Monday, May 30, 2022

kosenrufu , 樱梅桃李


5月 31日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

May 31
Truly great achievements are carried out with quiet determination, without praise or acclamation.

🌞Good morning ZH!
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Together we encourage one other.
👋👋Making the writings of Nichiren Daishonin our foundation.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's

💁🏻‍♂️Speaking of the importance of philosophy, Mr Toda declared:

🤔Why do we need philosophy?
🤔Why do our lives need the Daishonin's Buddhism?
💁🏻‍♀️If it were enough to just do as we pleased, there'd be no need to go to school and study or have religious faith. 💁🏻‍♂️But if We follow that course, we'll only come to regret it later.
🙏📖On the other hand, by studying philosophy, by studying Buddhism, we gain access to the most profound depths of life.
💙😀❤️What incredible joy there if to be found in seeking and attaining with an open heart and deep emotion and inspiration - true and lasting nappiness!
💙😀❤️What an immeasurable delight it is to know the deeply wondrous nature of life and experience our own beings brimming with limitless joy!

💁🏻‍♂️He further stated:
🙏With the Gohonzon as our foundation, we of the Soka Gakkai are advancing towards the lofty goal of kosen-rufu.
🇧🇪And we are carrying out our practice based on studying the teachings of the world's greatest life philosophy, the quintessence of all Buddhist teachings.
🙏The karmic ties we share as fellow members, working together for kosen-rufu
with the Soka Gakkai, are profound indeed.
👋👋Mr Toda also said,
🙏🇧🇪"Closely examining human existence, Nichiren Buddhism solidly brings together the four viewpoints of self, life, society, and the universe.
✅ Read the Daishonin's writings more intently. Everything you need is written there.
✅If you make the Daishonin's writings your foundation, you will never be swayed by any problem.
✅If you base yourself on the supreme value of the Mystic Law, you'll always know how to proceed.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️If we look at things from the perspective of faith, the way forward will become clear to us.
💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️Do not be deceived by pretence or hypocrisy. The time of youth is one when we are easily swayed by our emotions and environment.
👋👋Establishing an unshakable foundation of Buddhist study in your lives while you are still young, therefore, is profoundly meaningful."
May 30th-June 5th, 2022


"Clearly visible proof"* is eloquent.

Having pride in the fact
that we can indeed show proof
of the impact of our actions,let's get out and about
and talk to others
about our movement!The pillars of the people are here
(where we are).

*"In light of all this, it would seem that, when one who is able to show clearly visible proof in the present expounds the Lotus Sutra, there also will be persons who will believe."
- "Letter to Hōren"(WND, Vol.1, page 512)Monday, May 30th, 2022--- DAILY GOSHO ---"When your mind begins to work, your body moves."(Concerning the Statue
of Shakyamuni Buddha
Fashioned by Nichigen-nyo- WND, Vol. 2, page 811)Selection Source:
Soka Gakkai
President Harada's encouragement,
Seikyo Newspaper, May 30th, 2022Tuesday, May 31st, 2022---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ----"Kosen-rufu means realising in our world today the beautiful realm created by the eternal Bodhisattvas of the Earth.... As we carry out our human revolution we are building in our local communities, networks of wonderful diversity, microcosms of world peace with everyone shines in their own unique way, just as cherry, plum, peach and damson blossoms each display their unique kind of beauty."

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating The World, [74] Expanding Our Gathering of Courageous Individuals Who Treasure the Dignity of Their Own and Others' Lives, Microcosms of World Peace, June 2021 issue of Daibyaku Renge -the Soka Gakkai study journal, translation released April 2022.
Today's Gosho: 798

"The sutras and treatises that have been brought from the western land of India to China and Japan run to more than five thousand or even seven thousand volumes. If one tries to use one's own judgment in deciding which of these various sutras and treatises are superior and which inferior, which profound and which shallow, which difficult and which easy, which early in date and which later, one will find that one is not up to the task. But if one tries to go by what other people say or what the various schools teach, one will be confused and led astray."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 481)

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