Friday, March 22, 2019

Message from Sensei in commemoration of 5th anniversary of establishment of Singapore Mentor Memorial Hall

The Mystic Law is the fundamental law of the great universe.
Kosenrufu is a grand movement dedicated to the realisation of ultimate justice, happiness and peace.
That is why there is absolutely nothing that we cannot break through with our faith.
I (Sensei) sincerely hope that as you continue to chant resounding daimoku, the lion's roar Nam-myoho-renge-Kyo, you will move people's hearts and activate their inherent Buddhahood, and consequently accumulate great benefits in both your lives and that of others.

[Excerpted from message by SGI president Ikeda in commemoration of the 5th Anniversary of Singapore Mentor Memorial Hall]
广宣流布 是获得究极的正义、幸福与和平的大运动。
