Friday, September 14, 2018

Courage is doing good, taking positive actions, not only for ourselves but for humanity

"Courage lies inside us. It is something we must rouse from within.

Courage is inseparable from justice. It is the determination to do what is right, to build a just society, and to follow the correct path as a human being. 

It is doing good, taking positive actions, not only for ourselves but for humanity. To do this, we need the indispensable power of courage. Our efforts in reality, shine with unsurpassed brilliance.

It takes courage to endure hardships and survive tough circumstances. It takes amazing courage to lead good, productive lives, day after day. And it also takes tremendous courage to share our opinions with our families and friends so that everyone, ourselves included can move in a more positive direction.

Those with the courage to do what is right, no matter what others say, possess a 'precious sword' of limitless power. In Buddhism, such people are called Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

True courage is defined by whether it is motivated by justice and compassion. 

Courage is indeed the highest virtue."

—Dr Daisaku Ikeda

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