Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy national day! Arise all bodhisattvas of the earth!

Today is National Day. Let us be grateful and contribute back to our country called Home. Our Mentor in life, President Ikeda, also said the following (SSA Times issue 5.8.2016), "In the preamble to the Constitution of the UNESCO, we find the words, 'Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed."' Building within each person's heart the defenses of peace - this is nothing other than 'establishing the correct teaching for the peace of the land',. We members of the SGI, call this struggle for peace' kosen-rufu'. " and it starts from inner transformation within each of us called human revolution to help each person realise their own innate state of Buddhahood. Sensei further mentioned, " Culture involves caring for others. It is wishing to bring happiness to the person in front of you, to make that person smile, and to give them hope. That sincerity is the essential spirit of culture that creates peace." (SSA Times issue 5.8.2016)

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