Monday, September 25, 2023

The essence of “Soka dialogue"

The essence of "Soka dialogue"
which we earnestly engage in is:
Compassionately help others
to connect with Buddhism,
never discriminate between
those who will and won't (practise)
always believe in our friends (practising)."
Let's together advance on the journey
of respecting all human beings!

"The Venerable Maudgalyana put his faith in the Lotus Sutra, which is the greatest good there is, and thus not only did he himself attain Buddhahood, but his father and mother did so as well."

"On Offering for Deceased Ancestors,''
WND-l page 820)

"'In the case of this sutra [the Lotus Sutral, the benefits gained from it increase in depth and bounty, and they continue down to the fiftieth person who hears of it. In the case of the other sutras, however, there is no benefit to be gained even by the first person who hears them, much less by the second, third or fourth person, and so on down to the fiftieth person.

"'Though rivers may be deep, their depth cannot match even the shallow places of the ocean.'

- "The Essence of the
Medicine King' Chapter" (WND-1, 92).

"Even the fiftieth person who rejoices on hearing the Lotus Sutra in a joyous chain of transmission gains immeasurable benefit. Such infectious joy and boundless benefit are found in our discussion meetings.

"Members' experiences in faith attest to the tremendous power of the Mystic Law. Confidently sharing our stories with others is the best way to spread the wonderful life philosophy we uphold.

"Today, the joy of practising Nichiren Buddhism is being shared around the world through platforms such as the Seikyo Newspaper and many other SGI publications and websites. Together let's create an ever-widening and ever-deepening ocean of joy and good fortune!"

Towards a Hope-Filled Future with the Daishonin's Writings, Joyfully Sharing Our Experiences in Faith Is a Source of Boundless benefit, translated from May 27th, 2023 issue of the Seikyo Newspaper, translation released August 2023

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