Thursday, March 16, 2017

Benefits of the mystic law; Faith propels us in the direction of happiness

Sensei's guidance:
"The benefit of the Mystic Law is boundless and immeasurable. Even if we cannot understand the profound meaning of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, by chanting it, we will naturally be enveloped in good fortune and benefit, in the same way that an infant is embraced in its mother's love.

The most important thing is to chant with faith to the Gohonzon, honestly and sincerely. None, no matter what worldly power or influence they wield, are a match for those who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is our honour and pride as direct successors of Nichiren Daishonin."
Sensei's guidance:
"Faith in the Mystic Law is the engine that will propel you in the direction of happiness.

Strong faith enables you to strengthen your life force and gain indestructible happiness, no matter what happens.
It empowers you to achieve victory in life without fail and to lead your family and descendants towards happiness.

The essence of faith is to summon within your lives the protective functions of the universe so that you can display the power and wisdom of the Buddha."

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