Sunday, May 1, 2016

Keep Moving Forward

"Of course, you will have problems, make mistakes, and have regrets. But what matters is not allowing them to defeat you. Just keep pressing forwards, ever forwards, pushing through all problems and suffering.

"Suppose you are lost in the jungle. You want to find your way out and reach the ocean but don't know which way to go. What will you do? The answer is, keep moving ahead along any course until you come to a river. Then, if you follow the river downstream, you will eventually reach the ocean.

"Move forwards. As you struggle, chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and keep pressing ahead, even if only a millimetre, two millimetres. If you keep that up all your life, when you finally look back, you'll see you've made your way out of the jungle.

"The more you suffer, the more sadness you experience, and the more daimoku you chant, the more profound a life you will lead. All will serve to nourish your growth into leaders of the 21st century."

SGI Newsletter No. 9388, The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, Part 2: Human Revolution, Chap. 17: Message for Youth [Part 2 of 4], 17.6 Keep Moving Forwards, from the January 2016 issue of the Daibyakurenge, translation released 22nd April, 2016

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