Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Aging gracefully is a challenge

Sensei's guidance:

"One of the fascinating things about human beings is this. Believe for long enough that you are not as smart as others and this will actually lead to intellectual ineptitude. But, confronted with the same doubts, if you choose to believe that your mind is merely dormant for now, lacking in exercise, once you begin to train it, there are no bounds to what you can achieve.

It has been said that aging gracefully is more difficult than dying, but as long as we have forward-looking, positive attitude, a spirit to take on challenges, we will gain depth in our lives."

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Sunday, November 24, 2024

On shakubuku


Q: I am not able to do shakubuku. I cannot seem to encourage people to come out for activities or take up faith in the Gohonzon. My wish is that they will come and chant and change their karma. No matter how I talk to them about my great experience, I am not successful in my shakubuku. This has been going on for 20 years.

ANS: I would like to praise you because shakubuku is something which is difficult to do. But you have tried to do it for 20 years now.

When we do shakubuku, we are sowing seeds of Buddhism. There are two types of relationships people have with Buddhism – a direct relationship or an adverse relationship.

Ultimately, the one who sows the seed will receive the same benefit as the one who listens. You must be very convinced that the people you have shakubuku for the past 20 years will one day come to believe in the Gohonzon.

If you continue in your endeavour, one day your friends will feel gratitude to you. You also owe debts of gratitude to them because it is because of them that you can do shakubuku. I hope you will engrave this confidence in yourself – that you are really practising ND's Buddhism. They will come to take faith one day. You must have this undefeated spirit we learnt just now.

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Saturday, November 23, 2024


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Friendship Concerts 14 Dec, 7 pm | 15 Dec, 2 pm | 15 Dec, 7 pm

Friendship Concerts

Dear Members,

We are very happy to announce an exciting event coming up in December, which we have designated as our Friendship Month this year.

This event is our Friendship Concert, titled "Undefeated".

The aim of the Friendship Concert is to connect new friends and non-practicing family members to our humanistic philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism through inspiring music and personal stories of courage and triumph – demonstrating the undefeated spirit within each of us.

There are three concert sessions: 
14 Dec, 7 pm
15 Dec, 2 pm
15 Dec, 7 pm

Venue: SGS HQ, 10 Tampines Street 81

Each session has a maximum capacity of 700 people.
To allow more introducers to connect their friends or family members through this platform, each member can register for up to five e-tickets (including themselves). Registration will be done online through Eventbrite.

Introducer must register the names of their new friends.

Links will be live from 25 November 2024, Monday.

Date: Sat, 14 Dec, 7:00 pm

Date: Sun, 15 Dec, 2:00 pm

Date: Sun, 15 Dec, 7:00 pm

Let's reach out to new friends today!

Ikeda Sensei says:
"Sharing Buddhism with others starts from your prayers for the other person's happiness. They will definitely feel the sincerity of your intent. It is your heart that touches and moves others' hearts." (Humanistic Teachings for Victory)


我们非常高兴地宣布,今年的 12 月被定为"友好月",届时将举行一项精彩的活动。


友好音乐会的目的是通过鼓舞人心的音乐和个人的勇气与胜利体验,将新朋友和未入 信的家庭成员与日莲佛法的人性哲学结缘,展示我们每个人内心的不输精神。

12 月 14 日晚上 7 点 
12 月 15 日下午 2 点 
12 月 15 日晚上 7 点

地点:SGS 总部,10 Tampines Street 81

每场演出最多可容纳 700 人。 为了让更多的介绍人通过这个平台使他们的朋友或家人认识日莲佛法,每位会员最多 可登记索取五张电子门票(包括自己)。

可通过 Eventbrite 在线登记。


链接将于 2024 年 11 月 25 日(星期一)开放登记。

日期: 12 月 14 日晚上 7 点

日期: 12 月 15 日下午 2 点

日期: 12 月 15 日晚上 7 点


池田先生说: "折伏是要从'祈求对方幸福'这一念开始。这种心意是不会传达不到的。只有真心 才能打动他人的心、才能感动他人的心。"("胜利的人学")

Friday, November 15, 2024

first death anniversary this Friday on the 15th of November, 2024

From the state team :)

As you are aware, we are approaching our mentor Daisaku Ikeda's first death anniversary this Friday on the 15th of November, 2024. His death anniversary provides us with a timely reminder to reflect on our commitment to kosenrufu and deepen our mentor & disciple spirit.

From an essay written for publication in a 2009 edition of Seikyo Shimbun, President Ikeda wrote:

"I have always acted in exact accord with the courageous lion's roar of my mentor, and I have honoured the anniversary of his death each year with the actual proof of my victories. The period from April 2 to May 3 (substitute with November 15) is a time for disciples to demonstrate proof of their victories to their mentor. It is also a time for disciples to pledge fresh victory to their mentor and embark on achieving it.

