Saturday, October 30, 2021

mothers’ love, basis of world peace; Friendship

10月 31日


October 31

There's no distinction between friend and foe in the heart of a compassionate mother who loves her children. This is the starting point for love of humanity and peace. Returning to this spirit of motherly love is a certain means for peacefully resolving conflicts no matter how complicated the situation, even in the case of nations entangled in war.







Saturday, October 30th, 2021-- TO MY FRIENDS --The Daishonin states,"It is better to live

a single day with honour(than to live 120

and die with disgrace)."*In order to fulfil the vow

that we have made ourselves,let's challenge this day

that will never come again,

leaving behind no regrets!*WND, Vol.1, page 851The Three Kinds of Treasure

Saturday, October 30th, 2021--- DAILY GOSHO ---"A blue fly, if it clings to the tail of a thoroughbred horse, can travel ten thousand miles, and the green ivy that twines around the tall pine can grow to a thousand feet."(On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land

- WND, Vol. 1, page 17)Selection Source: "Kyo no Hosshin,"

Seikyo Newspaper, Oct. 30th, 2021Sunday, October 31st, 2021---- DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT ---- "'The Venerable Maudgalyayana [one of the Buddha's 10 major disciples] put his faith in the Lotus Sutra, which is the greatest good there is, and thus not only did he himself attain Buddhahood, but his father and mother did so as well. And, amazing as it may seem, all the fathers and mothers of the preceding seven generations and the seven generations that followed, indeed, of countless lifetimes before and after, were able to become Buddhas.'

– From 'On Offerings for Deceased Ancestors' (WND–1, 820).

"The power of the Mystic Law transcends time and space. The brilliant light of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo reaches our deceased loved ones, relieving their suffering and imparting joy, and guides them unfailingly towards Buddhahood. We can even repay debts of gratitude to the deceased that we were unable to while they were alive.

"Based on the oneness of life and death, our daily Soka Gakkai activities—chanting for the happiness of our friends and contributing to the peace and security of society—serve as the greatest possible offerings we can make to the deceased. We can enfold family members of past generations in the good fortune and benefit we receive through our Buddhist practice and also illuminate the lives of family members of generations yet to come."

Spreading the Brilliant Light of the Daishonin's Writings, [48] Chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo Is the Greatest Offering for the Deceased, Aug. 9th, 2021 issue of the Seikyo Newspaper, translation released October 2021.


10月31日 一开始便一帆风顺,就不能成为了不起的人。战胜重大苦难,才有永垂不朽的光荣。人生的妙趣是在于此。无论在任何领域,跨越辛劳成长起来的人,必定会走向成功。 摘自池田大作先生的《今日指导》第六册




一旦决定了,就要持续下去。达成目标为止,要持续忍耐、努力。只要持续敲门,胜利之门一定会打开。( 1992年10月19日 )

一一摘自台湾《SGI 会长池田大作指导珠玉集》


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