Friday, April 23, 2021

Message from SSA General Director for All SSA Members


Dear fellow comrades of faith,
Greetings to all in this significant month of April!
On April 28, 1253, Nichiren Daishonin at the age of 32, declared the establishment of his teachings based on his profound understanding of the Lotus Sutra, the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is the teaching capable of saving all people in the Latter Day of the Law from sufferings. He was prepared to face all challenges and difficulties in propagating the Mystic Law.
Our successive presidents have also demonstrated with their actions, the similar determination to spread Nichiren Buddhism to enable more people to become truly happiness. This April 2 will mark the 63rd anniversary of the passing of second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda who had selflessly dedicated himself to the great goal of kosen-rufu in the same spirit as the Daishonin; achieving the remarkable feat of 750,000 membership households in his lifetime.
It was also President Toda who had reconstructed the Soka Gakkai from the ruins in the aftermath of World War II and laid the foundation for the growth and development of Nichiren Buddhism globally. His vision to relieve this world of sufferings was inherited by his disciple, Ikeda Sensei.
Let us not forget our debts of gratitude to the Daishonin and our Soka mentors who had selflessly dedicated their lives, to show us the "unsurpassed enlightenment" and lead us to perceive the mystic truth and attainment of Buddhahood in this lifetime. At the same time, let us remind ourselves to continue this mission of kosen-rufu, the life long quest of our mentors, regardless of whatever challenges we may face.
SSA's Advisory No. 34 1 April 2021

Ikeda Sensei in a recent article wrote;
"As we celebrate the 800th Anniversary of Nichiren Daishonin's birth, let us as heirs to his spirit, strengthen our prayers and actions to bring peace and tranquillity to our lands and to all people throughoutthe world based on the life-affirming principles of Buddhism."
I believe all of us in Singapore are rejoicing on the improved situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and our gradual return to normalcy. We are grateful for all the efforts by the various Government ministries, the community and grassroot organisations, and the many unsung heroes in Singapore who have united in this battle against the crisis.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all your prayers and great efforts in reaching out to encourage and support all our members during this challenging period.
Let us continue to send prayers for the early return to normalcy , the safety and good health of everyone in our families and our friends .
Towards a victorious May 3, let us advance in gratitude and harmonious unity with the spirit of "many in body, in one mind".
Please take good care of yourself in the meantime. Do remain vigilant and stay safe.
Tay Eng Kiat General Director

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