Friday, June 26, 2015

Warrior monks?
12:28:08 pm: Kwee! Chang: ( 妙 法 莲 华 经 CHAP 10 PG 402 = PG164)

我 所 说 诸 经 无 量 千 万 亿
已 说 今 说 当 说 而 於 其 中
此 法 华 经 最 为 难 信 难 解

The sutras I have preached number immeasurable thousands, ten thousands, millions. Among the sutras I have preached, now preached and will preached, this sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand.
27/6/15 12:28:08 pm: Kwee! Chang: This piece is about generic Buddhist text non Lotus Sutra though that is also violence in nature. This till date, only the Lotus Sutra makes the most sense but is too profound for some.

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