Sunday, July 26, 2015

Must not have 2 minds

27/7/15 8:10:35 am: Kwee! Chang: Sensei's guidance:
"The Daishonin sternly warns that even if one calls
oneself a disciple of Nichiren, one must not be of 'two minds' practising both the 'others' and the Lotus Sutra. He seeks to drive home the importance of establishing unshakeable faith in the correct teaching.

"Two minds' refers to the weakness that prevents one from being able to believe solely and fully in the Lotus Sutra.

"Buddhism is rigorous (严格).
There can no compromise in its faith and practice. One must always remain completely committed to it, and not of 'two minds'.

"Being of 'two minds' is having weak faith that can be affected by things and events around us, that which constitute slander of the Law!!"

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