Saturday, August 20, 2016


21st Aug. DAILY GOSHO :

" How sad is this lot of ours, that all who are born must perish ! Though one may live to a great age, in the end one cannot escape this impermanence --- " 🙏

Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man

8月21日, 御书圣训 :
献给您的每一天 。

悲 哉 ! 生 者 必 灭 , 纵 得 长 寿 , 终 不 免 于 无 常 。

《 圣 愚 问 答 抄 》

真可悲呢 ? " 生者必灭 " 是世间的常理 。纵使获得长寿 , 最终也逃不过无常 。 🙏

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