亲爱的 XXX 女士
得知您的 丈夫 XXX 先生 逝世的消息,深为痛惜。
可是, 因为受持妙法,您的至亲所享有的福运和功德 将永远装饰和辉耀他的生命。
又云: “口中唱奉妙法时, 自身的佛性也受到呼唤, 必能显现出来。
March 16, 2020
Some of you may have seen them on lakes, ponds or in rice paddies. They are large, beautiful and snowy white. From long ago, people have loved and cherished swans. I myself have taken photographs of them in Japan and in various places around the world. I also wrote a children's picture book, The Snow Country Prince, which tells the story of an injured swan, who wishes to fly again. In addition, there is a well-loved Soka Women's College song called "Oh Swans."
Their journey from Siberia is about 2,485 miles. It takes them two weeks, flying with all their might, to arrive here.
When swans fly long distances, they do so in what is called a V-formation. The air movement created by the wings of the lead swan reduces wind resistance, making it easier for the swans in the formation to fly. When the lead swan tires, one of the other swans takes its place. They help one another out in this way as they fly together.
When we help and encourage one another, our strength multiplies. That's the wonderful thing about teamwork.
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The whooper swan, the species that migrates to Japan, weighs between 17 and 26 pounds. How can such a heavy bird take off from the water?
It's like jumping over a gymnastics vault. To clear the vault, you need to make a running start to gain momentum. In the same way, these swans run at full speed on the water's surface for about 32 feet while flapping their wings, until they finally take flight and begin the long journey to their destination.
I'm sure many of you have dreams for the future, such as the kind of a person you want to become or the things you want to do. You may be worried whether you can fulfill your dreams. But what matters is having the courage to simply try. That will become your running start toward your dreams.
Even if you don't have clear dreams for the future right now, why not try setting yourself a goal that you are comfortable with? It could be something like going to bed earlier and rising earlier, tackling a school subject you find difficult or helping your parents out. The important thing is to set a concrete goal.
Once you've decided, your running start begins. One day of success will equal one day of growth. If you continue challenging yourself in this way, you will eventually discover your dream and soar high into the future.
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Birds have their own paths they follow in the sky. People also have paths to follow: the path of learning, the path of effort, the path of truth and justice, the path of happiness, the path of peace and the path of victory toward realizing their dreams.
Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo gives us the strength to spread our wings broadly so that we can follow these paths wholeheartedly together.
In his writings, Nichiren Daishonin talks about swans in illustrating the power of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to invigorate our lives (see "King Rinda," The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, pp. 985–86).
In my mind's eye, I can see all of you, my dear friends of the elementary school division, soaring through the skies of hope in a V-for-victory formation, just like the swans.
Together, let's take the first courageous step in our running start toward the new year!
There is nothing I look forward to more than being able to converse with you, my precious friends, and to see how much you have grown.
Please have a wonderful, healthy New Year!
今晚我们聚集在此向已故 陈美琴 女士致敬,
仪式的导师是 黄运章 先生
由 黄运章 先生 带领我们读通《法华经》的 方便品 与 寿量品 之 自我偈 让我们至诚祈愿已故 陈美琴 女士追善回向。
(Ceremony proceeds)
现在让我请导师 黄运章先生 致词
谢谢 黄先生
现在让我请 钟请亮 先生来宣读理事长的品唁
谢谢 钟先生
现在让我请 _____女士/先生 代表丧家致词
謝謝 _______ 女士/先生
请大家起立,向己故 陈美琴 女士鞠躬・(一鞠躬,再鞠躬,三鞠躬)
谢谢!请大家坐下 (司仪宣布出殡当天的事宜)
明天的告别仪式将在上午 4点15分 举行
上午4点45分 前往万里火化厂第1厅火化
品*之*自我偈* 让我们至诚祈愿己故
先生带领我们读通《法华经》的*方便品*与* 寿量
Daily Daimoku Session - Script for Emcee
Dear friends and members, tonight we gather at this Daimoku Session, to offer our sincere prayers for the happiness and the enlightenment of the deceased Mr./Mrs.
, and to pay our deepest respect to him/her.
The Leader of Daimoku Session is Mr.
(introduce his position)
Let me now explain the ceremony proceedings, which are as follow: -
*Recite "Expedient Means" and verse section of the "Life Span" Chapter of the Lotus Sutra
Chant daimoku
The ceremony will now commence with Mr.
leading us in the chanting of
"Expedient Means" and verse section of the "Life Span" Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. We would like to offer our most sincere prayers for the happiness and immediate attainment of Buddhahood of the late
_ Lets us also pray for the happiness and well being of
his/her family and relatives.
Thank you, (Emcee will make the announcement with regard to the day of funeral).
亲爱的 Logan 女士,
得知您的 母亲 陈美琴女士 逝世的消息,深为痛惜。
又云: "口中唱奉妙法时,自身的佛性也受到呼唤,必能显现出来。梵天,帝释的佛性受到呼唤而来守护我们。"