Sunday, January 1, 2017

MD Lion Roar Daimoku Campaign, every Sunday and Thursday at 10.30 pm.

MD Lion Roar Daimoku Campaign, 
every Sunday and Thursday at 10.30 pm.

Let's chant and pray with great determination as "Starting fire from damp wood, extracting water from parched ground."

1. Breakthrough in every district propagation campaign to achieve 50,000 membership in SSA 50
2. Great growth and development of the Youth Division and the emergence of young Bodhisattvas of the Earth in every Distrct



1. 各个地区取得折伏运动的突破,达成SSA50的5万会员数。
2. 每个地区青年部的大成长,以及年青地涌菩的辈出。