Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Noblest Way to Live One's Youth

The Noblest Way to Live One's Youth

No other leader I know could compare with my mentor, Josei Toda, in his faith in young people, his concern for them, and his dedication to fostering and training them.
World War II robbed my generation of precious family members and other loved ones and trampled on the dreams of our youth. But Mr Toda rallied our spirits with the inspiring call: "Can you not see Mount Fuji's summit?" He shared with us the supreme philosophy of respect for the dignity of life, and taught us to remain as unyielding as Mount Fuji in our commitment to realising peace based on widely spreading the Mystic Law.
Deeply moved by Mr Toda's lectures on the Lotus Sutra, I wrote in my diary (in September 1948): "At the age of 20, I have found the path for leading the most noble and honourable youth."
I have walked that path with my fellow members for more than 70 years. While challenging ourselves in our human revolution, changing karma -- be it illness, financial difficulties, or some other cause of suffering -- we have worked together to build an unshakable network of people dedicated to bringing peace and happiness to all.

I call out to the young people of this new era to "rally now, quickly, in growing numbers" and walk the path of Soka youth, something they are certain never to regret.
During the Izu Exile, Nichiren Daishonin encouraged one of his disciples: "Were it not for them [all living beings], one would find it impossible to make the vow to save innumerable living beings. Moreover, but for the evil people who persecute bodhisattvas, how could those bodhisattvas increase their merit?". (WND-1, p43)

The presence of all kinds of people in the world makes it possible for us to act on our vow to help everyone become happy and attain enlightenment. When we refuse to let others' negativity and opposition deter us, we can accumulate boundless benefit.
Aligning themselves with the winning rhythm of kosen-rufu, our youth division members are actively reaching out to people in society and striving to fulfil their unique missions. There is no nobler way to spend one's youth. While this may bring a very busy schedule and a lot of hard work, it rewards with matchless fulfilment, pride, purpose, and joy.
When the life of a single youth is revitalised through the Mystic Law, their family, workplace, community, and society --indeed, their entire environment-- gain fresh vitality and energy. The growth of our network of Soka youth--dynamic young Bodhisattvas of the Earth--is the hope of humanity.

The Daishonin writes: "Even one seed, when planted, multiplies." (WND-2, p602) In our Soka districts and chapters everywhere, Men and Women Division members are working hand in hand with the youth to sow the seeds of encouragement in the hearts of young people in their communities, seeking to create a better world for all. Those seeds are certain to produce many beautiful flowers and abundant fruit.
May is our month! Together with the youth, whose precious lives are filled with limitless potential, let's forge ahead confidently in our efforts to perpetuate the teaching of the Mystic Law, determined to win now and in future!

In your youth
dance with all your might
proudly advancing
with the Soka Gakkai
unshaken by any storm.

Taken from Editorial by Sensei
Creative Life (Issue: May 2019, pg 2-4)

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