Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Fostering our juniors by showing deep concern for them

Second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda often said:
"strive harder than anyone to foster your juniors," and "Those who support the youth in using their potential to the fullest are truly admirable."Fostering the youth isn't merely a matter of talking to them at meetings;what counts is the depth of our concern for others.We should always interact sincerely with young people,as if they were our younger brothers and sisters or our own children.
~ SGI President Ikeda ~

创价学会第二任会长户田先生常说:"要比别人加倍努力培养后辈。" 还说 :"支持青年,使青年能尽情发挥的人伟大。" 所谓培养,不光是在会议上的指导。重要的不是形式,而是关怀对方的心。把接班人当做弟妹或自己的孩子,真诚相待。

~ 池田SGI 会长 ~

From Jun CL 2015 Back Page.

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