Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Nichiren Buddhism enables us to find deeper meaning in hardships


8月 3日

Daily Encouragement
Daisaku Ikeda's

August 3
It is important that we have the inner richness to be able to look up at the stars or the moon and compose a poem once in a while. When we open wide our minds and fix our gaze on the universe, we fix our gaze on our own life.
Good Day Myo Ho friends !
🙏Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo to you.
🙆‍♀️Let's encourage one other.
👋👋The path to achieving the goal of Buddhist practice is attaining the life state of Buddhahood.
👋👋"Human Revolution" is a state of perfecting oneself in this present lifetime.
👋👋The aim of our Buddhist practice is none other than achieving our human revolution.

📝Let's learn from Ikeda Sensei's guidance

💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️7 signs of inner transformation based on a life of courageous action.

📚The New Human Revolution, Vol 19, Chapter" Sunlight" , pg 184–88

🇧🇪Ikeda Sensei ✍️

🙏🪷😇 "Our lives, both body and spirit, are entities of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and human revolution is the process of manifesting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the life state of Buddhahood, therein.

🤔🤔What, then, characterizes human revolution?
🧐🧐What does it look like?

💁🏻‍♂️I offer some points on this subject to you today.

1. 🧘‍♀️🧘🏻‍♂️Health
✅"The first is regarding health.
We need to demonstrate the power of our practice in accord with the concept of 'faith manifested in health.'
💁🏻‍♂️Of course, the question of karma is also involved; nevertheless, when our health is compromised we cannot be as active as we would like.
💁🏻‍♀️Given that we are made of flesh and blood, it is only natural that we will experience sickness.
🛎But the important thing is our earnest Buddhist prayer to be healthy and to attune our lives to the fundamental rhythm of the universe at the deepest level.
🛎🛎Without such profundity in our prayer and a balanced lifestyle, we cannot say that we are genuinely practicing Nichiren Buddhism."

2. 💃🕺Youthfulness
✅The second characteristic.
Maintaining a youthful spirit throughout our lives is proof of our human revolution. 👋👋As long as we continue to practice vibrantly and strive to improve and develop ourselves, we will never lose our youthful spirit.

3. 🙏🧧Good Fortune
✅The third characteristic was good fortune.
🙏📿✌️ All of the victories we achieve through chanting sincerely and working diligently for kosen-rufu come back to us as benefit and good fortune that adorn our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
🙏😇In our turbulent society, it is this good fortune that protects us and enables us to experience genuine fulfillment.

4. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️Wisdom
✅The fourth quality was wisdom.
👍✌️To perfect ourselves and develop into leaders who can function effectively in society, we need to cultivate our minds. Failing to do so will lead to our defeat.

5. 💙💛❤️Passion
✅The fifth distinguishing characteristic is passion.
🙏🇧🇪True practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism burn with a passionate spirit to achieve kosen-rufu, and their lives shine. 💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️No matter how intelligent we are, if we lose our passion and enthusiasm, it would be no exaggeration to say that we are little better than a living corpse. Passion is also a requirement for happiness.
🛎🛎For the most part, whether we are happy comes down to whether we can feel passionate about things in our lives.

6. 🙏💪Conviction
✅The sixth quality was conviction.
🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻Human revolution means to become a person who shines with firm conviction.
💁🏻‍♂️💁💁🏻‍♀️Without a sound philosophy, without conviction, we are like a ship without a compass; we lose our way in life and run the risk of becoming shipwrecked when the winds of adversity start to blow.

7. ✌️✌️Victory
✅The seventh and final characteristic of human revolution was victory.
🙏✌️Buddhism is about winning.
💁🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️It is through our achieving victory upon victory that we carry out our human revolution. A life of victory is a life of human revolution. Our lives and kosen-rufu are a struggle. When we triumph in those struggles, we can demonstrate the truth and correctness of our cause.

🙏🇧🇪After offering these seven characteristics of human revolution on
-health, youthfulness, good fortune,
wisdom, passion, conviction and victory-
💁🏻‍♂️Ikeda Sensei went on to say that being a true Buddhist practitioner also requires
bringing forth one's compassion, which embraces all of these characteristics."

💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♂️"When we make faith for overcoming hardships the foundation of our lives, we can definitely transform the negative into something positive in accord with the principle of changing poison into medicine.
🙏💪We can also definitely transform our karma, attain Buddhahood in this lifetime and open the path of kosen-rufu ever wider."
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
Take the utmost care
against heat exhaustion!
While not hesitating
to use the air conditioner,
let's make sure
to stay well hydrated.
When outside,
let's also effectively take
preventive measures,
such as putting up a parasol,
wearing a hat (with a good brim),

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022
"Just as flowers open up and bear fruit, just as the moon appears and invariably grows full, just as a lamp becomes brighter when oil is added, and just as plants and trees flourish with rain, so will human beings never fail to prosper when they make good causes."

("The Third Day of the New Year,"
WND-l page 1013 )
Selection Source:
Member's Experience in Faith
Seikyo Newspaper: August 2nd, 2022

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022
"Nichiren Buddhism enables us to find deeper meaning in hardships, encouraging us to see them as opportunities for strengthening our faith and our lives. Our faith grows stronger through confronting and challenging our karma head-on. The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to establish a serene, unshakeable state of happiness.

"The established Buddhist schools of the Daishonin's day taught that people's suffering and hardships were retribution for their negative causes, or bad karma, from past existences. But that explanation could not serve as a force for breaking through and transforming real-life challenges.

"Nichiren Buddhism, on the other hand, is a teaching that enables people to change their destiny. That is because the Mystic Law is the fundamental means for overcoming all suffering."

The Buddhism of the Sun—Illuminating the World, [75] To Our Future Division Members, the Torchbearers of Justice—Our Hope for the Future, Changing Karma into Mission, July 2021 issue of Daibyakurenge, translation released May 2022.


One who abides by the Lotus Sutra will inevitably attain Buddhahood. Therefore, the devil king of the sixth heaven, the lord of this threefold world, will become intensely jealous of anyone who abides by the sutra. 🙏🏻

The Actions of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra


持 法 华 经 者 因 必 成 佛,故 有 云 第 六 天 魔 王 之 三 界 之 主,对 持 此 经 之 人 强 嫉 。


受持法华经的人一定成佛 。才有名叫第六天魔王的三界主宰,对受持这部经的人非常嫉妒 。 🙏🏻
🙏3rd Aug Daily Guidance by Daisaku Ikeda:
When your determination changes, everything else will begin to move in the direction you desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fibre in your being will immediately orient itself towards your success. On the other hand, if you think, "This is never going to work out," then, at that instant, every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight, and everything then really will move in the direction of failure.

Today's Gosho: 862

"With the exception of this Lotus Sutra, the attainment of Buddhahood is not regarded as a possibility. Nowhere outside of this one sutra is there any indication that women can attain Buddhahood. In fact, in the sutras preached prior to the Lotus Sutra, women are looked on with great distaste….This being the case , women in particular should make the Lotus Sutra the object of their faith and devotion."

Nichiren Daishonin (WND2, 308/309)

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