Thursday, April 7, 2016

Prayer is essential

8/4/16, 12:46:08 PM: Kwee! Chang: "Prayer is essential. Let's never forget that everything starts from prayer. If we lose sight of prayer and fail to transform our lives in actuality, then even the most eloquent speeches and high-minded arguments will all be just empty theory, pipe dreams, and illusions. Faith and the Soka Gakkai spirit, too, arise from praying strongly and deeply about our actual situations and realities.
In the Daishonin's Buddhism, prayer by itself isn't enough. Just as an arrow flying towards its target contains the full power and strength of the archer who shot it, our prayer contains all of our efforts and actions. Prayer without action is just wishful thinking, and action without prayer will be unproductive. "
SGI President Ikeda

"我要说的是,祈求很重要, 而且千万别忘了析求是一切的出发点。在实际上缺乏祈求,令生命无法顺利运转, 就算嘴上再说得冠冕堂皇, 一切都是纸上谈兵, 不切实际。所以说不论信仰心也好,学会精神也罢,一切都是从强盛、深邃地为现实的课题祈求开始。
日莲佛法的祈求, 不单只是祈求就足够, 就像要射出充满生命力的箭,必须包含行动与实践。 因此缺乏行动的祈求是空想,缺乏祈求的行动是在原地踏步。"
池田 SGI 会长