Friday, September 16, 2016

Purpose of life... Value creation!

..."Why are we born? A life lived without meaning, without knowing the answer to that question, is shallow and empty. To just live, eat, and die without any real sense of purpose surely constitutes a base, animal-like existence.
"On the other hand, to do, create or contribute something (创价, jp. "Soka") that benefits others, society, and also ourselves, and to dedicate ourselves as long as we live to that challenge---that is a life of true satisfaction, a life of value, a life of the loftiest humanity." ...

"并非如此,而是为他人、为社会、为自己,费尽心思从事建设和贡献。为此目的,在有生之年毕生战到底。这才是"充实的人生"、"有价值的人生"、合乎人性的 "高层次人生"。...

[CL, Nov 2015, p41 & 42]

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