Striving side by side
and winning victories
in this lifetime,
let's advance joyously
in response to our mentor's call."

Our executive team in SGIA has received information from the SGI Headquarters in Japan, encouraging us all members to chant daimoku with deep appreciation, individually on November 15, instead of holding a special gongyo or memorial meeting for this occasion.

Please use this coming Friday to offer sincere daimoku of gratitude to the tremendous efforts of our mentor throughout most of his life for the Gakkai. Doing so privately would also reaffirm our individual personal connection with our mentor and determination to carry on his spirit forward, beyond the centennial of Soka Gakkai's founding.

Thank you!

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Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A Triumphant Drama

A Triumphant Drama

an SGI-USA member who, through changing her karma into mission, achieved a life of great human revolution. Praising her, he says that the Soka Gakkai is a gathering of bodhisattvas who have stood up to shoulder their own unique, noble missions.

Throughout Japan and the world, our women's division members—the mothers of kosen-rufu—are leading their lives with confidence, determination, and fortitude.

One such woman is an SGI-USA pioneer member. After marrying an American in Japan, she went to the United States with her husband and their young son in 1966. Her husband was in the military and was sent to Vietnam. Left alone in the United States with her son and not yet fluent in English, she performed hard menial work to earn extra money to make ends meet. Even after her husband's return from the war, the family's financial difficulties continued.

Eventually the couple had another son, but he was born with serious disabilities. Doctors said he would never walk or talk and advised them to commit him to an institution, but the mother fiercely resolved to raise her son herself.

To survive, she sold virtually everything she had—her clothes, including the precious silk kimono she had brought from Japan, her pots and pans—but the family still didn't have enough to live on. Why did she experience all this suffering? The harsh waves of karma seemed to pound her relentlessly.

Having been an active district-level leader in the Soka Gakkai in Japan, however, this member squarely faced the challenges before her; she refused to run away from reality. She held down a job during the day and exerted herself tirelessly on the front lines of kosen-rufu in the evenings.

One evening, she was seated before the Gohonzon as usual. As she was chanting in a clear, resounding voice, the hour grew late; suddenly, she felt as if a brilliant light illuminated her mind: "I am a proud member of the Soka Gakkai. I have the Gohonzon. I have nothing to fear. There is no way that I won't become happy." Tears of unsurpassed joy fell from her eyes.

The sun of happiness rises brightly in the lives of those who valiantly take on, here and now, the challenges presented by their circumstances, their lives, and the struggle for kosen-rufu.

In a letter addressed to a woman follower, the Daishonin writes: "There is nothing to lament when we consider that we will surely become Buddhas" (WND-1, 657).

The Lotus Sutra teaches the profound principle of "voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma."*1 According to the sutra, bodhisattvas, of their own free will, seek to be reborn into an evil age because they empathize with those who are suffering and wish to lead them to happiness.

Each of us, no matter what hardships we may face or what circumstances we may find ourselves in, has a noble mission that only we can fulfill. When we deeply recognize this, everything changes.

We have been born in this world, at this time, to accomplish the great vow we made in the remote past. Our karma is our mission; it is the stage upon which we play out our magnificent drama of transforming adversity into triumph. No matter how difficult or challenging the reality of our lives may be, there is no other separate place where we can achieve happiness.

This pioneer member's elder son grew up watching his mother's courageous example. He went on to graduate as a top student of his class at Yale University.

Her younger son, whom doctors had said would never walk, can even run now, and he also participates in SGI meetings.

This January [2004], this wonderful woman, at 79, declared proudly: "I don't feel old at all. For kosen-rufu, I will continue speaking out to defend the truth and justice of the Soka Gakkai as long as I live!" She is a woman who has triumphed brilliantly.

The resounding music of our women's division members' unceasing efforts fills the air day after day in every community and locale. Truly, they are the driving force of kosen-rufu, and no praise, no matter how eloquent, can fully do them justice. Every day, my wife and I pray earnestly and sincerely that all of these admirable women who work for and devote themselves to kosen-rufu will enjoy lives of boundless happiness and fulfillment.

Mothers of kosen-rufu, who shine like the sun, let your joyous voices ring out even more powerfully with courage, truth, and victory!

I will pray all my life for your wonderful development, and that your strong, happy, and wise voices may resound ever more vibrantly.

From an essay series "The Light of the Century of Humanity," published in Japanese in the Seikyo Shimbun, January 19, 2004.

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Monday, November 11, 2024

给座谈会御书讲解干事的补充资料(11月份)---- 复四条金吾书其七(别名“八风抄”)








写于: 1276 或 1277 年

写给: 镰仓的中心弟子四条金吾



































重要的是, 不要被眼前的利害得失或世间的评判所左右,而是要打造不被人生中的任何逆境所动摇的坚强的自己。我们创价学会员每天的信心修行和活动的目的就在于此。




















当面对挑战时,我们是否问问自己 ...
























