Sunday, April 24, 2016

Death - that is the great final accounting of each life.

25/4/16, 7:49:55 AM: Linda Nah!: 🙏25th Apr, Daily guidance by Daisaku Ikeda:
Death - that is the great final accounting of each life. Fame, wealth, rank, learning - all are of no avail of themselves in the face of death. We shed such vain ornaments and, naked, fight the battle of life itself. It is a solemn moment when victory and defeat are impartially determined. If you win this battle, you are a true victor.

4月25日, 池田先生今日指导:
"死" -----它就是人生总决算的时刻。名声、财富、地位、学识,光凭那些绝发挥不了一丝作用。它是剥除矫饰、赤裸祼的 "生命本身" 的作战,是严肃且公正的决战时刻。这场战斗的胜利者,才是真正的胜利者。🙏

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