Saturday, November 23, 2024

Friendship Concerts 14 Dec, 7 pm | 15 Dec, 2 pm | 15 Dec, 7 pm

Friendship Concerts

Dear Members,

We are very happy to announce an exciting event coming up in December, which we have designated as our Friendship Month this year.

This event is our Friendship Concert, titled "Undefeated".

The aim of the Friendship Concert is to connect new friends and non-practicing family members to our humanistic philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism through inspiring music and personal stories of courage and triumph – demonstrating the undefeated spirit within each of us.

There are three concert sessions: 
14 Dec, 7 pm
15 Dec, 2 pm
15 Dec, 7 pm

Venue: SGS HQ, 10 Tampines Street 81

Each session has a maximum capacity of 700 people.
To allow more introducers to connect their friends or family members through this platform, each member can register for up to five e-tickets (including themselves). Registration will be done online through Eventbrite.

Introducer must register the names of their new friends.

Links will be live from 25 November 2024, Monday.

Date: Sat, 14 Dec, 7:00 pm

Date: Sun, 15 Dec, 2:00 pm

Date: Sun, 15 Dec, 7:00 pm

Let's reach out to new friends today!

Ikeda Sensei says:
"Sharing Buddhism with others starts from your prayers for the other person's happiness. They will definitely feel the sincerity of your intent. It is your heart that touches and moves others' hearts." (Humanistic Teachings for Victory)


我们非常高兴地宣布,今年的 12 月被定为"友好月",届时将举行一项精彩的活动。


友好音乐会的目的是通过鼓舞人心的音乐和个人的勇气与胜利体验,将新朋友和未入 信的家庭成员与日莲佛法的人性哲学结缘,展示我们每个人内心的不输精神。

12 月 14 日晚上 7 点 
12 月 15 日下午 2 点 
12 月 15 日晚上 7 点

地点:SGS 总部,10 Tampines Street 81

每场演出最多可容纳 700 人。 为了让更多的介绍人通过这个平台使他们的朋友或家人认识日莲佛法,每位会员最多 可登记索取五张电子门票(包括自己)。

可通过 Eventbrite 在线登记。


链接将于 2024 年 11 月 25 日(星期一)开放登记。

日期: 12 月 14 日晚上 7 点

日期: 12 月 15 日下午 2 点

日期: 12 月 15 日晚上 7 点


池田先生说: "折伏是要从'祈求对方幸福'这一念开始。这种心意是不会传达不到的。只有真心 才能打动他人的心、才能感动他人的心。"("胜利的人学")