sattva, or "living beings"—meaning one who seeks enlightenment for oneself and others. Positive: Compassion; acting selflessly for others without expectation of reward. Negative: Neglecting one's own life; feeling contempt for those one tries to help. • 10. BUDDHAHOOD This word indicates the state of enlightenment to the ultimate reality of the universe and all workings of life. Positive: Boundless wisdom, courage, and compassion; a grand life force that illuminates the positive aspects of each of the other nine worlds. Buddhahood is the only life condition that has no negative aspects." (from "Happiness Becomes You: A guide to changing your life for good" by Tina Turner)

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